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男子借解酒药壮胆险醉死饭桌 专家称根本不靠谱--亲稳舆论引导监测室
"Thanks to the rescue in time,Or we'll really drunk the death at the dinner table."Before meal by secretly take understand Chinese yeast,Drink a few cups of wuhan citizens liu wei nearly died.
Recently, reporters survey found,Near the end of the year,Each big pharmacy of"Solution wine medicine"Sales almost doubled.Experts say,The medicine did not at spectrum,Want to rely on it almost impossible to forget.
不少市民借解酒药壮胆 Many people borrow the wine medicine and courageous
The day before yesterday at 11 p.m.,In a car sales company to work for a drunken liu wei vomiting coma,Was rushed to the nearby hospital 5 in wuhan,After nearly two hours rescue just out of danger.
"Before eating,Secretly ate two single solution wine medicine,Wish this can the customer with good."The wine by medicine and courageous of liu wei on the wine table provide heroism,One after another initiative for the customer to drink,Results in less than an hour just can't stand it,Run to toilet vomiting,Then cause trachea blocked,Fell into a coma,Thanks to be cleaning the waiter was discovered in time,He was not drunk died in the toilet.
Recently reporter survey found,Near the end of the year,Each big pharmacy of"Solution wine medicine"Sales almost doubled,Many people borrow the wine medicine and courageous.
In the common people pharmacy/Kyushu through pharmacy/Taikang big pharmacy and mass pharmacy, etc more than ten in the pharmacy,Medicine did 10 species,The kudzu root/Wolfberry fruit/Turmeric is such as Chinese medicine,Also have to amino acids/vitamin/Calcium pantothenate, etc as main ingredients.In addition to the popular capsule,And infusion/Tablet, etc,Price from more than ten dollars to hundreds of dollars have.
According to a drugstore 导购员 is introduced,The wine has two kinds of medicine,A drink in half an hour before eating,One is in after get drunk to eat,Before drinking eat drink can guarantee how many are not drunk,After get drunk to eat to have the effect of the wine twenty minutes,Also can play the role of protect liver.
每晚百余醉酒者送医院治疗 Every night more than inebriate taken to hospital
The Spring Festival is near,The service must reach its peak,Reporter from wuhan general hospital of guangzhou military command/The seven hospital heart/Hanyang hospital/Changhang hospitals and other dozens of hospital emergency department learned that,Nearly a week's time,Every night a big head was sent to hospital for treatment,More than ten hospitals added up to hundreds of people.
Since have the wine medicine can self-defense,Why are there still so many people were taken to hospital,What medicine did have the effect?
"I think the effect still is very obvious."Engaged in the real estate planning work of the royal army had before dinner party,Had a girlfriend prepared medicine did,That night was only 1 two of his capacity for liquor,Drink almost 4 two wine,The results just feel a little dizzy,But did not pass out.
"Look at the[Beijing love story]Eat medicine with the wine to the plot,impressed,I am also has special friends go to Hong Kong bought some capsule back,But nothing worked,"Drink good ShenJianHua said,"This thought can take on the wine table‘Exhibition Wells’,But after eating a little vomiting feeling,Capacity for liquor but as before."
■专家观点 S expert view
1 解酒药或给肝脏带来负担 1 the wine to bring medicine or liver burden
Survey found,Pharmacy sales of medicine did not actually medicine,Dimension is"Health food card words"/"Health food approved by the",The specification is not clear the wine label function,And clearly"On chemical liver injury have assisted protection"/"This product can't take the place of drugs".
Reporters from wuhan food and drug administration to know,marked"Health food card words"/"Health food approved by the"Did the medicine belong to the health food,Consumer is buying similar products must see,Don't take it as a drug purchase and use.
Wuhan fifth hospital emergency departments WeiSong doctor is introduced,According to the current market in the sale solution wine medicine composition analysis,The wine contains oyster powder of medicine,Not only did not have very good effect,It will cause damage to the stomach.And the wine contains kudzu root composition of medicine,It is through the acceleration fluid discharge,Make the alcohol with fluid metabolism out,So as to achieve the effect of the wine.
Thus it can be seen,The wine medicine is mainly through promoting alcohol metabolism to indirect to the wine,For liver function not good people effect was more obvious,But will give the liver bring certain burden,What cause different degree of damage,Is a kind of the remedy is worse than the practice.
Experts say,Human body"Solution wine enzyme"To the number of a resolution of alcohol digestive ability,The current solution wine drug can't clear increase"Solution wine enzyme"quantity,So I want to rely on it almost impossible to forget.
2 喝酒前可喝杯牛奶 2 before drink can drink a cup of milk
Since the market of sell like hot cakes on the wine medicine by spectrum,So folk history by spectrum? Whether the wine folk prescription?
At present,Folk history solution wine folk prescription mainly has strong tea and drink milk two,Experts point out that the wine is very strong tea without spectrum,Because alcohol itself will cause damage to the stomach,And tea inside of theophylline also got a boost to the stomach.In addition,To drink strong tea easy to cause vomiting,If you don't pay attention to words easy to jam the trachea,Or cause gastrointestinal bleeding.So suggest drink many later don't eat,Don't drink.
And before drinking a cup of milk is still on the spectrum,Drink a bottle of milk,The best is pure milk or sugar,Can prevent drunkenness gastritis and dehydration disorder.Add sugar or honey drink the milk,Not only can promote the decomposition of ethanol,And can protect a stomach mucosa.
3 酒后催吐最伤胃 3 drunk vomiting most hurt a stomach
"Got drunk,A lot of people like vomiting,It is very dangerous."yesterday,Wuhan fifth hospital emergency departments WeiSong doctor is introduced,Big head not blindly vomiting,The vomiting may cause gastric mucosa bleeding,Serious can cause bleeding esophageal cardiac tear,Have the digestive tract disease had better not drink,Avoid alcohol to the gastrointestinal tract cause more damage,worse.
The expert reminds,For a healthy people,Daily drinking liquor not more than half,Red wine not more than one or two,Otherwise, will give the liver problems.
■他山之石 S advice from others
Westerners how to forget?
Wine culture popular all over the world,In the west will also have drunk phenomenon,Westerners through what method solution wine?
Eat fruit
Fruit of fructose can strengthen the ability of the body burning alcohol.Can eat a little cherry/Grapes and apples,They all have a special rich fructose.
Drink sports drinks
Because alcohol has diuretic effect,So will frequently voiding,This can lead to dehydration.
Sports drinks can supplement the body of the loss of water and minerals,Can prevent dehydration.
Soup stock let intestines and stomach uncomfortable
A bowl of soup stock is ideal hangover after breakfast,It can easily be stomach absorption,Help supplement those for alcohol and loss of salt/Potassium and other essential nutrients.
Take painkillers
As for alcohol causes of headache,The study confirmed,Over-the-counter class painkillers have jiedu effect,Aspirin and ibuprofen is the best choice,But to wait until after drinking at least 4 hours to take,Otherwise drugs can make gastric more uncomfortable.
Don't forget to vitamin C before drinking
Vitamin C can help the body quickly discharge alcohol.(Section of the Yangtze river)
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