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家用电器噪音 Household appliances noise
不亚于交通、施工噪音 As the traffic/Construction noise
本报讯(记者刘璇 通讯员杨璠)今天是第十四个全国爱耳日,来自武大人民医院听力门诊的调查发现,五成听力损伤并非严重的噪音造成,而是潜伏在身边不以为然的“小噪音”引起的慢性损伤!
Report from our correspondent(Reporter liu xuan correspondent Yang Fan)Today is the fourteenth AiErRi throughout the country,Hearing from wuhan university people's hospital outpatient survey found,Fifty percent of hearing loss are not caused by exposure to severe noise,But lurking in the side to disagree"Little noise"Cause of chronic damage!
yesterday,The outpatient Cao Yongmao professor remind,The washing machine/The boiling water/Air conditioning and other small noise in the home not to go to habit,Want to avoid as far as possible,And learn to skillfully noise reduction.
Live in wuchang YueGuZui wang, recently always feel ear humming sound,A check to the hospital:Hearing loss 35 decibels.Seldom use headphones to listen to music,Never go to karaoke and ted,Basic it is curtilage at home,Hearing how can down for no reason?Miss wang is very wonder.
Cao Yongmao detailed interrogation,Miss wang lives in a street love open the window,The window is opposite the viaduct,Until there is car to car to the morning every day.Father's old hard of hearing people,The TV really loud,Family is very tolerant.The old washing machine,Mother to wash the clothes every other day,Every time dehydration washing machine isalso happily.Cao Yongmao analysis,Is this a couple of reasons unconsciously caused chronic damage to miss wang of the hearing.
Normal hearing in 0 to 25 db,To 60 age gradually decline.Young when the nerve damage,Probably about 40 hearing loss will occur."Clinic found that some 30-40 years old have a recession,Early in one hundred and twenty.The hearing is small under the influence of noise at home,Before you know it lost."Cao Yongmao said,Home lurks a lot of noise,In addition to the noise from the POTS and pans,There is air conditioning refrigerator compressor/Computer fan blades rotate/The washing machine/TV voice.And according to the national standard,Indoor noise should not exceed 45 decibels.The division had the door 20 in 2010,Decibel meter was used to measure some of the most common sound in the family,Found them - the point is not inferior to the traffic/Construction noise pollution, etc:
洗衣机 高速转动 84分贝
Washing machine is high speed rotating 84 decibels
电吹风 强档 80分贝
Hair dryer is strong 80 decibels
抽油烟机 强档 77分贝
Smoke lampblack machine strong 77 decibels
开水壶 沸腾时 69分贝
KaiShuiHu boils at 69 decibels
排风扇 运行 55分贝
Fan run 55 decibels
柜式空调 启动时 55分贝
Cabinet air conditioner starts to 55 decibels
壁挂式空调 启动时 50分贝
Wall-mounted air-conditioner startup 50 decibels
饮水机 加热时 50分贝
When you heat water machine 50 decibels
电脑主机 运转时 49分贝
The computer host 49 decibels during operation
Tabulation Dong Chao
He introduced,If the sound level a:1 db is the human ears just can hear voice;15 db below the,We are often described as"The silence";20-40 decibels,Like lovers ear whispered words;40-60 decibels,Belongs to the normal voice to talk;More than 60 decibels,You will feel noisy;70 db (a),Is equivalent to walking in the streets of downtown;90 db (a),Just like in a noisy bar;100 db (a),Is your house decorate electric drill noise upstairs;120 db (a),Equivalent to the plane takes off.
Voice when 50 to 60 decibels,Ear feels more comfortable.60 decibels is normal conversation,Don't feel tired voice.When more than 60 decibels,You will feel upset;If in the environment more than 8 hours of more than 85 decibels,Ear injury will occur.
Cao Yongmao remind,Hearing loss is a process of slowly falling,Will begin with high frequency sound can't hear,Then will be ringing in the ears.Normal hearing from 0 to 25 db,Lost within 30 decibels,Generally have no obvious feeling,This is hearing a slight decline does not cause much attention.But slowly will develop to connect everyday dialogue voice all listen to not clear,At this time to see a doctor again is late.Here to tell you a simple test method:When put a beautiful music,Hear the music less strong than before,Or listening to the lyrics is not complete,To hear some soprano part of the lyrics,Going to the hospital.
Cao Yongmao advice,To home"The noise reduction",Household appliances as far as possible don't focus on a room,In addition to the regular maintenance and dust removal,To the years after the change in time.When decorating, home use"Flexible packaging",Such as multi-purpose wallpaper/Thick cotton curtain/The carpet,Use cloth art sofa,Walls make some rough handling,These can sound-absorbing insulation.In addition,Placed in the window more green plants,Especially the large size/Leaves more green leafy plants,Not only has a strong sound-absorbing effect,Also can stop dust,Purify air.
武汉大学生一半听力不合格 Wuhan university students half listening is unqualified
Cao Yongmao also disclosed to reporters a listening survey 2010 national colleges and universities:About half of the college students' listening comprehension is not qualified.It is understood,This is called[Speech audiometry]The survey by the Beijing 301 hospital and other hospitals across the country,Cao Yongmao is responsible for the region of hubei province.They part from wuhan university of 50 randomly selected 18 to 25, the freshman to senior students in hearing screening,With hearing loss 10 db for this age group standards,Results more than half of them is not qualified.
Cao Yongmao said,Surveyed college students have the habit of wearing headphones listen to MP3."Too much sound and vibration,Such as ted/Karaoke bar,The most damage to hearing,And this just is a favorite haunt of young people."
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