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中国年约30万患者等待器官移植 完成移植者仅1万--亲稳网络舆情监测室
目前我国每年约有30万患者等待器官移植 At present our country each year about 300000 patients waiting for organ transplants
器官捐献 试点3年仅捐659例 Organ donation pilot for three years only 659 cases
- according to the survey,72.4% of respondents willing to donate organs after death,But the contribution rate of just 0.03 per one million people
- at present our country each year about 300000 patients need organ transplants,Can really complete transplant of only about 10000 people
- the human body organ donation information system launched by the end of this year,Covered all provinces and cities of China
On February 25,,The ministry of health jointly with the Red Cross society of China national human organ donation work video meeting,Review the body organ donation pilot 3 years of working experience,The deployment further pushed the human body organ donation work.
China's human organ donation management center business, vice minister of high spectrum said,Human organ donation is being implemented by 19 pilot provinces to national.
我国人体器官捐献体系已初具雏形 Human organ donation system has taken shape in China
In January 2010,The Red Cross society of China was commissioned by the ministry of health,Work is responsible for establishing China's organ donation system.In the same year in March,Start of human organ donation pilot work throughout the country.Up to now,A total of 19 provinces to join the pilot work.
In the year to February 22,Pilot implementation donated 659 cases(Which contributions were the first three is guangdong province respectively/Zhejiang and hunan,Implement donated 174 cases respectively/79 patients and 59 patients),Donated organs in 1804.
The ministry of health of the human body organ transplant technology clinical practice committee, director of the committee/China's human organ donation Huang Jiefu working committee director members said,Establish a comply with social ethics and the sustainable development of China's national conditions of organ donation and transplant system,Is inevitable requirement of the development of Chinese organ transplantation.After pilot work practice,At present, China's fledgling human organ donation system.
今年底公众将可在线报名成为捐献志愿者 End of the year will be available for online registration to become public donation volunteers
High spectrum is introduced,The human body organ donation information system will be officially launched at the end of this year,Covered all provinces and cities of China.The public will be able to register online to become volunteers donate.
According to the ministry of health,Each year about 300000 people need organ transplants in China,It can be finished only about 10000 people will be able to transplant.The main reason is that the organ donation rate is extremely low,Contribution rate of only 0.03 per one million people.
In fact,The huge potential donor groups in our country,And the organ donation"The green channel"Still need to further replies.Red Cross survey showed,72.4% of respondents willing to donate organs after death,Only 6.8% made it clear that don't want to.But at the moment,Most of the pilot provinces have set up independent organ donation management institutions,National level of China's human organ donation management center in January before formal operation.[Human organ transplant ordinance]Also just set up a portable"Barriers to entry".
, vice chairman of the standing committee of the National People's Congress/President of the Red Cross society of China/China's human organ donation work committee honorary councilor hua jianmin, director of the stress,To further promote the law revision,Provides the legal basis for the work and system guarantee;Established inter-ministerial coordination mechanism,Actively support for related department.
计划每百万人至少设一名专业捐献协调员 Program coordinator for every one million people who at least have a professional
The reporter understands,Red Cross donation coordinator contact hospitals will be set up,And the dying patients or the relatives of the dead in a hospital organ donation"lobbying",Expand the donor source,Change depend on organ transplantation"On death row"The present situation of the.
Now 19 provinces to donate in the pilot,Donation coordinator for a total of more than 200.After the national promotion,Preliminary arrangements at least one idea per million population have appropriate medical coordinator and other professional background.Different from volunteers,Coordinator is a full-time staff.
High spectral representation,Development of citizens of organ donation after death,Formation of citizen contribution system,After fair distribution system,Through the"Double blind"In the form of donations to the recipients.About the distribution of the donor organs will be carried out according to the principle of regional preference.
Deputy health minister ma xiaowei stressed,The donation of body organs to improve access to and distribution system,Establish and improve the human body organ donation training system as soon as possible.
中国红十字会常务副会长、中国人体器官捐献工作委员会主任委员赵白鸽表示,将推动相关法律修订、规范协调员队伍建设、规范设立器官捐献基金、建立健全综合监督体系。(记者 王君平)
Standing vice President of the Red Cross society of China/China's human organ donation work committee, director of the committee zhao said,Will push related law revision/Specification coordinator team construction/Set up an organ donation fund specification/Establish and improve the comprehensive supervision system.(The reporter Wang Junping)
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