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Nearly ten years,Along with the continuous development of medical and health services,And medical related laws and regulations is perfect,The rights of citizens consciousness also gradually increases,Doctor-patient dispute between appeared increasingly,The whole society has become the hot issues.
"In recent years,The medical dispute complaint case acceptance quantity increase."Beijing xicheng district people's procuratorate prosecutors through the survey found,"As people health consciousness and legal consciousness unceasingly strengthens,Began to seek for multi-level legal support,For medical behavior question and dissatisfaction from the Angle for upgrading to court,The number of medical tort litigation an upward trend.Wl MinHang procuratorate in 2011 and 2012 accepted review medical tort complaints that each account for more than 10% of the community,All for 2008 and 2009 two years review the cases of total three times".
患方仍处医疗纠纷弱势地位 A party still at a disadvantage of medical disputes
Through the investigation of the case have to deal with medical disputes,Wl procuratorate prosecutors found,Medical professional and medical means the complexity of doctor-patient both medical treatment obviously in rights and obligations of the unequal status,"In order to adjust the special relationship,Although civil action evidence rule medical behavior whether there is fault of the burden of proof,With inverted way to transfer to a party of medical institutions,Tort liability law medical liability for damage is determined as the presumption of fault liability,But patients still have to some facts onus of proof.this,We found,In the process of participating in the litigation,A party is still at a disadvantage".
Research prosecutors said,The procuratorial organs to the medical disputes are patients(Or family member)A party,"The vast majority of them are related to the lack of medical knowledge,Also not to participate in litigation of the rule of law and litigation skills,Not through the action to achieve the purpose of obtain compensation".
"The most simple example,Work his way up in a hospital charges in the case,Write the name of the defendant when use is oral common view,But not to the relevant department to verify the official name of the hospital,The result is court prosecution.Also some plaintiff don't understand legal terms,Such as wang mou in litigation completely don't understand‘confrontation’meaning,Think only hospitals evidence to convince himself was a confrontation,If to convince yourself,This evidence is no legal effect,Cannot be court admitted.These mistakes know will affect the plaintiff effective use the law to safeguard their own interests."The research for example,In addition, such as by[Medical accident treatment regulations]The provisions of article 18,Patients died,The two parties can not determine the cause of death patient or to have objections to the cause of death,Ought to be in patients died within forty-eight hours after an autopsy,But due to the lack of evidence collection and preservation of consciousness,At the same time, the vast majority of patients family members no autopsy consciousness or don't understand an autopsy was a time limit,Lead to the phenomenon of medical liability can not be sure in the medical litigation is not rare.
For example, in xicheng procuratorate to deal with medical disputes,Sun son due to illness in a hospital after treatment,Home to improve further,But after half month child suddenly fall in home death.Great grief that parents cannot afford,Did not think of to autopsy.The parents believe that the hospital treatment constitute a medical accident,But finally unable to determine the death of the child and the losing.
"In addition,Many patients families believe they are invaluable medical activities,His eyes see is the evidence,But no fixed evidence consciousness."Research prosecutor told reporters,Early diagnosis and treatment,Patients can't be in the hospital for the doctor's treatment process and talk to the recording/video.Dispute after the creation of,Medical association and the courts in the hospital medical records as the main evidence submitted for verification/analysis,"Many of the plaintiff in the case of review stage all proposed medical records and treatment with objective conditions,But are unable to provide sufficient evidence to prove it.After losing,The heart has unwilling,Hard to avoid being bitter,Sharpened contradictions.This kind of phenomenon bad place beyond the success or failure of a case,Could cause serious public credit crisis".
In addition,How can get timely medical is also a problem for medical dispute party a party of the patients' rights and interests"A lion in the way".
Such as the west procuratorate in the case,QinMou husband died in a hospital,QinMou think in hospital,To the hospital medical records for copy.The hospital after a few times after put-off for QinMou copying the medical records,But don't allow the copy QinMou take away,Helpless under,QinMou hospital will be against the court,Only after her husband's death has a year later in the hospital medical records of copy.
涉案医院普遍存在不规范问题 Involved in the hospital of common problems
In the process of the medical disputes,Procuratorial organs found,As one party party medical institutions widespread lack of normative management problems.
"In the process of handling,We found,Part of the medical institutions lack of medical record management standard."Research prosecutors said,At present,Medical institutions alter/Replacement patients medical records phenomenon still exists.Judicial practice,Plaintiff is to alter/Change the phenomenon of medical records were unhappy,Especially for the identification of department will put forward the question of fault medical records for medical record management not alter qualitative cannot accept,"Such as the plaintiff ZhaoMou found himself in a hospital of medical records and hospital copy in court records submitted does not agree,There are a few pages in medical records change phenomenon,Then replace medical records to court,The final decision of the court hospital medical records to change behavior ZhaoMou offer an apology,And compensate for the losses".
"At present,Based on the medical record authenticity suspicions,Further to the medical behavior suspicions,Ultimately for appraisal conclusion and decision of the court refuses to accept,Be part of one of the main causes of the plaintiff."Research prosecutors say,Plus, because of the risk of medical institutions told consciousness is still relatively lack,"Can say,Medical institutions in the treatment and surgical medical activities of the risks to the defect existing in the process has become one of the factors caused by medical disputes".
In addition,At the same time because medical association structure identification is not perfect/If the test material identification the objectivity of the understanding is not clear, etc,As an important cause of medical evidence identification is often controversial.
Research prosecutors said,In the court trial stage,By the application of the parties concerned,And by both parties in accordance with the authority or the court decided to entrust organization at all levels of medical association medical accident technical appraisal.Appraisal conclusion is that the court recognized medical institutions should bear the responsibility if the key one of medical evidence,And the vast majority of civil appeal case one of the focus of contradiction.
"We review of medical dispute case,Some of the plaintiff in the court stage to responsible for medical accident identification of medical association members hold some doubt."Wl procuratorate prosecutors said,According to the[Medical accident technical appraisal interim measures]provisions,Responsible for the first medical accident technical appraisal of medical work within their respective administrative areas, in principle, hire experts to establish expert database,"But the hospital are all members of the medical association,Medical accident identification of members of the medical institutions and between the close relationship,Even the doctors medical institutions.The appraisal system of justice is the topic of debate for many years".
At present,The court according to the application of the parties concerned entrust appraisal institutions medical institutions whether there is medical treatment fault,And the fault to injury consequence of participation in the judicial authentication,Let more and more become the more approved identification mode.
According to introducing,The justice department[The measures for the administration of the judicial appraiser]Article 29 has stipulated the judicial appraisal personnel on duty to appear in court,But medical accident appraisal personnel confrontation to appear in court without law.
this,The survey suggested,When the appraisal conclusion and other evidence that there is a conflict between,Especially in the medical records appear to add/Be the case,Please the judges to appear in court to appraisal conclusion to make more detailed explanation,To find out the facts of the case,A fair decision,Also to help patients party objective understanding of the required treatment activity,Reduce the inner doubt and don't understand,Medical institutions to eliminate the discontent,Thoroughly solve the doctor-patient dispute.
“我们还建议医疗机构完善风险告知制度、尸检申请告知制度、病历修改说明制度等各项制度。”调研检察官说。(记者赵丽 通讯员宋蕾谭小颖)
"We also suggested that medical institutions perfect risk disclosure system/Autopsy application told system/Medical records that modify the system and other rules and regulations."Research prosecutors say.(Reporter ZhaoLi correspondent SongLei TanXiaoYing)
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