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陈竺:大力推进社会资本办医 构建多元化办医格局--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
Health minister Chen zhu on China's social capital to run medical BBS keynote report on emphasis,Vigorously promote the social capital to run medical,Accelerate the construction of diversified do medical pattern.
China's social capital to run medical BBS 1 opened in xiamen this morning.Chen zhu said,Promote social do medical health development is to adapt to market economic system and medical and health industry development in our country the inevitable choice of law,Is the inevitable requirement to realize health science development,It is also an important way to expand private investment.
According to Chen ZhuJieShao,In order to further establish and improve the encouraging and guiding social do medical,The ministry of health has conducted in six aspects,Including leave room for the development of private medical institutions,Encourages qualified personnel in accordance with the pilot to open individual clinic,Allow Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan joint venture capital/Cooperation in the hospital,Hong Kong and macau service providers can all municipalities directly under the central government and provincial capital cities in mainland China to set up wholly-owned hospital,Taiwan service providers available in Shanghai/In jiangsu province/In fujian province/Guangdong province and hainan province to set up wholly-owned hospital;Will conform to the condition of private medical institutions around the farmers into new fixed-point range,Strengthen the management of private medical institutions,At the same time play a role of new farming in fund payment and restriction;Adjust the policy of classified management of medical institutions,Simplify the approval process;Encourage staff flow freely between the public and private hospitals in practice;Private medical institutions should be brought into the scope key specialty,Provide fair development space;Regulating the behavior of private medical institutions practice.
Chen zhu investors and managers want to civilian battalion hospital and public hospitals to form dislocation competition,Speak good faith/quality,Establishing responsibility within the hospital/Have motivation/With constraints/There is competition/Dynamic operation mechanism and management system,Set up long-term development strategy,Strengthen the team construction,To promote sustainable development.
Chen zhu said,With the advancement of reform of public hospitals,The larger social do medical progress,But as a whole,The size of the current social do medical/Quantity and speed and countries"The 12th five-year"Health care reform plan put forward by 2015 beds/Services are 20% of the total target have larger gap.Held BBS for policy makers to introduce social do medical policy,Let civilian battalion hospital do d the difficulties encountered in the process of reflection,For investors to understand the medical service market and social do medical policy,To explore social capital to run medical way which accords with the situation of China is of great significance.
China's social capital to run medical BBS by Chinese hospital association,The China insurance regulatory commission/In fujian province/Shanghai and wenzhou municipal government/Xiamen municipal health bureau/Wuhan heart hospital in Asia/Taiwan chang gung group and other departments and agencies as seen in the speech communication,The ministry of health related departments made a specific interpretation of the relevant policies,About partner signed a cooperation framework agreement.(The reporter Yu Yingrui)
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