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父母为救白血病女儿命 监狱内领结婚证(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室


入狱的父亲 Prison father


Mother bear a aromatic more than three months,Didn't have time and a aromatic father brought a marriage certificate,The latter is deliberately harm was sentenced to life in prison


患病的女儿 Sick daughter


Last year,An aromatic was diagnosed with acute leukemia,More than 30 ten thousand yuan of the cost of treatment sorrow is broken family


受阻的救助 Hindered the rescue


Family want to apply for the Red Cross a aromatic special relief fund,But because a fang is a legitimate child,No account,And encounter difficulties cannot apply for


The lotus deep a aromatic(alias)More than 4 years old this year,She had leukemia.She is a legitimate child,No account,Can't enjoy medical insurance for urban residents,The Red Cross a serious illness cannot apply for relief funds.


recently,In xiamen Red Cross staff to run the next,The film inside walls wedding photo/A marriage certificate issued by the unusual scene;Also have a father first embrace 4 s daughter's touching scene.


Due to the age is too small,Not suitable for carrying out a bone marrow transplant,now,After seven course of chemotherapy,An aromatic condition tends to be stable.


不幸的女孩 Unfortunate girl


4岁被确诊为白血病,却因是非婚生子女而无法申请救助基金 4 years old was diagnosed with leukemia,However because are legitimate child and cannot apply for relief fund


In August 2012,An aromatic high fever,collywobbles,Mother ChenYaNing(alias)Take her to a hospital deep,Two days no better treatment,Turn to the island's big hospital for treatment.In xiamen university first affiliated hospital,An aromatic are identified as"Acute lymphocytic leukemia L2 type",Hearing the news,ChenYaNing spot sat slumped in the ground.


According to introducing,An aromatic live below the ocean's TongAnOu lotus beauty Po village,Home have grandpa/grandma.To take care of her mother-in-law and children,ChenYaNing can't go out to work,The family only on grandpa one living farming.Can a aromatic treatment costs will need more than 30,The whole family sorrow is broken.A face of fatigue grandfather told reporters,"The barrel hollowed out early,To borrow a lot of relatives and friends,But we must adhere to."


During chemotherapy,Children with parents ChenYaNing ward suggestion to the municipal Red Cross for help,Apply for the special relief fund.


On December 12, 2012,Xiamen Red Cross relief department received a aromatic leaves little angel fund application(Chinese Red Cross foundation specially salvage acute leukemia children special fund)Application materials.In the review material found,A fang is a legitimate child,No account,Can't deal with medical insurance for urban residents,More cannot apply for the corresponding relief fund,Treatment all out-of-pocket.


特殊的登记 Special registration


市红十字会为女孩父母申请到在狱中办理结婚登记的机会 The zhuhai Red Cross society for the girl's parents apply for to the prison to transact marriage registration opportunity


In the face of the city Red Cross staff asked the daughter's registered permanent residence,ChenYaNing embarrassed the.The original,In 2007, she and the YeMou in love with,Soon a pregnancy,Only when more than three months,Young YeMou more athletic and fight,Was sentenced to deliberately harm,Twenty years of age he had time to get a marriage,Began in prison,Daughter natural can't hukou.


To understand the special case of an aromatic,and"Acute lymphocytic leukemia L2 type"Cure rate up to 70% - 80%,So the city Red Cross relief department YangBiYing minister to ChenYaNing guarantee,"We will try our best to help a aromatic,Help her get normal/System treatment."


In xiamen Red Cross under the support of leadership,According to the will of the parties,From late December, 2012 start,The Red Cross staff to many deep,And xiamen prison/TongAnOu civil affairs bureau/TongAnOu family association and other related department coordination,And try to go to xiamen to prison for YeMou/ChenYaNing wedding photo shoot,Let them the chance to transact marriage registration.


Guard is introduced,Because the society is to her love,Also because of her daughter's care,YeMou in prison reform actively,recently,He was awarded the province reform activist.


狱中的合影 Prison photo


市红会工作人员和狱警为一芳的父母在监狱里补拍了结婚照 City Red Cross staff and guard for a aromatic parents in a prison retook the wedding photos


On January 8, 2013,The Red Cross staff WengCong came to xiamen prison,For leaf/Chen on wedding photos.


Guard remind everybody,Can't let the couple wearing prison uniform on wedding photos,YeMou sister will have WengCong has brought a pink shirt.WengCong also acted as special photographer,Prison police help chose the location of the pictures.Never gang wedding photo taken,Also don't know the both side of right,Male or female left right,WengCong simply two position took pictures.Again, please choose a special person can wash out the photos.


In all aspects of the cooperation,'s center for,Wedding photo shoot good the next day,January 9, 2013,YeMou/ChenYaNing in xiamen in prison to the staff of the marriage certificate issued.YeMou said:"Finally can give daughter down the account!"


Outside the walls,Some people love in society to a aromatic sent to consolation money,City Red Cross also gives a aromatic home sent to oil rice noodles and other supplies,Solve their difficulties.


迟到的拥抱 Late embrace


一芳四岁多了才第一次被爸爸抱,之前妈妈都说“爸爸去打工了” An aromatic four years old than the first time to daddy to hold,Mother said that before"Dad is going to work"


On January 23,,An aromatic to the hospital after review,That essentially normal,Both mother and daughter and the Red Cross relief department to work with the staff YeMou drove to xiamen prison visit.


before,ChenYaNing tell a aromatic,Dad in a,Went to far away places.For the first time in close contact with his father,An aromatic a little does not adapt,The thin YeMou squat want to embrace her daughter,An aromatic wriggle several times,Also good,In everyone's encouragement,She accepted his father's embrace.YeMou infinite regrets,"Four years old than the,I this is the first time holds her daughter!"


In you again encouragement,YeMou also put out my hands hug his wife!He regretted impulse ignorance,Paying a heavy price.He is now the biggest wish is to hope the daughter illness can better and stable,He can with their families as soon as possible.
