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老人怕疼不敢手术 专家催眠助克服心理障碍(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室


64 - year - old Huang Shufen(Not his real name)The old man because of retinal detachment,To live in west China hospital,2 times for fear of/Tensions give up surgery.On February 22nd,,Before the old man once again due to promoting the operating room,Ward to a special guest - the famous professor hypnotist he ze ren,From meet to 22 minutes into the operating room,Thanks professor for four using hypnosis - wake up way to let the old man"Through the"Back to that life at the age of 13"The bravest"Of the time,And during that time"Stop motion".In this way,A 64 - year - old Huang Shufen with that at the age of 13"Brave heart"Successful surgery.


On the evening of 21,Tianfu morning post reporter will inform Huang Shufen professor he ze ren.He's a bit of a pause:"Have never worked in elderly patients that hypnosis,Can only give it a try."Originally he wanted to personally"Investigation of"In some cases,Suddenly informed operation will be in 22, 10 in the morning:00 to.That is to say,He must be in the know nothing of the old man to hypnosis,Must also ensure that the old man is in a hypnotic state before anesthesia.


The highest state of hypnosis is not asleep,But let her eyes open,consciousness‘confused’,Under the sober state focus to do things without interference."


- he ze ren


乐观老人怕疼太紧张会休克 Optimistic man afraid will hurt too nervous shock


Huang Shufen is NaJiangShi weiyuan,Have a bright and cheerful disposition,Even if the suffering diabetes/Chronic diseases such as hypertension and didn't care,So to play everywhere.but,The optimistic old man has a fatal"bane"- a painful shock.


In mid-january,Venus Huang Shufen feeling left eye blinking,Later can't see a thing.Family to send her to a local hospital to check,Found that the left eye of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.Such as simply reset retinal surgery,Can also be at the local hospital,But it happened that the old man is suffering from a variety of chronic diseases,The main shock is still painful.Then on February 4,,An ambulance to send the elderly to west China hospital of sichuan university,The hospital eye immediately to arrange the fastest operation.


Afraid of"White coat"Two into two out of surgery


Retinal reposition usually adopt local anesthesia,But considering the characteristic of the old man"Painful shock",Decided to implement general anesthesia.On February 6,,Huang Shufen before being escorted into the operating room,Blood pressure/Heart rate is normal,Can wait for anesthesia,Blood pressure/Heart rate drop,And fainted,Forced to terminate the operation.7,,The old man returned home.


18,Huang Shufen readmission,Can lie on the bed soon,Her blood pressure is soaring to 180 mm hg,Far more than the surgical indications,Have to hospital again.After go home,She said to NvErGong red in guilt:"I saw white heart is pulled tight."


21,,Huang Shufen again live in ophthalmology waiting for surgery,Her NvErGong red to this newspaper for help:"You reported that the famous professor hypnotist thanks,Can you please tell him to mother of hypnosis,So she could finish operation,Or her chances of eye surgery is becoming small."


22, 9 in the morning:30,After getting permission from the eye,He ze ren professor came to Huang Shufen beds with reporters.Old man rigidly by lying in bed at the moment,Her eyes closed,The hands clench fist lug sheets...The original,The operating room has informed to prepare to pick her up.According to prior agreement,Tell Huang Shufen red:Professor he is his friend,Come and look at her.


8 this is a man of great room,Is not an ideal environment of hypnosis,But there is no time to come"The wasted"the.Just look around the room,Thanks to a chair, a professor at the end,Window to sit back,Because of the light,The old man must be turned very hard very attentively to see prof. Thanks,And the effect that this focus is what professor he needs.

  22分钟完成4次催眠“回”到13岁 她成功接受手术

22 minutes to complete four hypnosis"Back to the"To her successful surgery at the age of 13


第1次“催眠-唤醒-催眠”:寻找体感中心 The first"- wake up - hypnosis hypnosis":Looking for body feeling center


"Old man's house,We talk about."He leaned over the old man, a professor at the ear,Hand gently caught his left hand little finger.Huang Shufen look straight into the eyes of the professor, he later,The other side of the hypnotic began to import without a trace.Less than a minute,Huang Shufen eyes blurred.Thanks professor with only 2 people can hear the voice whispering with the old man."I don't know her feeling of body center,Where is nervous will be uncomfortable,This can only be known when she was awake."Thanks professor Huang Shufen to awaken,The other said tension will be dizzy/Chest tightness.At this time,Thanks professor let Huang Shufen with the palm pressure in the chest,His one hand on their forehead,Import the hypnosis again.The old man face tight muscles relax again.


