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九大习惯最毁牙:大口啃苹果 啃玉米 爱喝瓶装水--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
The threaded good to enjoy all kinds of delicious,But you know??Some of the ways in which you are quietly damage your teeth.The United States"Yahoo health network"On February 22 papers,Summary of published several American dental experts"The most damaged teeth how to eat",To help you get rid of bad habits.
1. The big eating the apple.American association of orthodontics learn Mr. Joe said Dr. John cloth,Try to avoid direct use eating apples and carrots and other hard brittle fruits and vegetables,They are caused by tooth cracked the biggest culprit.The food can be cut into small pieces to eat.Similarly to chew ice,Can also lead to tooth fracture.
2. Eating corn.Cloth Dr. Said,Eating corn is easy to cause the teeth to become loose or fall off,Will also cause displacement of the denture.Recommendations will be kernels off before you eat.
3. Eat noodles don't gargle.Bread, refined pasta can make oral acid soared,Erode tooth enamel,Not easy to remain in the teeth.Therefore carefully rinse your mouth after eating noodles.
4. Use teeth to tear the packing.Some convenience,Packed in teeth to tear/Open bottle caps, etc.,Is easy to make the teeth fracture or shift,Germs are also quietly on the package into the oral cavity,Affect human body health.
5. Always drink bottled water.Georgia dental experts Brett Dr Silverman said,Bottled water in the purification process,Acid increased,Easy to cause tooth decay.Some of the essential mineral water lack of teeth,Often drink but is also harmful to healthy teeth.In addition,Soda water/Sports drinks are also contains acid,Will erode tooth enamel.Advice to drink boiling water,Or use a straw,Minimize the chance of beverage in contact with the teeth,Also has a role in prevention.
6. Love to eat potato chips and nuts.chips/The popcorn in the process of chewing crisp before they are sticky,Easy to plug in the teeth,Breeding ground for bacteria,Lead to tooth decay;Some dried fruit,Such as raisins/The FIG and nutritious dried apricots,But it also contains a lot of sugar and cellulose,Easy to increase around the teeth of sugar residues.
7. Often drink black tea/wine.Enamel is particularly vulnerable to dark(Such as big sauce/Soy sauce/Tomato sauce/Curry etc.)influence,Tiny spots.Virginia dental expert Dr Michael palmer thani love advice,When eating this kind of food should drink more water,Eat more after gargle.In addition,Some drinks are easy to cause tooth discoloration.American dental association, irvine, said Dr. Miguel,White wine strong acid,Will make it easier for tooth color,Alcohol can cause dry mouth,Reduce the saliva of teeth protection;Tannins in tea can also increase the risk of developing tooth staining,Recommended that people often drink the drinks chosen whitening toothpaste,Or change to drink green tea and herbal tea.
8. Love to eat sour.Citrus fruits(Such as grapefruit/Oranges, oranges and so on)Contains large amounts of acid,Bad teeth,So want to drink water or rinse your mouth after eating.Vinegar is also easy to cause tooth decay,The study found that,Be jealous too many children,Enamel was in danger of corrosion will increase 30% to 85%.Eat some more lettuce that can reduce the harm of vinegar to the teeth.
9. All day chewing gum.The American dental experts, bill, said Dr,Chewing gum is equal to make teeth bubble in sugar water all day,Suggest to choose sugar-free gum or xylitol chewing gum.In addition,Massachusetts, dental experts your Long M Dr Le ping said,Packed with easy to stick on the teeth,Formation of dental plaque;Always contain hard candy sugar or whistle,Too bad for the teeth healthy.Bring about
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