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初中生大吼致同学听力下降 法庭判赔7000多元--亲稳网络舆情监控室
In the school physical education classes,As for the seat not happy xiao coke,The students saw XiaoXin ear side a shout,XiaoXin cause hearing loss,diagnosed"Left deaf ears(Because of the strong noise caused by)".therefore,The XiaoXin a coke and a coke's guardian parents to the court,Medical treatment demand compensation/Transportation and make compensations by yuan all loss.a,Body court verdict xiao coke and xiao focal parents XiaoXin compensation for medical treatment/Transportation and make compensations of 7304.66 yuan.
On October 12, 2011, 15 afternoon when xu 30 points,Shanghai school junior middle school students XiaoXin/Xiao coke and other students in the school table tennis room night exercise class.At rest,Two people for seat for shoving and crying,Now xiao focal suddenly saw XiaoXin left ear side a shout,After process feeling discomfort XiaoXin wu wear face began to cry.XiaoXin in upstairs to the classroom,Keep SOB was found that the teacher in charge,The XiaoXin asked he happened to tell the teacher.After coming home,XiaoXin and ears of the incident and not tell the parents.The next day,XiaoXin parents that took her to the hospital,The doctor made listening tests,XiaoXin diagnosed"Left deaf ears(Because of the strong noise caused by)".For hearing restored very not ideal,Since then XiaoXin and repeated visits to the outpatient department of acupuncture treatment.
The court,Xiao focal argued that the day,XiaoXin don't let xiao focal sit beside the seat and a dispute,Lead to anger XiaoXin she stood by the ear shout a voice,May sound is bigger,Cause XiaoXin ears listening discomfort,But not that this XiaoXin hearing damage is caused by himself,Perhaps there is also XiaoXin their own reasons,In the event there is his responsibility,But XiaoXin itself and school also have responsibility,In addition to XiaoXin advocate transportation/Acupuncture fee and high pressure oxygen tank cost will not be recognized outside,Can be said for a third of XiaoXin other liability to pay compensation.
法院查明,晓馨的父亲系自由职业者,晓馨就医主要由他承担,截至2012年1月31日,晓馨医治“左聋耳”累计25余次,一般均系在晓馨上完两节课后,由其父到学校接她至医院治疗。法院还从学校处理经过以及事件目击者处作了多方调查了解。从现有证据看,晓馨被诊断为左聋耳(听力下降),系晓焦在其耳旁大喊一声所致;而晓焦等人辩称该大喊仅是导致损害的原因之一而非唯一因素却没有相关证据佐证。法院以为,鉴于十三四岁的晓馨与晓焦均属限制民事行为能力人,对于自身行为应有一定的认知,且事发突然老师根本无法及时制止,法院确定晓焦应承担责任比例为90%。(记者 姚克勤 通讯员 李鸿光)
The court found,XiaoXin father system freelancers,XiaoXin mainly by a doctor for him,By January 31, 2012,XiaoXin heal"Left deaf ears"Accumulated more than 25 times,In general are XiaoXin after two after class,By his father to pick her up at the school to the hospital for treatment.The court also from the school after treatment and event witnesses place made various investigating.From the available evidence to see,XiaoXin diagnosed left deaf ears(Hearing loss),Is xiao coke in the ear side caused by Shouting;And a coke, argued that the Shouting is only one of the reasons lead to damage and not the only factor but no evidence evidence.The court thought,In view of the 13 or 14 XiaoXin and xiao coke belong to the person with limited capacity for civil conduct,For their own behavior should have certain cognitive,And the teacher can't suddenly stopped in time,The court is to determine the focal assume responsibility proportion is 90%.(Reporter YaoKeQin LiHongGuang correspondent)
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