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山东考评医德群众能当考官 涉及医生对患者态度--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


我省(山东)考评医德群众能当考官 In our province(shandong)As a medical ethics for examination and assessment of the examiner


有四项涉及对患者态度得分将与晋职晋级挂钩 Has four involves attitude score will be linked to (qualify for patients


Reporters learned yesterday from the provincial health department,Our province medical staff medical ethics appraisal will be conducted once a year.It is understood,The move is to strengthen the construction of medical ethics,Improve the quality of the medical personnel professional moral level and medical services,The mass evaluation will account for certain proportion.Assessment grade is divided into four levels:good/good/In general/poor,The number of outstanding order,Typically accounts for between 10% and 15% of the total number of this unit for examination and assessment.

  A对患者的四项态度 成考评内容据悉,全省各级各类医疗机构中的医师、护士及其他卫生专业技术人员,每年都将开展一次医德考评。各级各类医疗机构均应成立医德考评委员会,负责医务人员的医德考评工作。

A four attitude towards patients into evaluation content is understood,Doctors in various medical institutions at all levels in the province/Nurses and other health professionals,Will be conducted once a year for examination and assessment of medical ethics.Medical institutions of various types at various levels shall set up medical ethics appraisal committee,Responsible for the medical staff medical ethics appraisal work.

  在对医德考评主要内容中,有四项涉及对患者的态度:是否尊重患者,并保守医疗秘密; 在开展临床药物或医疗器械试验、应用新技术和有创诊疗活动中,是否尊重患者的知情同意权; 是否关心、体贴患者,做到热心、耐心、爱心、细心; 是否正确对待患者及其家属的投诉,耐心做好解释说明,主动争取患者及其家属的理解、谅解和配合,避免产生或激化矛盾纠纷。

In the main content of medical ethics appraisal,There are four concerns the attitudes of patients:Whether patients with respect,And medical secrets;In medical devices or drugs in clinical trials/Application of new technology and make a diagnosis and treatment activities,If respect for patients right of informed consent;Whether or not care about/Patients with consideration,Do eager/patience/love/careful;Whether it is right to treat complaints of patients and their families,Patience explanation,Initiative for patients and their families understand/Understanding and cooperation,Avoid to produce or create conflict issue.


Another assessment included,Whether to wuxi,Whether compliance,Clean medicine etc..

  B收受药品提成的 考评认定为“较差”医德考评分为自我评价、科室评价、群众评价、单位评价四个步骤。考评结果有考评得分和考评等次两部分。考评等次分为四个等级:优秀、良好、一般、较差。医德考评被确定为优秀等次的人数,一般占本单位考评总人数的10%至15%。如果医务人员在考评周期内索要患者及其亲友财物或牟取其他不正当利益; 在临床诊疗活动中,收受药品、医用设备、医用耗材等生产、经营企业或经销人员以各种名义给予的财物或提成; 违反医疗服务和药品价格政策,多记费、多收费或者私自收取费用,情节严重;隐匿、伪造或擅自销毁医学文书及有关资料;认真履行职责,导致发生医疗事故或严重医疗差错; 出具虚假医学证明文件或参与虚假医疗广告宣传和药品医疗器械促销; 医疗服务态度恶劣,造成恶劣影响或者严重后果; 或者有其他严重违反职业道德和医学伦理道德的行为,医德考评结果应当认定为“较差”。

From drug commission for examination and assessment of the identified as B"poor"Medical ethics appraisal is divided into self assessment/Evaluation of department/The evaluation of/Unit to evaluate four steps.Assessment results are reviewed scores and grades: two parts.Assessment grade is divided into four levels:good/good/In general/poor.Medical ethics appraisal is identified as the number of outstanding order,Typically accounts for between 10% and 15% of the total number of this unit for examination and assessment.If medical personnel in the evaluation period for patients and their relatives and friends property or seek other illegitimate gains;In the clinical diagnosis and treatment activities,Taking drugs/Medical device/Medical consumables such as production/Business or marketing people for property or in the name of all kinds of commissions;Violation of medical services and drug pricing policy,Remember more fees/More charges or fees without permission,If the circumstances are serious;hidden/Forge or destroy medical documents and relevant materials without authorization;Earnestly perform their duties,Due to a medical accident or serious medical errors;False medical certificate issued by or involved in false medical advertisements, and pharmaceutical medical equipment sales;Medical service attitude is bad,Adverse impact or consequences;Or there are other serious breach of professional ethics and medical ethics behavior,Medical ethics appraisal results should be considered"poor".


C medical ethics appraisal will be linked to (qualify this unit of medical institutions, medical personnel to conduct annual review/Determination of promotion/Jobs hired/PingXian assessment and determining performance-based pay,Medical ethics appraisal will serve as an important content.Medical ethics appraisal as excellent or good results,Annual appraisal party is entitled to select the outstanding order;Medical ethics appraisal result is poor,Annual appraisal gradation of incompetence or unqualified,And shall not participate in the assessment of annual job title promotion next year.

  医师定期考核中的职业道德评定,以医德考评结果为依据。医师定期考核周期内,有一次或一次以上医德考评结果为较差的,认定为定期考核不合格。医务人员以贿赂或欺骗手段取得考评结果的,应当取消其考评结果,并判定为本次考评不合格。(记者 杨芳 实习生 苏桐)

Physician's assessment of ethical evaluation on a regular basis,Based on the medical ethics appraisal results.Physician assessment cycle on a regular basis,Once or more than one medical ethics appraisal result is poor,As a regular check is unqualified.Medical staff appraisal results obtained on the basis of bribery or deception,Should cancel the evaluation results,And as the assessment is not qualified.(The reporter Su Tong Yang Fang intern)
