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科学家称农药残留防不胜防 有菜农用药超百倍--亲稳网络舆情监测室
“1059号”委员因为农药火了 "No. 1059"The commissioner for pesticide fire
The national political consultative conference (CPPCC)/Chinese academy of forestry, chief expert Yang Zhongqi majored in forest pest control,But in Chinese people's political consultative conference meeting,He carelessly by many of the same group member as a health experts.
The NPC and CPPCC sessions for the first time,His introduction is impressive.He said, pointing to his breastplate,Very coincidence,My CPPCC member number is 1059,I'm on the prevention and control of plant diseases and insect pests,We all know in this business,1059 is a highly toxic pesticide."I,1059,Highly toxic pesticide."
Everyone laughed.Yang Zhongqi subsequent topic let their eyebrows is wrinkly get up.
He said,Ecological civilization construction is a hot spot of the conference,We want to build"Beautiful China",Is very concerned about the ecological environment,I think need to focus on security of agricultural products.What's the pesticides on crops,I am very clear.At a leek leek roots maggots,Some farmers are using chemical pesticide to kill insects,In order to be quick,Poison quantity usage exceeds more than 100 times,Pesticides have been absorbed into the cell.
later,His interpretation of the China youth daily reporter,Chinese wolfberry/Leek not have pesticide residues,but,There are"Quite a number of"so.And for the average person.The sham as the genuine of the domestic market,Under the"pollution-free"Banner is not completely credible.
In the team meeting,He said to you,Now a lot of people to buy some food,In order to decide which dish without pesticides,Should be hesitated.Pesticide exceeds bid does has caused you"Very serious attention".
"What the little insect I will choose what.So my body is very healthy,Someone asked me how I always look red."He said half-jokingly.
It makes a lot of Chinese people's political consultative conference committee is very envy.
He told reporters,Some people think leaves have a bug in the fruits and vegetables are safe,In fact is likely to be insect bites,Was played pesticide.so,He even according to the bug edge trace on the leek leaves of old and new,And the smell,To determine whether reliable.In order to avoid eating to pesticides,He seldom eats easily bred worms leafy greens.Often eat LianHuaBai/squash/eggplant/Towel gourd/Wax gourd, etc are not easy of vegetables.Eating an apple/pear/The fruits such as peaches,He also don't listen to a nutritionist"The skin nutrition more"The advice of,Stick to peel.
But he also admitted,A lot of food he is unable to avoid.He had to eat noodles/rice,Wheat and rice aphids on pesticide to kill,Oil rapeseed is also played in medicine.Even if he is a scientist,Also can't escape.
He said,Can't blame farmers to use pesticides,And to reflect on,We don't give farmers do not spray insecticide technology can get good harvest.He suggested that national scientific research of bio-control,By nature the enemy of killing insects,As is well known"Lady beetle eats aphids".
This is a hot spot in international field,Also he and his colleagues have been doing.But he said,Biological control research team now"fragmented".
today,He to attend the meeting of cao jianlin, vice minister of science and technology advice,Ministry of science and technology hold the expert discussion meeting, please,From the perspective of science and technology solve the problem of people's diet,Give farmers do not spray insecticide can be a solution to the problem.He said,The investment in science and technology today, a lot of our country,But we not only to the moon,Also part of the solution to these.Ministry of science and technology to promote support biological control research,Especially aimed at food fruit and vegetable production on the major pests.
Strengthen the supervision and monitoring in his proposal.He said,To support testing equipment the development of pesticides,Strengthen the regulation of pesticide plant.
Last year,,Yang Zhongqi found in one place,A 50 mu of land,In order to kind of purple potato,With over 25 tons of highly toxic pesticides"3911"Mixing soil.This pesticide abroad, 40 years ago has been disabled,Our country also banned to use,Can also some mercenary manufacturers in production.
"No regulation does not."He sighs.
Cao jianlin, vice minister, said,Yang Zhongqi members mentioned problems,Ministry of science and technology will organize research.
The national political consultative conference (CPPCC)/The director of the Chinese academy of agricultural sciences' crops Wan Jianmin also advises,Vigorously develop agricultural biotechnology,Develop disease-resistant insect-resistant varieties,To reduce pesticide use,Improve food safety,Ensure national food security.
在“1059”号委员专长的森林病虫害防治领域,也有类似问题让他揪心。杨忠岐说,我国人口众多,森林都“赶”到山上去了,发生病虫害后就很难防治。现在使用飞机撒药,绝大部分药到了空气和土壤里,剩下的极小部分才用于森林。(记者 张国)
in"1059", member of the specialty areas of forest pest control,Let his heart has a similar problem.Yang Zhongqi said,China's large population,The forest is"catch"Went to the mountains,Occurs after the plant diseases and insect pests are difficult to control.Now use aircraft,The vast majority of drugs in the air and soil,The rest of the tiny parts only used for the forest.(The reporter Zhang Guo)
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