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用腿上筋膜修复膀胱“闸门” 24岁姑娘甩掉尿布--亲稳网络舆情监测室
On one side of the thigh with his two broad fascia as braces,will"failure"The 24 years of bladder neck two head suspension,Make urine from the"Free loose"regression"compasses".The second military medical university hospital ZhengXingKe long march/Urology has to,Successfully make a patients with congenital urinary incontinence girl finally ended more than 24 years and leakage,Completely out of the lifelong diaper wrapped the body's nightmare.
先天性尿失禁 Congenital urinary incontinence
Small qin was born in shaanxi rural,Birth is parents found her urine flow all the time.Honest parents think the child grew up maybe will be good,But with the age growth and small qin is still unable to urinate on its own.All day long wet pants,And often urinary tract infection and eczema,Make small qin pain in the neck.Also, because there is always a bad smell,Afraid of being laughed at and students abandon,She had never been to school.Until the age of eighteen,Small qin in a local big hospital diagnosed"Bilateral ureteral open anomaly/Overflow urinary incontinence",And accepted"Bilateral ureteral bladder resistance to reverse flow anastomosis and bladder suspension technique",But still the"Urine flow not only".
After several setbacks,Small qin and his family found long march hospital uropoiesis surgical department.XuDan maple director/To the unique and professor after careful inspection found,Small qin urine incontinence is due to congenital urethral sphincter function defect.Popularly say,Normal bladder to urethral export has a gate,Is a kind of special muscle called sphincter in the control gate of the switch,And small qin bladder"gate"congenital"failure".the,Small qin was admitted to hospital and treated.
阔筋膜派用场 Broad fascia sent to use
泌尿外科与整形外科专家分析了病情,决定通过手术修复小芹“废弃”多年的膀胱括约肌,恢复膀胱储存尿液的生理功能。小芹有过手术史,正常结构已被破坏,盆腔脏器间严重粘连。术中,在麻醉科医生的全力保驾护航下,泌尿外科姚亚成教授凭借娴熟的技术,小心翼翼地层层剥离膀胱周围的组织,在膀胱颈两侧“掏掘”出一条通道,使会阴部与膀胱颈部贯通。随后,整形外科赵耀忠教授将事先在小芹大腿外侧微创取下的两条长约30厘米、宽1厘米的阔筋膜,以“U”形穿过“通道”环绕于膀胱颈两侧,像网兜一样把整个膀胱颈部兜上去,形成尿道角,动态结合增强了术后括约功能。整个手术过程历时5小时,成功帮小芹甩掉了陪伴她24年的尿布,使她终于能像正常人一样排尿。(记者 施捷 通讯员 王根华)
Urinary surgery and plastic surgery expert analysis of the illness,Decision by surgical repair small qin"abandoned"Years of bladder sphincter,Restore bladder storage urine physiological function.Small qin had surgery history,Normal structure has been destroyed,Pelvic viscera between serious adhesion.intraoperative,In anesthesiology department doctor best under escort,Urology YaoYa into professor with the technical skill,Carefully layer upon layer stripping bladder around the organization,On both sides of the bladder neck"Tao dig"Out of a channel,Make the perineum and bladder neck through.then,Plastic surgery ZhaoYaoZhong professor in the small qin the lateral thigh minimally invasive take two long about 30 cm/Width 1 cm width fascia,to"U"Form through the"channel"Surrounding the bladder neck on both sides,As the net the bladder neck take up,Formation urethral Angle,To enhance the dynamic combined with the doctor about function.The whole operation process took five hours,Success to help small qin dumped by her 24 years of diapers,She finally can be like normal person urination.(Reporter ShiJie WangGenHua correspondent)
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