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 机构改革 Institutional reform

  之食品药品安全 The food and drug safety


From the melamine milk powder/Dyed steamed buns to clenbuterol/Plasticizer liquor,From the illegal cooking oil/Sudan red wings"leather"System of the old yogurt/Fast-growing chicken,Constantly exposed in recent years, food safety problems again and again hurt the nerve of the public.Yesterday in the new round the super-ministries reform of the state council,Spearhead of newly established by the food and drug administration of drug safety administration seems to send a signal - long and pipe chain was collapsed,In recent years because of"The pipe section"Regulation is not to force/Frequent food safety problems is also expected to get change.


yesterday,The reporter interviewed a line in the health system work for 30 years"veterans",He saw the[Food safety law]The promulgation of the,And adjusting to the food safety regulatory functions.Over the years,In the ordinary post,Whether he has been concerned about food safety supervision in place,now,He finally gained access to reform after the dawn.

  京华时报记者 李秋萌

Beijing times reporter Li Qiumeng


 □问题 - problem

  “门外汉”难管食品 "A layman"Hard tube food


hear"Form of the state food and drug administration management"When the news of the,The Lao side long sigh a sigh of relief,A member of the health system of a line for more than 30 years"veterans",Dawn fears he had had for so many years finally came.


[Food safety law]Already in June 1, 2009 formally implemented,The law made clear and the relevant departments of local government responsibilities,Made major changes to regulatory functions.But as early as before the Olympics,Beijing has already one step ahead,Achieve mutual supervision over food safety in the department,Food from sales to the entrance of the chain,Involved in quality control/Industrial and commercial/Health and other departments,Regulatory links/The chain length.


Since then,The Lao side began to confusion.


"Put several departments stiffly twisted together,How would it be possible to seamlessly,They will be food safety regulatory seamlessly,Increase the control,Intensify law enforcement,We are on prevention,To prevent food poisoning/Guarantee food avirulent harmless."As the industry and commerce/Qualitative inspect departments clear responsibilities,The Lao side increasingly feel they are not only different from the concept of health workers,And because of health professionals,In a line can hardly play a substantial role in the supervision and inspection,Seemingly huge regulatory team,But there is no proportional to participate in the number of regulatory supervision effect.


"Is not professional,Love shuffle"Laos is to"Companion unit"The first impression,In his opinion,Health is a very professional disciplines,Now in health law enforcement a line mostly graduated from the department of public health,But the industry and commerce/Quality control and in charge of food safety supervisory personnel have meteorological study,Have a study law,And learn food machinery.


"In the production process,Additives added how much,How much ingredients used,How much per kg in nitrite,Inspectors understand don't understand?Or just like watching",The Lao side said,Food production supervision lies in the risk control,Regulators need to have professional knowledge of health,Had problems in the control and prevention of critical,Rather than buy a few units advanced check-out car can solve.


The personage inside course of study says,At present,Food safety supervision department lack of specialized talents,Has become an obstacle to China's food safety supervision work of a major bottleneck.Under the current administrative system,Administrative supervision personnel professional level is not high,Many social supervision needs some professional and technical resources to complete,Both increased administrative regulatory costs,And affects the credibility of administrative regulation,Such as on-site verification link in the food production license,Laws and regulations of the work is the responsibility of administration staff,But in reality has become a expert evaluation activities,Caused a lot of negative effects.


"In contrast, the United States FDA(The us food and drug administration (fda)),Many officials is in itself a source of food safety experts,In addition to system design and so on need society to participate in the work,Lots of regulation work can be done through officials themselves,Can enhance the credibility,And improves the officials of the responsibility."


外行检查本末倒置 Dilettante check put the cart before the horse


The Lao side of,A of the cooked meat factory inspection,Uniformed personnel of quality first, into the meat section,And then the cooked meat/Raw materials such as regional,"Cooked meat factory how to check it?Although general processing plant from raw material to check up,But here it should be cooked meat to check up,Into the workshop must change into clean clothes and shoes before it starts,If you walk from meat section to the cooked meat area how to change clothes,And bacteria on the meat will be cooked meat area.So should from outbound point into the first,According to the semi-finished products/Raw material/Warehouse, etc. In order to check,Mainly check whether be born separately/If there is any cross contamination".


before,The Lao side inwardly sigh,Really is very unprofessional,Such inspection don't check out the problem,Don't give somebody else a problem is a good thing!More let the Lao side is stunned,They go is to let guests or leadership inspection visit"Visit the channel",Rather than the field contact with meat"Check the channel".


- concern


 分段监管致效能低下 Segmented regulatory inefficiency


After block management,The Lao side job a lot easier,But the burden of his mind,Often is breath on him.


Segment management is not conducive to streamline and efficient administrative system,May even increase administrative costs.A pig from the feed to the table,A total of animal husbandry/Quality control/The food and drug/Many health and other departments involved in regulation.Quality testing, for example,More than one product department duplicate detection/Invalid phenomenon universal existence of detection.Such as clenbuterol,Every department in the regulatory link test repeated,Waste of the limited financial fund.On the other hand,Because of many regulators,If out of the question,Consumers do not know to which department,Also easy to appear between departments"The buck"The phenomenon of,For consumers' rights.


