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卫生部计生委合并 将继续实施计划生育一票否决制--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Plan put forward,Will the ministry of health of duties/Population and family planning commission of family planning management and service integration,Forming a national health and family planning commission.Main responsibility is,Overall planning of health care and family planning service resource configuration,Organize to set up the national system for basic drugs,To formulate the family planning policy,The supervision and administration of public health and medical services,Responsible for family planning management and service work, etc.At the same time,To study and formulate population development strategy of population and family planning commission/Responsibilities included planning and population policy development and reform commission.The state administration of traditional Chinese medicine health and family planning commission management by the state.At the same time,No longer retain the ministry of health/The commission.


The instructions say,After the reform,We will adhere to and improve the family planning policy in China,Will continue to adhere to the party head of family planning overall responsibility,One ticket is overruled make. We will continue to implement the family planning.National health and family planning committee attaches great importance to the family planning work,Reasonable set up relevant institutions,Enrich the work force,Make sure the job was strengthened.Local governments at all levels must continue to strengthen the family planning management and service work,Strictly implement the family planning policy,To ensure that the responsibilities in place/Measures are in place/Put in place/Put in place.


S interpretation authority


 中央编办: Public sector:

  合并能聚拢资源避免重复建设 Can merge together resources to avoid redundant construction


, head of the public sector has answered People's Daily agency under the state council reform and function change/Xinhua news agency reporters' questions.


What are talking about forming a national health and family planning commission,Public officials said,To strengthen the construction of society from the system and mechanism,Is this agency under the state council reform and function transformation of an important content.Promote economic and social coordinated development,Vigorously ensuring and improving people's livelihood,Efforts to eliminate the institutional obstacles restricting the development of various social undertakings,Need time to promote health and family planning/Food and drug safety supervision management system reform is closely related to the livelihood of the people,In order to better safeguard people's health and life safety,To better meet people's material and cultural needs.


The official said,In recent years,Medical and health undertakings made remarkable results.But at the moment, health and family planning service system resources/Redundant construction problem increasingly prominent.Department of family planning service system from the central to the villages and towns,Reproductive health/Maternal and infant health care and other medical services,The same as the service content of the medical and health institutions.At the same time,Under the new situation,Family planning work, based on the need to continue to keep the birthrate low pay more attention to improve birth population quality,Also need to constantly improve the health service level.According to the xinhua news agency


S experts claim


 九十委员联名 建议仍叫“卫生部” Ninety committee recommended that still call"The ministry of health"


YiWeiJie 90 CPPCC national committee members joint proposal yesterday,Suggest a new"National health and family planning commission"Still call"The ministry of health".The members agreed that,Function should be combined,But the name is not necessary to merge.


YiWeiJie don't member is generally believed,Relative to the"Big health"The idea of,"Family planning work"Should be an important content of health work and components,There is no need to show up in the name of ministries.At the same time,"The ministry of health"Referred to as an international practice,"National health and family planning commission"Are more like health and family planning together,Name translation would be too cumbersome,Is not conducive to international exchanges and cooperation.


The CPPCC national committee/The original feed state food and drug administration chief shao said,30 years ago, family planning in the ministry of health,Family planning after independence.The ministries and merge,The state family planning commission"Population plan"Function is the national development and reform commission,Its management function more than 30 years ago"small"the,So no need to call.

  晨报首席记者 崔红

The morning paper Cui Gong chief reporter


 ■北京落点 S Beijing placement

  北京基层卫生站和计生站一直“联系”密切 Beijing posts and family planning has been at the local level"contact"closely

  晨报讯(首席记者 崔红)“国家卫生和计划生育委员会”成立后,基层的卫生服务站和计生服务站如何整合?

Morning news(Chief reporter Cui Gong)"National health and family planning commission"After the establishment of,Grassroots health centers and family planning service station how to integrate?


The CPPCC national committee/Director of Beijing municipal health bureau said to English,In Beijing,Health centers and family planning has been at the local level"contact"closely,A lot of places,Family planning service station and health service station is carried out with pregnancy health care and family planning guidance and service work.The party comes to think that,State institutions reform plan is determined,For basic health services and the function of family planning services will be more.Two kinds of service power together,The ultimate goal is to improve the birth population quality.


S read


The ministry of health of memorabilia


On November 1, 1949


The central people's government ministry of health was established.