第2次“唤醒”:确认催眠才能手术 2 times"Wake up":Confirm that hypnosis can operation


"Although the second hypnosis is successful,But I'm not sure she will enter the operating room,So woke her up again."After 5 minutes,Huang Shufen awakened,This time,,He hinted that her professor:"What is you to the hospital?"Think of is to do surgery,Huang Shufen eyebrows tight cu."At this time I confirm that she must be under hypnosis to complete the operation."Thanks professor.


第3次“催眠”:寻找最勇敢的时光 The third time"hypnosis":Look for the brave


After third time Huang Shufen import hypnosis,To guide the Huang Shufen professor he recall the past,Looking for a the most brave and confident in her life time...At the age of 13"Movie clips"In mind,Huang Shufen once more smile on his face.Her memory is awakened:At the age of 13,She is the guard on the basketball team;That year her to a table tennis match,Won the first runner-up,;The year is,She and several classmates to nuristan to county admitted to high school."13, your whole body full of vitality,13, you are very brave,13, you are very confident,13, surely you are not afraid of."The professor, he constantly strengthened.then,He let the old man,And let her take"The power of 13 years old"Close your eyes, that's all,64 - year - old Huang Shufen"Through the"Back in the days of 13 years old that most brave strength.


"Her strength,But I found her subconscious will also need a person to support."so,He asked the professor:"At the age of 13 who take you across to the exam?""Classmate's father."Professor he should:"It's good to have a father to support you!"Eyes closed Huang Shufen happy laughing,He asked the professor:"Now you are at the age of 13,Who am I?"The old man replied without hesitation:"dad!"At the moment,The old man the best time to enter the operating room.


第4次“唤醒-催眠”:完备手续准备手术 4 times"Wake up - hypnosis":Complete formalities ready for operation


10 a.m.:00,The operating room worker pushed the wheelchair came to the ward,Thanks professor again to wake Huang Shufen complete formalities;Before you go,The old man was imported hypnosis.With the first three are different,The imported hypnosis Huang Shufen didn't close my eyes,Easily along with professor he whispers.Before entering the elevator,Professor he leaned down and suddenly in front of the Huang Shufen asked:"Who am I?""dad!"The old man just blurt it out without thinking.Thanks professor for the last time confirmation:Huang Shufen still in a state of hypnosis.At this point,The hypnotic for 22 minutes before the operation."It is impossible to completely relieve her stress,But if she's nervous is 100,Now only the remaining 30%."The old man left,Professor he confidently told reporters."Since under hypnosis,Why she didn't fall asleep?"Facing reporters doubts,Professor he laughed easily:The highest state of hypnosis is not asleep,But let her eyes open,consciousness"confused",Under the sober state focus to do things without interference.


Because is the first time use hypnosis to surgery patients,Professor he also not absolutely sure,Until three o 'clock in the afternoon:20,Come to room was back ward Huang Shufen from anesthesia,He said happily:"A success!"


人物资料 Character data


He ze ren:Sichuan, a professor at the university of/Famous psychologist/Hypnosis master in China,China central television (CCTV)[Psychological interview]experts,The world Chinese association of psychologists, director of the mental health professional committee members.


患者体验 Patients experience


Memory and reality"Freedom through"

  “催眠太神奇了。”昨日红红说,从进入电梯开始,她就一直听妈妈在低声念叨:“我只有13岁,我现在13岁。”“当时我以为她已经是个回到13岁的娃娃了,但进手术室时,她居然又穿越回来了,晓得我是她女儿,喊我帮她穿鞋套。”术后,黄淑芬老人很骄傲地说:“医生给我打麻药时喊我不要怕,我给他们说,‘不得怕’!”她说,在手术室,她感到从未有过的轻松和勇敢。(记者 杨丹 华晓峰)

"Hypnosis is amazing."Red said yesterday,Since entered the elevator,She has been listening to mom in to murmur:"I'm only 13 years old,I am now 13 years old.""I thought she has a doll back to 13 years old,But into the operating room,She incredibly again through the back,Know that I was her daughter,Call me to help her to wear shoe covers."postoperative,Old man Huang Shufen said proudly:"The doctor gave me dozen anesthetic shout I don't be afraid,I told them,‘Shall not be afraid of’!"She said,In the operating room,Never had she felt relaxed and brave.(The reporter Yang HuaXiaoFeng)