Laos's concern has become reality:According to the functional,Production and processing link should be supervised by the department of quality control,But belongs to the meals in the field of production and processing enterprises have been"Kick back"health."why?The greatest risk?,This is for the children to eat more,Once out of the question?"


- looking forward to


建整套监管机制和体系 To build a complete set of regulatory mechanism and system


With the constant exposure of this year to food safety problems,Allow the public to choose"What to eat"Not in the bottom,Most people think before you speak,Even before dinner"baidu"Whether the food is"Exposure history".


According to the[Seeking truth from facts]Sponsored by the[A well-off]The magazine China research center of the all-round well-off society and release media survey lab at tsinghua university[Consumer confidence in food safety report, 2010-2011]According to,Only thirty percent of people satisfied with the food security situation,Ninety percent people think that China's food safety problems,Nearly seven adults about the present situation of food safety"Have no sense of security".


"The food safety problem is really have reached the point where they must be integrated",Watch the news yesterday morning,The Lao side feel gratified,Although food safety supervision work overall trend is in the world"An agency to regulate"Still have certain disparity,Such as established in New Zealand food safety authority,UK's food standards agency,Canada is the food inspection bureau,Ireland is a food safety authority."But finally taken the first step",The Lao side said,Real regulatory food safety problem is not simply put several departments belong together can solve,Need to establish a set of supervision mechanism and system,By the new departments to formulate new rules.


"After the completion of the new system,Should from the perspective of health professional,To prevent and control as the main goal,If QueJinDuanLiang is unsafe/Label does not reach the designated position is not qualified,Confusing the fraction defective",The Lao side looking forward to,Top priority,Is the living of the country's nearly 5000 so-called involving food safety"standard"To clean up integration,"If you don't even clear standard itself,What about regulation?"


For growing food safety problems,Minister of health Chen zhu became a subject of containment,He said"The government will strengthen supervision",And to emphasize"Credit system is very important,Let the people for food/Drug feel rest assured".The Lao side said,To this end,His work again/I don't mind hard work some more,"Children who are not willing to eat safety,Not only the security,But also healthy".


- high-level talks


 食品安全技术支撑应加强 Food safety technical support should be strengthened


New state food and drug supervision administration has attracted many attentions of the public,According to related problem,Reporters interviewed the CPPCC national committee/State food and drug administration, deputy bureau telephoto red,The CPPCC national committee/The state food and drug administration, Mr Shao, chief of the original,The CPPCC national committee/China agricultural university doctoral tutor Huang Weidong.


Beijing times:In recent years are the root causes of the frequent food safety problems?


Huang Weidong:I think the frequent food safety accidents,Businesses and regulators have unshirkable responsibility,Should strengthen and improve the food safety regulators,Strict accountability,Merchants have severe penalties for producing poisonous and harmful food.


In general,The food safety situation in our country every year.But there is no zero risk to food safety,So some food safety incidents,Need to have a good mentality to face,Should give full trust to standardize the market sales of food.


Beijing times:Food safety problem and complete supervision link building,In addition to the relevant department functional integration,And what are the key factors?


Huang Weidong:At present,The public and consumers about food safety situation in China is not satisfactory/Don't rest assured,Even sometimes extreme discontent.On the one hand is because of the current food safety testing detection and early warning mechanism needs to be improved,And food safety information lag in public,Law enforcement is not strong,On the other hand,With positive finding/To solve/In response to different,How is the media exposure,The government hide post-processing,But some things is not in place in time.Why not in time and the government's grasp of information,As well as the improper emergency measures,Bring down the government department of some credibility.


Beijing times:The original in every department,After the integration,Shuffle question or between ministries will be solved,But for different sets of similar functions between ministries office how to effectively integrate?How to shuffle problem from its source?


Mr Shao:There is absolute,There is no is relative,Because at present sub-sector management functions,Don't say there are a lot of functions is invisible to scratching,Also involves different ministries boundary and certain radioactive-polluted area divided not clear problem,You tube I don't care,I tube you care.


So only transform function as Mr Ma said in a speech/Change the attitude/Highly responsible/Work closely with/Improve the efficiency/Strengthen the supervision,If this is the integration of an organization can solve the matter,Don't have to emphasize.


Beijing times:Framework built up,Focus on what's the key to the next step?


JiaoGong:The next step work should focus on support issues,How to intensify coordination/To carry out the supervision responsibility,As the height of the people to eat the rest assured food requirements,In order to adapt to industry changes,There should be a technical support,How the new food and drug supervision bureau under the condition of the integration work to carry out the good,Strengthen the construction of the relevant technical support,Strengthen the examination organization transfer and integration,Strengthen the technical support,To ensure the food safety problems timely found timely processing,To ensure the food safety of the crowd?The scope of government regulation/Range of integrity/Within the scope of social supervision to do related work.


Beijing times:Do you have any Suggestions on solve the problem of food safety?


Huang Weidong:Should first improve the illegal cost/Increase the penalties,For illegal and antisocial behavior,The laws,Law applied,At the same time,To speed up the food safety standards come on stage,To ensure the enforcement of the law.We suggest to establish food safety credit system,To speed up the construction of the national network of food safety information system.
