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昨日,北京,全国政协委员、卫生部副部长黄洁夫被媒体围访。当天下午,他参加了医卫界分组讨论。图/CFP yesterday,Beijing,The CPPCC national committee/Deputy health minister huang jiefu was media to visit.In the afternoon,He took part in the YiWeiJie group discussions.Photo/CFP
●绝大多数医生每天都在救死扶伤,无意被奉为“白衣天使”,也不容忍被丑化为“白狼”。 "The vast majority of the doctor to heal the wounded and rescue the dying every day,Not be as"White angel",Don't stand for been demonised"The white Wolf".
——全国政协委员、卫生部副部长黄洁夫认为,医患矛盾主要是因为民众的医疗服务要求与我国优质医疗资源不足及医疗卫生体制改革滞后造成的。医生和病人都是医疗冲突的受害者。 - the CPPCC national committee/Deputy health minister huang jiefu said,The doctor-patient contradiction is mainly due to people's health service requirements with high quality medical resources shortage in our country and medical and health system reform lags behind.Doctors and patients are the victims of medical conflicts.
●为满足患者就医需求,很多大医院开放号源,导致很多医生超负荷工作。与辛勤付出不相匹配的是医生的收入和社会地位的相对下滑,这就是一些医生对医改持消极观望情绪的原因。 Low to meet the demand of patients go to a doctor,A lot of big hospital open source,Lead to many doctors overload.With hard work does not match the relative decline of the doctor's income and social status,This is some doctors to reform a negative wait-and-see mood.
——黄洁夫认为,今后医改方案设计应让医生有较高社会地位和体面收入。 - Huang Jiefu thought,For health care reform plan design should allow doctors to have higher social status and decent income.
"No no hospital‘Department of accounting’the,Have you sent us a wage?You said the hospital to save money,The cost is you pay or the civil affairs bureau?"A born as early as 2007"Asked the little doctor tearful 10 health minister"Post to cause attention again.
yesterday,On the YiWeiJie panel discussion of CPPCC,The CPPCC national committee/Deputy health minister huang jiefu netizen public response to the doctor.Huang Jiefu admitted,"If the doctor is so confused and frustrated to reform at the local level,China's health care reform will not be able to succeed",And point out that,When there is no have"The free medical care"Condition before,"To see the doctor before they are paid"Not fully implementing.
靠财政搞“医药分开”难长久 Rely on finance to make"Medicine separately"Hard for a long time
Huang Jiefu said,Because our country long-standing unreasonable to the medical service price controls,Most of the medical service pricing does not take into account the human cost,The doctor labor value is not reasonable.Under the distorted price system,Public hospital medicine for the medical and inspection fees become common compensation mechanism.There are hospitals in Beijing trying to pay system reform,Try out medicine separately.Huang Jiefu said,This is a meaningful attempt at reform,But the government financial resources are limited,Use the financial losses caused by cancellation of drug addition to subsidize hospital for a long time.
"Both the government and public hospital itself,Are difficult to use effective means to configure the medical resources in the past."Huang Jiefu think,If no one obeys the law of the current medical market operation comprehensive reform of medicare payment system,It is difficult to form a reasonable compensation mechanism for hospital.Huang also said,Prospects for reform of public hospitals is unclear.
“先看病后付费”难大范围推行 "To see the doctor before they are paid"To a wide range
recently,Media reports caused public concern"To see the doctor before they are paid"Whether it can fully implementing?Huang Jiefu said,When there is no have"The free medical care"Condition before,"To see the doctor before they are paid"Not fully implementing.He in Britain's national health service, for example,"Social welfare disease due to improper operation,Due to the heavy financial burden,Welfare surplus,The last victims or the people".
Huang Jiefu said,In fact,,Now the reform,Want money for fiscal,Medicare pays for social sector,To prepare for the public sector,Prices have to find price bureau...The health department is just a technical department responsible for health,Specific for health reform,More can only rely on the real power of other government departments at all levels,If you cannot agree,"To see the doctor before they are paid"Only in the ministry of health director's new agricultural funds"First advances,Timely settlement"Within the framework of,As a public hospitals at the county level or in towns and townships to improve the medical service process,A measure of the medical treatment easy farmers,Not on a national scale,Especially big city hospital.
