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全国人大代表邓前堆: 我更愿为村民看病--亲稳网络舆情监测室
"Cableway doctor"Before deng pile after elected as the eighteenth big representative,This time, and was elected to the 12 th National People's Congress.yesterday,Deng heap to reporters before tao tao,To tell the"Become famous"After the trouble:"Will want to open a few times a month,A month to work time is only about 10 days,Compared to the meeting,I would prefer for the villagers to see the doctor."
yesterday,Before deng heap is thrilled when it comes to elected representatives of National People's Congress:"Because I can put a lot of feelings of rural doctors to national two sessions."
He said,Become a representative of National People's Congress,Feel the body burden is heavier.Take, for example,After that I become the people's congress,At least 10 village doctor called me,Hope to be able to reflect the difficulties of rural doctors for them.In addition,6 from baoshan village doctor also signed a written appeal and press the fingerprint.Demands including suggested the government buy endowment insurance for rural doctors,Let time rural doctors;Hope to improve the rural doctors treatment,Improve clinic hardware condition and so on.
Heap before deng pointed out that,The current development of rural clinic there are a lot of difficulties:The first,Village doctor's income is too low,Income is only 600-600 yuan per month.Even if is a large population of the village,Village doctor's income is only 1600 yuan;In the second,Village clinics in the poor conditions.At present,Under the media reports,Although we village clinics have been replaced with a bungalow,But many of the village clinic nearby,Still built with brick and asbestos shingle;In the third,Village doctor endowment without guarantee.A lot of people when the decades of rural doctors,But don't get any salary after retirement.Suggest buy insurance for rural doctors,Let time rural doctors.
Before deng heap admitted that he will take part in a lot of meetings today,Even want to make a report to the provincial."In fact,Say the truth,Compared to the meeting,I prefer to see villagers in the village."He stressed that,The current,Drugs in short supply is the biggest difficulty in the process of practicing medicine."We need a variety of common drugs to about 50,But only can delivery to village clinic for more than 10 kinds.Some medicines, even on the supply,Quantity is very less.Such as gentamicin,Annual demand is about more than 100 boxes,But only for distribution to more than 10 boxes."
邓前堆透露,如今他的儿子也成了一名乡村医生。“他现在是我的助手,我想让儿子接我的班。2011年,他已经在乡医院培训了一年,去年已经开始看病,目前,他还要再锻炼一下。”(记者 廖治国)
Heap before deng said,Now his son became a country doctor."Now he is my assistant,I want to let the son to pick up my class.In 2011,,He has been training in township hospital for a year,Last year has already begun to see a doctor,At present,He have to exercise it."(Reporter liao country)
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