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农村大病困局:村民嫌贵不体检 查出大病已难救--亲稳网络舆情监测室


村民第一次进县医院,竟成最后一次;大病一发现,九成是晚期 The first time the villagers into the county hospital,But as the last time;A serious illness that,Ninety percent is late

  新农合缓解了村民看大病难题,可农村大病预防还很脆弱;村民健康教育资源极度匮乏,基本医疗卫生知识多数来自村医 New farmers joint easing the problem to see a serious illness,But the rural serious illness prevention is still very weak;The villagers health education resources extreme scarcity,Basic medical and health knowledge mostly from the village doctor

  提高村民体检报销比例,引导村民定期健康体检,不仅可防大病,还能减少医疗资源耗费 Improve the villagers medical reimbursement ratio,Guide the healthy check-up regularly,Not only can prevent serious illness,Also can reduce the cost of medical resources


Signature: new urbanization,Need to urban and rural equal access to basic public service.YiYuanXian big ZhangZhuangZhen XiShanCun yimeng hinterland is one of the common small village,The more than households/But the number three hundred.Reporters focusing the small village of the villagers' health,Analysis in the new agriculture close run 10 years later,Rural medical faces new problems.

  大病一发现,九成是晚期 A serious illness that,Ninety percent is late


Lunar New Year's day,Stone can xue makes out the window,House stove or.Reporter six grandpa hands copy sleeve,Shrinkage in bedside,A face of dim."You six grandmother the hair fell,Eat what vomit what,Is not the sample."Six grandpa a sigh.


Years ago,Six grandma found para bleeding,To the nearby villages clinic medicine eat for ten days,But not what effect.Village doctor said,Into the county and see it.The long car ride was arrived at the county people's hospital for a check,Ovarian cancer is advanced,Tumors have wankou so big;Lung scan a,Already transfer full.now,Six grandma in the county in the uncle,Four days a chemotherapy.Six grandma can't read,The family is from her.The doctor said,I'm afraid there are only three months time,Have what wish didn't just take it.Six grandpa alone under the home,Scare up with the past.


"The doctor said,The original tumors may be a uterine fibroids,Then the progression.If a year ago can be a gynaecological check-up,Early found early cuts,Would not be like this."Six grandpa hysteresis eyes is full of remorse.A month ago,Six grandma just after 59 years old birthday,Thrift a lifetime,This is her first time into the county people's hospital,But it is also the last time.


12th annual,Neighberhood grandpa home.Reporter's grandmother quietly lying on the bed,Thin body trapped in the quilt,Gawk I,wordless.Two months ago,Grandmother cerebral infarction,Sent to hospital for seven days,Finally woke up,But has not to recognize a person,Eat and drink pull scatter all in bed.


Grandpa said,first,Grandmother has a fever,Doesn't want to eat,The tongue is a bit not agile.To see the village doctor,According to the cold prescribed drugs.But after 3 or 4-day,But speak,This just hit 120,To the county hospital.Took the brain after CT,The doctor said,There are two times bleeding,The first time less amount of bleeding,The second serious bleeding.If it is found that talk not agile,Can send a hospital in time,Won't be so heavy.Grandpa was the village of accounting,In the village is some culture."Medical knowledge I don't understand,Which know talk not agile is stroke precursor."


"In our village,A serious illness that,Ninety percent is late."Dad said,Last year the village five people didn't,Three are severe heart disease,Two are terminal cancer;And the last three years,Small mountain village, there have been five villagers,Only forty or fifty years, and he died,No exception is late a serious illness.

  大病以往难治如今“难防” A serious illness before obstinacy now"Difficult to control"


Nearly sixty years old LouShuJun,Is the reporter the neighberhood - west guzhuang village clinic"Barefoot doctor",Practice medicine for more than thirty years,In the small village is famous,Around a dozen village villagers,Often find him to see a doctor.


