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市民买猪肉暗藏断针 商贩称是打防疫针所留(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室


On the day,Who lives in anyang city ms mei east road cattle to call our hotline to reflect said,She recently in the way of angang steel trade market bought a piece of pork,After eating a meal,Suddenly found a broken needles of pork inside.Vendor to give reply, is"Pork after strict inspection is no problem,May be give a pig a jabs".


惊现!肉里“藏”了一根断针 scrapbook!In the meat"hide"A broken needle


On February 21, 18 or so,As usual,,Ms cow came all the way of angang steel trade market to buy food.Ms cow bought 17 yuan of pork in the market,Ready to give son do celery Fried meat to eat at night.


Eat first meal found nothing strange,May 22 at noon,Prepare to eat the second meal of the time,Cut the meat knife suddenly met a hard thing,Thought is a piece of gristle, things like that,Ms can be cow a look carefully,Turned out to be a period of about two centimeters of stainless steel needle breakage.


This is the cow frightened by the woman,Never eat this piece of pork,"Before eating,Can't find any abnormal."Cow said Ms.,At that time saw the root of two centimeters long needle in pork,Think about yesterday has already eaten"hide"There are needles pork was very sick.


摊贩:虽有针头但肉没问题 Street vendors:Although have needles but meat no problem


22 in the afternoon,Cattle pork woman with inserted with needles found the vendor sells meat.however,Ms vendor attitude let cattle."Vendor said this is likely to be called a pig jabs,Pork is absolutely no problem!"Lady told reporters.


then,Ms cattle demanded a full refund,Vendor told her only 10 yuan."This needle have both bacteria now I don't understand,He told me only refund the rest,Then I eat pork belly have who is responsible for the problem?"Ms cattle answer to vendors.


23 in the morning,Woman with reporters accompanying cattle"hide"Pork with needles came before the market stalls 2 plant of anyang iron &steel co."To honest in business,Before I come for you,But did not solve the problem!"then,Both sides in dispute.Vendor told reporters:"I sold the meat into meat from the city,What procedures are.If not be at ease,Can to quarantine inspection center detection,Also can go to complaints to the ministry of commerce and industry."


For the pork"hide"Have problems with needles,The peddler explained:"When it could be called pigs get check-ups,Who can promise to pig injections,It's ass not twist?A twist,The needle falls into,The doctor didn't also the way."


then,Reporter ms accompanied bull to angang marketplaces office again,Anyang city market development services center deputy director of the sub-center of the Yin Zhang Qun told reporters,Into the market stalls must have relevant legal formalities,Meat stalls must also have the health certificate and the business license is allowed to enter the market.Ms for cattle,He said:"Market office is responsible for the day-to-day management of a market stall.If ms cattle really have doubts the quality of pork,Can make complaints to the ministry of commerce and industry.


专家:断针不会影响猪的生长 experts:Broken needle will not affect the growth of pigs


"Needle hidden in meat,Pig: how can you grow up healthily?"Ms cattle feel much puzzled.


Animal disease prevention and control center said a staff member:"Ms like a cow this encounter,Haven't found a similar situation in our city before."He explains,If the pork from formal channels,Before delivery and through relevant quarantine department,Even with needles in the meat will not have too much impact on meat quality.


The staff also said,Because most are deep injection,When the injection jabs,Such as swine reaction especially large,In theory could break the needles.The broken needle in pork,Will not affect to the growth and development.


At present,Cattle ms is ready to take pork to related department for testing,"Testing the pork is there problem,So the in the mind will not rest assured."Lady told reporters.(Anyang evening news)
