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医生接诊突发急病晕倒险丧命 七旬病患紧急施救--亲稳舆论引导监测室

医生接诊突发急病晕倒险丧命 七旬病患紧急施救

昨日,罗四川医生已经转危为安。 重庆晨报记者 胡杰 摄 yesterday,ROM. Sichuan doctors have turn the corner. Chongqing morning paper reporter HuJie perturbation

医生接诊突然晕倒,七旬病人救了他  The doctor accepts suddenly fall in a faint,The age patient saved him 


Yesterday morning at 11,The city emergency centers appear touching scene:A physician for the patient to see a doctor in the,Sudden disease faint.The patient looked at it and hurry to device the doctor's people,And will be available JiuXinWan feed the doctor's mouth,And the first time inform the other doctors,Let it turn the corner.

医生晕倒 The doctor faint

病人刚进来他已趴在桌上 The patient has just come in he has lie prone on the table


The 44-year-old ROM. Sichuan is the city emergency center in eight department director,Yesterday morning after work,He has been to come round to see a doctor for the citizens of the doctor,At 11 am,Another patients into the office.


At this time,ROM. Sichuan suddenly felt a little pain in my chest,so,He had to carry drugs,but"The symptoms of chest pain not reduce,Instead increase in."Because in in succession in patients,In order not to delay others,ROM. Sichuan people still adhere to the doctor.


"On the third patient came in,I really could not bear it."ROM. Sichuan appear giddy situation,"Trouble wait,I can't stand the pain."As he says to patients,One side on the table.

病人施救 And the patient

掐人中还喂医生救心丸 Device people also hello the doctor JiuXinWan


To see a doctor is an age of about 70 - year old woman,She was accompanied by her to the doctor,"I have JiuXinWan,Hurry to eat a few star."See the doctor was pain,The old man hurriedly said.then,The old man quickly will JiuXinWan feed the doctor mouth.


In the ROM. Sichuan trying to start,Suddenly faint behind the chair,The whole people have unconscious.immediately,One of the old man of the device,Side to notify the other doctors.


After about more than ten seconds,In the old man's help,ROM. Sichuan gradually slow to come over.soon,Other department doctor in catch up.

医生脱险 The doctor escape

多亏了这位70多岁的老太 Thanks to the more than 70 - year old woman


Yesterday afternoon,In the city emergency centers on the eighth floor,The morning paper reporter saw the ROM. The doctor.After treatment,His illness has been stable,But need the second day after discharging,To determine the cause.ROM. Sichuan said,Nearly half a year he appeared twice the symptoms of chest pain,But the symptoms are light.Because work at ordinary times is busy,Not to do a detailed inspection,He suspected that should be heart problems.


ROM. Sichuan said,Because his condition was very fierce,If not timely relief medication,A long time, there will be a myocardial infarction,Then mortality is higher.


"Thanks to the patient to JiuXinWan quick results."ROM. Sichuan said,He came here to see a doctor more than patients with diabetes/Coronary heart disease, etc,Many are familiar with each other,The majority of the old man,So these patients with general JiuXinWan quick results,In response to sudden situation,Thought the saved his life.In this,He would also like to thank the old man to help out.


First aid center ROM. The doctor treated many patients,He didn't think of,the,His sudden illness in the hospital,Is a old man saved his life.(记者 周杨) (Reporter Chou Yang)


