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30 years old lady xu a lodges in the mountain west conference horse street office smelter living quarters.Last September,She saw a breast enhancement of TV shopping advertising,Want to try,He bought 1000 yuan medicine,However, in the sales staff"tongue"But that she spent the village 30 points more than ten thousand yuan badly roughed land.Xu lady midway wanted to play"back",But sales staff not to then use this product will have cancer phase threat,And ms xu after more than 30 ten thousand yuan to buy drugs,Basic it is 3 without the product,No breast enhancement effect.
开始…… Begin...
被丰胸广告吸引 Is breast enhancement advertising to attract
买了三疗程的药 Bought three course of drugs
Ms xu told reporters,She is the mountain west conference horse street big fishing village villagers,Last September,She saw a breast enhancement of TV shopping advertising,With the salesman said the product can let bosom plump rise,"1180 yuan of breast enhancement product effect is very obvious,Just call can be ordered".Xu lady thought spend more than 1000 dollars can let oneself become more beautiful,Dial the phone sales,The operator told her,1180 yuan products just a period of treatment,Want to effect more apparent,Need to buy three treatment.Though this,But ms xu or be attracted.
but,After a few days,A series of three or four staff take turns to call ms xu,Introduce the product to her how good,And promise to give her special dispensing."I spend 1180 yuan to buy back the first course of medicine,With no effect,Then they(sale)Often the initiative to call me,Advised me not to lose heart,In order to more beautiful,Let me and then used,They yield to persuasion,And I bought two course of drugs,The drug is not only the brush,And eat,But still do not have the effect."
接着…… Then...
不用丰胸药可以 Don't breast enhancement medicine can
要排毒不然得癌 Want to row poison or cancer
It wasn't long before,A series of claims to name the van to call Mr. Ask breast enhancement effect,Ms xu again showed no effect,So don't want to buy medicine,The fan to she don't want to buy medicine,Attitude has undergone big bend,He began to threaten ms xu,And by using the product composition has entered into the body,If not then buy their row poison drugs,Then accumulate in the body of the product components will become toxin spread the whole body,Will eventually have to cancer,Still have to spend hundreds of thousands of yuan medical expenses,Even may not cure.
Mr. Fan a threat,And that his company is Australia/Singapore manufacturing platoon product,Curative effect is very good,Then use the word of the product discharge poison,Ms xu will be what matter all not.Ms xu said:"he(fan)I will not say the platoon product,A year later will have to cancer lying in bed,May death,Once I listen to,When the people were scared obtained,Also didn't ask if their(Breast enhancement)The product has a problem will cause I have cancer,Just HuangHuangMangMang and to give them collected 42000 yuan,Bought a case of the platoon product."
不料…… Lo...
买了排毒产品 Bought the platoon product
还得用平衡剂 Also have to balance agent
Don't know which fan"stop",After a period of time,And then call ms xu said,The last row poison product concentration is not enough/Curative effect is bad,To add concentration'll have to buy.Ms xu suspicious,Tell Mr. Fan to and her husband to consult to decide,Mr. Fan said it is women's privacy,And after have obvious effect with her husband and said is not late.Of fan"remind"Ms xu gave up the idea of going with her husband and said,He also charged xu lady don't let the family know,Will hide good products.The next,Ms xu not only bought related products,The product is honestly hide,That her husband always do not know this matter.
Let the lady xu did not expect is,In February this year,Mr. Fan and pull her again"launching",With her body male and female hormone imbalance grounds,Take turns to ms xu buy 50000 multivariate"Balance agent",But ms xu has devoted her all,Unable to burden the medicine,And to her husband's sister Yang woman to borrow money.
震惊…… Shocked...
30多万全花完 More than 30 after a flower
换回三无产品 Change to return to 3 without the product
Ms Yang said:"My brother(Xu lady's husband)And I asked several times,She wants to the money to do??????,She didn't tell us.A few days ago,My brother took the bank CARDS are going to see more than 30 deposit is due,The results are not a penny on the card,Gave us a jump..."
2 months and days,In the family repeatedly ask,Ms xu finally buy medicine breast enhancement things said to come out,The family then called the police.Reporter in the xu lady home see five express box,Are written by guangzhou such and such a company,Some products are production date/site/Shelf life, etc,Most are made of wood box of 3 without the product,The two or three box packing or foreign language,Most products haven't kaifeng.Ms xu said he just in the second grade,The foreign language a word can not understand.And her husband Yang said that he has been kept in the dark.
Reporter in ms xu home saw six ZhangYinHang money order and two C.O.D. express single,From last September to December,Accumulated remittance buy medicine nearly 30 more than ten thousand yuan,The highest a remittance 82000 yuan.
yesterday,Let the lady xu family is angry,Salesman and called the fan to continue to buy medicine,And explained that no effect because of individual differences.Reporter in the interview that fan will immediately hang up the phone,Reporters call back the past,No one answered.
尾声…… End...
“我们能帮尽量帮” "We can help try to help"
interview,Have SiWuWei villagers to see xu a lady,A man surnamed xu grandmother also brought the vegetables/meat/fruit.then,Big fishing village LiCun long/Residents group staff/The horse street office staff/Big fishing community police xujiaweizi came,Detailed information.
According to LiCun long is introduced,Xu lady parents sick for many years,Has always depended on the residents of the village live and share out bonus.Two years ago,The village land occupied,Each points more than 10 ten thousand yuan badly roughed land,So they are home to more than 30 ten thousand yuan savings,"We are last night didn't know it,Today early in the morning,Several departments in the neighborhood committee consultation trying to,We can do is try to help.Now the main is to solve the problems they eat to live."
马街街道办事处的工作人员表示,会将这个情况反映给民政局,将对徐女士一家进行照顾。 (周平洋 丁文惠)
The horse street office staff said,Will this situation reflects to civil affairs bureau,To ms xu one to take care of.(ZhouPingYang DingWenHui)
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