代表观点 On behalf of the views
公立医院应剥离“特需” Public hospitals should be shed"The special"
全国人大代表钟南山称,医改首先应明确不同医院定位;呼吁国家重视全科医生 Deputy to the National People's Congress zhong said,Health reform should first clear positioning different hospital;Calls for the country attaches great importance to the gp
yesterday,The National People's Congress held a small press conference zhong in the station.The outspoken famous doctors/Academician and focusing on health care reform,Thinking path to the reform of public hospitals,He called on countries attaches great importance to the gp/Attaches great importance to the rural doctors,"Strengthen the grassroots health service network,Let patients from hospitals effective shunt,Rather than the expansion of large hospitals".
公立医院应剥离“特需” Public hospitals should be shed"The special"
When it comes to the reform of public hospitals,Zhong said,There is no real public hospitals in China.Chinese public hospitals are public private hospitals.
"No way to,Financial investment is too little,Probably only hospital operating costs accounted for about 10%,Hospital only to find a way to make money to survive."Zhong said,Reform of public hospitals is now very contradiction.Lower drug prices,Responsibility system,Even want to"Medicine separation"/Drugs zero tariffs,Increasing medical service charge."The government has no long-term compensation mechanism,Cancel the drug markup,Medical service charge taken up,Not still the same didn't alleviate patients burden?"
Zhong think,Health reform should first clear positioning in different hospitals.What is the duty of public hospitals?It seems to zhong,First of all is to solve the knotty;Secondly to do research,Ready as early as the early detection of disease treated early;In the third,Basic-level hospitals to link below/Doctors at the grass-roots level training,Able to solve common diseases/Frequently-occurring disease."But if all these three words,3 armour hospital patients will be greatly reduced.What do live hospital?"Zhong said wryly.
But zhong said,Reform of public hospitals needs a process,"Because China is too big,Each public hospital is the government so much money,Really difficult"."But the direction must be determined:Public hospitals must gradually increase public welfare,Stripping the special service."Zhong said,In the world,The special medical services,Is done by high-end private hospitals;The special medical services in China,Also shall be borne by the formal private hospitals.
“医改要注重人的培养” "Health should pay attention to the cultivation of the people"
How to crack the crowd to see a doctor expensive/The doctor is difficult?Zhong think,In the reform,Should be put in very important position in general medicine,"I am very keen to expand gp team",Zhong said,Do a good job in the general medicine,Many problems can be solved.By the GPS once build grassroots health service network running smoothly,To solve the problem of big hospital to see a doctor expensive medical care.
Is a system in general medicine medical departments.It seems to zhong,now,Gp is not particularly in our country"all"."Can see common diseases,Also can know patients after illness development,Need to go to large hospital which section",Zhong said,Don't think that big hospital of specialized subject doctor can solve these problems."Gp to a specialist in the future is a great boost."
个案 case
青海省长:住院后结算没发生欠账 Qinghai provincial governor:Hospitalized after the debt settlement did not occur
新京报讯 (记者王姝)截至本月,青海省“先住院后结算”制度已实施5月。昨日,在青海团媒体开放日现场,青海省省长骆惠宁表示,迄今为止,“先住院后结算”制度未发生一起恶意欠账事件。
Beijing - (The reporter Wang Shu)By the end of this month,Qinghai province"In hospital before settlement"System has been implemented in May.yesterday,At the scene of the QingHaiTuan media Open Day,Qinghai provincial governor luo huining said,So far,"In hospital before settlement"System no malicious default incident happens.
Since last September,Qinghai province began in the province/state(The city)/county/Village-level public hospitals,push"In hospital before settlement",Don't have to pay the deposit when that was in the hospital,Only when the discharge settlement of out-of-pocket expenses.Enjoy the treatment not only include health care and new farming and urban workers/farmers,But also without name and certificate of residence, etc"3 without"The patient.
Luo huining said,Due to the"In hospital before settlement"Implementation effect is good,So this year will expand the scope.In addition,This year,Qinghai will get through medical insurance for urban employees and new farming and health care,The unified urban and rural health care standards.
采写(除署名外)/新京报记者 魏铭言
Writing and(In addition to the signature)/ w MingYan Beijing news reporter
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