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畜牧业协会:速成鸡无罪 个别养殖户用药违规--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Since the end of last year involved in high-profile. 6"Instant chicken"After the event,KFC in China held in Beijing yesterday"Thunder action"conference,Answer each question of the public for the first time,And announced by controlling the six measures to comprehensively strengthen chicken supplier management.


China animal husbandry association officials also white chicken in the scene for the event"justify",Made it clear"Instant chicken"The chicken was innocent of this case,The root cause lies in the individual farmers an illegal drug use.


At the end of December,Media reports, shandong province, some farmers in the process of poultry,No strict enforcement of antibiotic drug withdrawal period,Or add illicit drugs.Part of the"Instant chicken"To shandong and group respectively/Surplus company after slaughterhouse etc,Without inspection and quarantine has been slaughtered,Some products into yum! Brands Shanghai logistics center(This newspaper had continued to report).


 “长得快慢不与安全挂钩” "Grow speed and security"


"Instant chicken"In the event,45 days will grow into the criticism as white chicken at that time.China cuisine association assistant border points out,Chicken events have an impact on the whole food industry,Many consumers to eat chicken,It is necessary to chicken name,To reassure consumers spending.


yesterday,Secretary general of the China animal husbandry association deputy secretary-general and industry branch GongGuiFen is introduced,Is said to"Instant chicken"White chicken from Europe and the United States,Is the world's largest source of meat and poultry,All over the world.Its growth speed is fast,The most important reason is varieties breeding,Feed formulation/Epidemic prevention and scientific feeding and management is indispensable.


She said,Individual farmers an illegal drug use is only a case,Does not represent white chicken industry overall situation,"Grow fast and slow,Not linked to is safe",The key is the farmers to seriously/Strictly abide by all provisions, including drug withdrawal period,To produce safe chicken.


To breed tache drugs is not a problem specification,China animal husbandry association industry branch will upgrade for breeding mode.By leading enterprises provide farmers with N,Including unification of seedlings,Unified feed,Unity of chick,Unified epidemic prevention,Unified collection,And unification,Unified management, etc.,Future the white chicken breeding patterns from predominantly company + peasant household + family farm to the company step by step/Company + autotrophic base changes.


 “鸡可用药物但不能乱用” "But you can't use chicken available drugs"


Yum! Brands, chairman of the China division/Chief executive Su Jingshi said yesterday,The incident marked there are still some chicken in the supply chain security risk,Six measures of"Thunder action"Including accelerating the eliminating potential risk the chicken coop/Chicken suppliers selection/Support new cultivation pattern/Strengthen inspection/Strengthen the communication with the government/Information into the open to the public informed and so on,Eliminate the safety hidden danger from the source,The operations are in progress.


Su Jingshi said,Domestic chicken is the most main is improper use of drugs,Although the state permits the use of drugs and drug use have stipulated time and so on,But someone or misuse.Some of the small size/Equipment aging/Management level on the low side of the hen house,Production cost advantage,Once infected, medicine possible chaos."Although such coop in production is not big,But once out of the question,A mouse can be broken."


 已淘汰千余有潜在风险鸡舍 Obsolete sheds thousands have potential risk


At present,KFC has combined all 25 suppliers eliminated relatively higher risk than the henhouse,To have certain qualifications of farmers give corresponding support measures.At the same time,Chicken suppliers management strictly,Food safety issues on one ticket veto,If any supplier didn't ability to manage operations,Or out of the question,Qualification of supply will be stopped immediately.


According to introducing,Survey of KFC from the Shanghai food and drug administration is over,And report to the Shanghai AnWei,Many effective rectification requirements for KFC,But did not say whether be punished and other details.

  - 回应 - response


 肯德基回应“速成鸡”事件中,公众的诸多质疑 KFC responded"Instant chicken"In the event,Many questions of the public

  “白羽鸡45天出笼正常,用生长激素划不来” "White chicken cage 45 days normally,Using growth hormone to the effort"

  1 “速成鸡”是否用了激素? 1 "Instant chicken"Whether to use the hormone?


Su Jingshi:Through expert interpretation,White chicken cage 45 days is very normal,Is not a"Speed long chicken",Do not need hormone and growth,Use words instead of effort increased cost.Reports referred to in the hormones such as dexamethasone,This is a kind of adrenal hormones,Is used for medicinal purposes,Not long to promote faster growth hormone.In addition,Is can use for chicken,But to allow range in China,The question now is whether there are farmers more drug use,Need more improvement.


 2 为何经历很长时间才道歉? 2 why after a long time to apologize?


Su Jingshi:Apology is slow,Because the event is more complex,Is not simply an apology can solve a problem,So don't want to talk to apologize,But want to make better to events,Find out the corresponding countermeasures and remedial measures.So after the incident,KFC to visit customers/Suppliers and the agency,Research the feasibility countermeasures,Use a not short time,Hope the public can understand.(note:Continuous fermentation and instant chicken events more than 10 days later,Yum! Brands, KFC in's official website posted relevant description and apologize.)


 3 肯德基鸡肉是否中美标准不同? 3 KFC chicken if different criteria of China and the United States?


Su Jingshi:To tell the truth,China and the American way of management is different,But regulation is consistent with the results,Is to be safe.American chicken supply relatively mature market,Don't need enterprises self-checking source supply,More do not need to monitor at the end.It should be said,Kentucky Fried chicken in the supply chain management,In China, the most stringent food safety measures.

  4 加大监管是否会导致产品涨价? 4 more regulation would lead to price increases?


Su Jingshi:Scale will lower the cost and risk,Clamp down on some small/The chicken coop is high risk for cost does not necessarily increase how much,Is conducive to cost control,Not for this reason to price the product.

  本组稿件采写 新京报记者 廖爱玲

This manuscript titled Liao Ailing Beijing news reporter