When in 1954


The original of the central people's government ministry of health to the ministry of health of the People's Republic of China,As the composition department of the state council.


In April 1985


Energy department of the ministry of health[A report on the health work reform several policy issues],Pulled open the prelude of the transformation of medical institutions.


In November 1989


The ministry of health issued a notice and methods of hospital classification management,Hospital according to the task and function is divided into three different decade, etc.


In January 2007


Dominated by the ministry of health of health reform enacted in the new scheme is disclosed,Stressed that the government dominant.


The national population and family memorabilia


It was not the end of 1962


The ministry of health of maternal and child health department set up family planning.


When in 1964


Approved by the state council,The family planning committee under the state council.


In November 1968


The family planning committee of the state council has been revoked,Family planning work is borne by the ministry of health.


In July 1973


Set up family planning under the state council leading group of the state council.Leading group consists of office of the agency,Remain with the ministry of health.


In March 1981


The fifth session of the 17th meeting of the NPC standing committee through institutional reforms of the state council,Decided to set up the national family planning commission of the People's Republic of China.


In March 2003


State family planning commission was renamed the national population and family planning commission of the People's Republic of China.

  晨报记者 王海亮/整理

Morning paper reporter Wang Hailiang/finishing


S the scene to


 黄洁夫:改革最困难的是如何选对人 Huang Jiefu:Reform is the most difficult is how to choose to people

  “如果大家都想着自己的事儿,那就麻烦了” "If everyone think about own business,It would be in trouble"


After hearing institution under the state council reform and function transformation scheme,The CPPCC national committee/Deputy health minister huang jiefu has left the great hall of the people"Early into the role",Claim to"Once, a deputy minister of health".He said at the same time,No matter how institutional change,Everyone to the people's interests as the starting point,"All thinking people,This things can be done well;If everyone think about own business,It would be in trouble".


New ministries, hereinafter referred to as"Health development planning commission"?


Huang Jiefu said,The ministry of health faced major changes at this time:One is the original population state family planning commission merger to the ministry of health,Since there is no"The ministry of health"the,The abbreviation"Health development planning commission"??2 it is another piece of the function of food and drug administration to the ministry of health and food safety office,Form of food and drug administration management."Part of the function to go out,Part of the function to come in,I think layout will be a great challenge to medical and health care".


He said at the same time,No matter how institutional change,Eventually, the people who work to do.Institutional reform involves to the arrangement of the people,To personnel allocation/Create positions/Set position,Everyone to the people's interests as the starting point,"All thinking people,This things can be done well;If everyone think about own business,It would be in trouble".


Family planning policy would not loosen


Ask for media will form under the state council"National health and family planning commission"Does that mean the family planning policy of loosening?Huang Jiefu said,"I don't see is what is the connection between the two."


Huang Jiefu said,To form a new unit is more of a policy of humanization,More attention to the livelihood of the people,More attention to the aspirations of the people.Huang Jiefu said,If there is a change,He thinks that"Under the leadership of the new department,Family planning work will be better than the original meeting the needs of social development stage".And the CPPCC national committee/Deputy health minister Chen xiaohong said,Family planning work"Don't weaken,But will strengthen".Health and family planning functions are integrated together,National goal is very clear,Is to improve birth population quality and people's health level.


Choose the most difficult to people


"Operation design is better,Also need a good doctor to complete.Policy design better,Also need good people to perform - this is the key to reform success or failure."Huang Jiefu said,Reform is the most difficult when two departments responsibility and together,How to from the perspective of the interests of the people to create positions/Personnel allocation/Responsibilities and choose talent -- the minister's daunting challenges in the future.For example, he said,This reform integrating the functions of the commission and the ministry of health,The commission alone, nearly 200 staff,Among them,There is a director/Deputy director of the four,There are several leaders/Director of the.For any reform,"Choose a good man"It was a huge challenge,The candidates according to ability or the candidates based on location,"I think,Is to choose the right people,Is a person who choose to serve the people sitting in this position".


Huang Jiefu said,"If there is,The reform is on crack,then‘To the people's interests as the starting point’Is our hard teeth.With hard teeth to bite hard stuff,Reform will succeed."

  晨报首席记者 崔红 姜葳 记者 陈琳

Morning, chief reporter Cui Gong ginger Veda reporter Chen Lin
