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初生男婴被弃地下室通道 女医生当众为其哺乳--亲稳网络舆情监测室

初生男婴被弃地下室通道 女医生当众为其哺乳                             ■医生为小家伙检查身体。                              S for the little guy check body.初生男婴被弃地下室通道 女医生当众为其哺乳                              ■王岩医生给小家伙喂奶。                               S WangYan the doctor gave little nurse.


"baby,Stopped crying,Stopped crying.I'll be your mother."At noon yesterday,An abandoned channel in the basement of the primary baby boy was ka police station police rushed to leap forward and community health service center.His mother is missing,Also scraped his forehead,Plus, cold and hungry,Can only keep crying.Is lactation female doctor WangYan all did not taboo,The baby boy pull into the bosom,To solve two children suck his milk.Female patients with ms Yin in infusion does not affect the particular circumstances,For the poor little thing suck out with the temperature of the milk,And offered to and female doctor WangYan duty nurse him together.


发现弃婴 Found abandoned baby

  阴冷地下室通道传出婴儿哭声 Cold basement channel out crying baby


At zero degrees Celsius in the basement of channel,A primary babies are abandoned in the side one lay up the battery car seat on,He curled up in a thin swaddling bands,cold/Hunger to afflict delicate small body,He can only kept crying,More and more have no energy.


The first to find the baby's is the unit a man surnamed li lady.Yesterday when 11 25 points,Ms. Li went to the door of the unit,I heard the cry of a baby.She stood for a while in situ,Feel sound coming from the basement.She then walked straight up to the basement.In the basement of the entrance,She saw the shelf in a narrow seat in swaddling clothes.


Ms. Li said,When the baby's crying although is not very big,But continuous,Hands in swaddling clothes outside scratching,Crus also kept kicking swaddling clothes,She hurriedly picked up the child.Only child whole body wrapped in a light blue small thin plate,Was wearing a little lined clothes and a urine not wet.Ms. Li immediately alarm and Shouting for the neighbors,The neighbors in a bustle from home to find small quilt up the child.Although everybody focussing entertained the children,But the child still kept crying.

  民警鸣警笛拉婴儿奔社区医院 Police pinging la baby run community hospitals


soon,Received alarm ka police station police arrived.Two policemen to see,The baby's face was turning blue cry,Forehead also hurt a bit,Hands are cold, cold.Then the baby began to cry cough side edge,Almost no sound.


"The child can't cry again,Hurriedly sent to hospital,Save his!"Look at the child cry how also not to,The everyone worried very much.A police immediately took off his police quilted jacket muffled baby boy,Several dashed into the police car,The other is a police siren sounded all the way,Holding the baby came to the nearest leap forward road community health service center.The process for not more than three minutes.


感人一幕 Touching scene

  “医生妈妈”接过孩子就喂奶 "The doctor mom"Took the children and nursing


"The little baby,Don't cry,Don't cry,Let aunt to see what's the matter."And forty points when,In the leap forward road community health service center,Are ready to eat lunch WangYanGang doctor went out of the office,He saw the police keep arms crying baby.She hurriedly ran past,See babies cry has turned blue.


"This is an abandoned baby,Kept crying,The doctor give him trouble to check,Save his."Police simply describes the pick up to the child's condition.As a is the mother of lactation,WangYan love it,She hurriedly took the baby from police arms,Arms into the office gently coax.In the office of the bed,WangYan carefully and quickly solve layers of parcels,To examine babies.In addition a doctor is immediately seek to warm water bag and small quilt warm baby.


"Is a baby boy,Should not the full moon,Some partial light weight,But a preliminary look at the child's physical no serious problems,May be frozen to a long time,Some have a fever,Should be hungry."WangYan said,Skilled and carefully wrapped the baby,They did not avoid,Quickly solve two,The baby in the bosom embrace.The baby like back to the mother's arms,Finally stopped crying,Mouth pursed up,Large patch of sucking up milk,A pair of small eyes HeiLiuLiu,Still kept at WangYan.