"In the past is a serious illness obstinacy,It is difficult to control a serious illness."LouShuJun said,New farmers joint implementation of ten years,To a large extent solved the farmers"To a serious illness"problems.Ten years ago,Met a serious illness,The villagers have no money to see/Dare not to;Now have a new farming together,Hospital can submit an expense account,The villagers may in the hospital.As farmers serious illness insurance reform,The villagers"To a serious illness"Problem is expected to ease.


"but,This is the end for the medical treatment, the upper and lower time of a serious illness.‘Heal disease before the’,Rural serious illness prevention,Is still very weak."LouShuJun said,In fact,Many heart disease/stroke/Cancer can do primary prevention(Causes prevention);Settle for second best,If the same like the city,The villagers could regularly have a check-up,Early detection/Early treatment,Do secondary prevention,The effect also will be much better.


According to the world health organization by the end of 2008 according to a report released,A large number of global resources are used in the treatment of service,Thus ignore can make the disease burden reduce 70% of prevention and health promotion.As early as in 2008,Health ministry officials pointed out,Our country in a person's life in the health investment,Spend 60% to 80% on his deathbed, a month of treatment.This kind of medical resources"Put the cart before the horse",Especially in the countryside what.


Health education for serious illness prevention is very important.Small mountain village villagers' basic medical and health knowledge,Most from the village doctor.Reporter in the XiShanCun hometown,And no village doctor.The villagers to see a doctor,On the mountain road to six,To the nearby villages clinic.but,A village doctor,In the face of the villages,Thousands of persons,Let the system popular health knowledge,Few beyond can.


The media should become an important source of health knowledge.In a small mountain village,Fewer than a third of the peasant household installed cable TV,Other villagers can only rely on small antenna to three or four channels.Suitable for villagers' health knowledge columns,rare.Provincial television have a health program,I have to see mom and dad.Dad said,This section about at 6 o 'clock in the morning air,Winter was still dark day?,Who look up?The early summer above,Who is at home to wait and see?Read a period,Is how to keep the correct posture office,Prevent cervical spondylosis of,And the villagers life basic don't take side.


村民体检报销比亟待提高 The villagers to improve medical reimbursement ratio


In fact,From 2009,countries"Basic public health services"in,Puts forward to establish free of urban and rural residents health files.Reporter inquires the found,The county also implement this service,A 2011 report says"Urban and rural residents health archives filing rate of more than 90%".But in a small mountain village,Many of the villagers reporters,Don't know"Health file".Mother said,Two years ago,She to the nearby villages in clinic medicine,Village doctor gave her a measured the height/Weight and blood pressure,Written in a piece of paper,say"Into gear",But after not mentioned again,And the reporter's father had never seen"Health file".


In the village,The town is sixty years old man once a year free physical examination.Is the medical examination in township health centers,The content is mainly physical/Blood pressure/Blood fat, and other basic project."Medical project simple,The key factor is time too late,Some disease is forty period."LouShuJun village doctor said.


If the villagers make a comprehensive physical examination,New farmers joint can submit an expense account yao?My dad gave me calculate a bill: last year,New farmers joint outpatient expense top line is only 160 yuan,General give or take an injection take medicine,Will run out of the line.If you go to a hospital medical,That basically all by their own pockets.In the county people's hospital,Make a more regular check-up,At least two or yuan."The villagers is not easy to earn money,Home two people go to medical a money,Can buy a goat,Who is willing to give up?"


Medical research data show that,1 yuan money to prevent,Can save $8.59 medicine,Can also corresponding save about 100 yuan of salvage/Delays loss/Accompanying fee, etc.LouShuJun said,If the villagers to improve medical reimbursement ratio,Guide the healthy check-up regularly,Not only can do prevent a serious illness,Still can from the county level to reduce medical resources.

  冬日的沂蒙山,风雪正浓。返城前,我对六爷爷说,抽空你也去县医院作个体检吧。六爷爷嗯了一声,说开春后再说吧。(记者 娄和军)

Winter yimeng,Blizzard is strong.Return before it,My grandpa said to six,Take time to you also to county hospital for a check-up it.Six grandpa well a sound,After the spring said to say again.(Reporter LouHeJun)
