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郭新志代表:健全食品安全监测体系 规范安全管理--亲稳网络舆情监控室
"Food safety is related to the masses of the people's health and life safety,Is related to the stability and prosperity of a harmonious society,Is a major livelihood issues."7,The National People's Congress/Brain rehabilitation hospital in Shanxi Province Guo Xinzhi told China JingJiWang reporter in an interview.We have learned,She will be submitted to"About the standard of food safety management"The proposal of.
The National People's Congress Guo Xinzhi.Data of figure
For over 30 years of reform and opening up,The rapid economic development in our country,But because our country transformation of deep social problems and social contradictions,Lead to food safety has become an important problem to the whole society wide attention.
In view of the present intensified food safety problems,The National People's Congress/Brain rehabilitation hospital in Shanxi Province Guo Xinzhi the following three Suggestions are put forward:
First of all,Setting up a comprehensive food safety coordination mechanism,Form a nationwide food contamination and food-borne disease surveillance network,Build a food safety risk assessment system and the information release mechanism.
"Food is experience goods,But the production operators/regulators/There is information asymmetry between consumers,so,Information collection and release must be on the important basis of food safety work.Such as the use of network to open weibo blog,Food safety regulators and Banks/tax/The customs/The public security departments cooperation,Sharing enterprise food safety and quality information,Do it‘Source of the traceability/Where can find out/Product can be recalled/Punishment has strength’."Guo Xinzhi said.
secondly,Strengthening local government responsibility for food safety supervision,Standard industry self-discipline,Improve the quality of the whole food industry practitioners,To strengthen the construction of major food safety accident emergency system.
Guo Xinzhi said,In view of the small workshops/Street vendors/Small food and beverage, etc with quantity/Distribution of scattered/Order in the chaos/Regulation is difficult, etc,The government should take certain areas/Relatively concentrated management, etc,for"Area limit the".Such as the,When a food business operator serious violation,Regulatory authorities have the right to limit market access for all operators in the area,To supervise each other,Restrict each other.
The last,Improve the consciousness of consumer safety,Establish the scientific concept of food safety social work sharing.
Guo Xinzhi think,The food safety of the masses,To mobilize the masses/Relying on the masses of the people,Form the social atmosphere of work sharing.Such as to establish and perfect the system of reward food safety report,Relying on the existing drugs JianDuWang,Set up street/community/The villages and towns accesses food safety coordinator and team,Employ social public participation in food safety regulation.At the same time use the media propaganda food safety knowledge,Build all care about/All maintenance food safety good atmosphere,Don't let the violators.
代表小资料: On behalf of the small data:
郭新志 Guo Xinzhi,女,1956年出生,全国人大代表、山西省残联副理事长、山西省脑瘫康复医院院长、农工党山西省委副主委。 (记者 郝红波 专栏微博)
,female,Born in 1956,The National People's Congress/Disabled persons' federation, deputy director of Shanxi Province/Cerebral palsy rehabilitation hospital in Shanxi Province/Vice-chairman of shanxi provincial party committee, vice chairman. (Reporter Hao Gongbo column weibo)
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