The reporter understands,WangYan 30 years old this year,,Daughter three months a year,Haven't weaning.The mother WangYan most able to read the mind of the baby,WangYan holding a baby nurse side edge gently sway,Baby outright suck the milk,Eat satisfied after in WangYan arms fell asleep.


"Such a lovely little one-inch,Don't know how long it is hungry,How long has frozen,That's the love."Look at the baby after being gradually,WangYan love dearly to still refused to put down the baby.Until colleagues find urine not wet/Small quilt,In the children's room and bed and spread a bed white thick after the quilt,She just baby gently in the bed,Give him in the new urine not wet,And he was covered with small quilt.


 哺乳期女患者留下一瓶乳汁 Lactation female patients leave a bottle of milk


Is the ward of the infusion YinSuQin lady from the mouth of the abandoned baby nurse that later,Love dearly straight to tears.She is a six months the girl's mother,Always adhere to the breastfeeding,The infusion also does not affect lactation,She during infusion,She has been eating her milk.Think of daughter eat, white and fat,Then think of rejected baby boy and hungry and frozen cry when turned blue,She XinRuDaoJiao,Hope to be able to immediately feed the poor children.She stared at the infusion tube slowly drippy liquid medicine,In my heart silently looking forward to can a bit faster,Try to hurry a lose out.


The loser of the liquid is the same,A woman let the nurse pulled out a needle ran into the doctor's office.That baby have eaten and fell asleep,She hanging heart is down."I give him a bottle of milk, suck,He woke up to drink."said,A woman from the bag out to work at ordinary times carry a bottle and breast pumps,After most of the bottle with the milk of temperature to the hospital doctor.


"Milk let little brother drank,Daughter if know will agree,Let her drink some milk powder to it."A woman said with a smile,Every child is mother treasured flesh and blood,As a mother,She may not see any child suffer a little injustice."Can the child do,Let him feel a mother's love,I'm very glad to.If I can be of,I would like to come every day to this lovely little brother nursing."immediately,Ms Yin to doctor left his phone out.


 爱的呼唤 The call of the love

  孩子的妈妈,你在哪儿? The child's mother,Where are you?


13 when xu yesterday afternoon,Baby boy awaked out of his sleep.In the hospital of children room,After wake up little son more spirit,No longer crying,The face white rosy,A pair of black eyes like grapes of innocence/thoroughly.Look at unfamiliar environment,Little son eyes wide and round,Every now and then east look west see,Forehead few word no long open wrinkles on one's forehead also along with the move,Very lovely.


According to doctor introduction,The hospital had done for him auscultation/B ultrasonic and blood test,In addition to high blood picture,Outside a little fever,Body safe,But still need to leave courtyard observation treatment."The doctor mom"WangYan also said,She will take care of this lovely little one-inch,Oneself also eat more nutritious food,Timing to his breast feeding."Also like to take this opportunity to malicious down to give a week three months daughter weaning."Said with a WangYanXiao.


Yesterday afternoon,Reporters once again came to find the boy coal area a building 1 unit in the basement.Cold damp basement,A dark."How poor child!""Children so small,Can't do without mom."For already hospital abandoned babies,The residents in the hurts more than are also very glad,But we all hope that the baby's mother can appeared.

  民警说,男婴身上没有任何证明身份的物品,在现场也没有找到任何能证明孩子身份的线索。记者和民警再次走访周围群众,也没有人看到可疑的人丢弃婴儿,民警也希望婴儿的亲属能够主动现身。在此,警方希望知情者或是曾经接生这名婴儿的医院大夫能提供线索,为孩子寻找亲属。可拨打本报热线96399或110提供线索。(文╱记者 尚燕华 实习生 张兰 图╱首席记者 李青)

Police said,Boys don't have any proof of the identity of the goods,At the scene also didn't find any clues to prove the identity of the children.Reporters and police around again the visit,And no one see suspicious people discard the baby,Police also hope that the baby's family can active appeared.In this,The police hope insider or once deliver the infant hospital doctor can provide clues,For the children looking for relatives.Can call our hotline at 96399 or 110 to provide clues.(The ShangYanHua ╱ reporter intern ZhangLan diagram ╱ chief reporter dubost)
