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The reporter learns yesterday,Issued by the general office of the state council[About consolidating perfect system for basic drugs and the opinions of the basic operation mechanism],Put forward new medical reform:All basic medical and health institutions in general fee standard in principle ten yuan,Medical insurance payment proportional to grassroots tilt,And encouraged to use traditional Chinese medicine service;In the future,The government in every township to do good a health center,In principle, every street offices or 30000-100000 residents set to 1 community health service center.

  关于费用 About expenses

  基层诊疗费标准拟定10元 Basic fee standard protocol ten yuan


Opinions clearly in the,In the future China will full implementation of general fee.According to the actual all reasonable general fee standard,In principle, ten yuan.To strictly implement the general medical fee payment policy,Be included in the basic medical insurance to pay limits of outpatient service as a whole.


In addition,Play of the compensation effect of the medical insurance payment.Expand the scope of outpatient service as a whole,Reasonable medical insurance payment scope and standards.Medical insurance payment proportional to basic medical and health institutions tilt,Encouraging the use of traditional Chinese medicine service.At the same time,To promote reform of the medical insurance payment,Gradually establish incentive and constraint and payment system.Take purchase service way for basic medical and health institutions to provide basic medical service compensation.

  关于竞争 About competition

  企业向医生行贿 两年不得竞标 Enterprise to the doctor bribe two years not bid


At the same time,New medical reform stressed,To strictly implement the credit records and the market system is to repel.In the process of purchasing drug providing false documents/Deliberately raise prices or malicious bidding/As per the contract not timely delivery or supply the quality of drugs,And to the procurement agency/Medical institutions or individuals to bribery or disguised bribes enterprise,Are recorded,In accordance with relevant laws and regulations and serious,And regularly publish to the society and the results.For violation of laws and regulations/By judicial organs and administrative organs and enterprise,Two years shall not participate in pharmaceutical bidding procurement.


yesterday,The national development and reform commission deputy director/Cure of the state council leading group office director SunZhiGang explained,According to the statistics,Has been carried out essential drugs system and carry out the standard centralized purchasing provinces,Essential drugs than the actual sale price prior to the implementation of the system average fell about 30%.But he said,In the process of implementation also appeared some new situation/New problems,Such as some production enterprise of vicious competition,Some drug distribution not timely, etc.In the future,Aiming at these problems will focus on improvement.

  关于基层建设 About the basic construction

  每个街道办设一所社区卫生中心 Each neighborhood set a community health center


Opinions put forward,Support basic medical and health institutions standardization construction.In principle,Every street offices or 30000 to 100000 people set to 1 community health service center."1025"period,According to the principle of TianPingBuJi,Continue to strengthen the basic medical and health institutions in the construction,Key support remote mountainous areas/Sparsely populated rural areas/Ethnic minority areas township health center construction,By 2015 basic medical and health institutions success rate is above 95%.At the same time,Will also strengthen basic medical and health institutions and traditional Chinese medicine department/Currently construction.


At the same time,China will encourage grassroots medical staff according to the health needs of residents,Active service,Door-to-door service,In chronic disease management/Health management/Medical tour.All can be combined with the actual reasonable to 2015 general practitioners contract number and service population,Gradually carried out general practitioners(team)Urban and rural residents and establish a stable relationship between contract services.


Opinion request,All health and other departments to speed up the classification standard for diagnosis and treatment,Promote the first diagnosis responsibility system,Establish and improve diagnosis and classification/Two-way referral system,Obviously improve the medical and health institutions door of the proportion of the total amount of this curves.


 关于药品 About drug

  国家基本药物目录三年一调  The national essential drug list find three years


In the basic drugs,In the future,Our country will regularly adjust national essential drugs list.According to the control must/Is safe and effective/Reasonable price/Easy to use/The principle of equal importance to traditional Chinese and western pharmaceutical,Based on the actual application to select adjusting national essential drugs list.


The national essential drug list every three years in principle is adjusted once.When the supplementary varieties,Fully consider the basic common diseases/Chronic drug use and local public hospital drug linking problem.After repeated purchase price for the basic stability of basic drug pricing for national unity;For a sole varieties trial national unified pricing,Also can explore to save(area/city)As the unit,According to the purchase quantity/Regional distribution condition, etc,Direct and production enterprise agreed purchase quantity and purchase price;To a few basic essential but the dosage is small/The market supply shortages of essential drugs,Take the tender sentinel production etc to ensure that supply.

  关于监管 About the supervision

  各地要设立监督举报电话 To set up around the supervision report telephone


the,Opinions put forward special,To strengthen health supervision industry,Especially the grass-roots supervision.The health department at or above the county level shall strengthen the basic medical and health institutions/Village clinic and rural doctors industry management,Increase law enforcement inspection and supervision dynamics.To have excessive medical treatment/Not reasonable use of antibiotics/Shuffle patients/Any public health service and so on violations of organizations and personnel,Strictly in accordance with the provisions of bulletin/A fine and even to resign/The practicing certificate shall revoke such as punishment;In accordance with the relevant provisions and severe not the essential drugs zero sales rate of basic medical and health institutions.Establish accountability system,To unregulated,Strictly investigate the responsibility of the relevant responsible persons.To set up around the supervision report telephone,Strengthen the supervision.


In addition,It is important to promote hospital(center)Public affairs.Basic medical and health institutions should regular public medical service information/Financial payments/Medical service price/Basic public health services/The government special fund use and performance evaluation situation, etc,Active accept social supervision.

  本版撰文 晨报记者 徐晶晶

The morning paper reporter XuJingJing articles
