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饥饿减肥害处多 有氧运动20分钟后才减肥--亲稳网络舆情监控室

饥饿减肥害处多 有氧运动20分钟后才减肥


Which fat is beautiful women in the tang dynasty of China,Modern women with thin for beauty.Female body beauty standard is not consistent in each era,But since the,Regardless of fat thin,For the beauty of women,But there is a little consensus - healthy vibrant women is the most beautiful.


Beijing sports university head movement rehabilitation Wang Anli said,Sport is an effective means to realize the beauty of women's health.


 运动与女性身材塑造 Movement and the female body shape


Female body is determined by three factors,Is a genetic factor,Figure is often the parents of replication,This is a natural,People can't change.On the other hand is a nutritional factors,Superior living conditions let person height level is much higher than before now.There is another important factor is the movement.Sports we can independently participate in shaping the figure is the most healthy way.

  经常锻炼身材好 Exercise regularly in good shape


Regular exercise is especially human spirit,Because sports can let a female muscle is compact/trim/A dial.Women's beauty is not thin,And have the perfect body curve,Tighten the tightening of the place,The bulge protruding place.


Women keep good figure,Depends on three aspects.


One is to stick to aerobic exercise,By consuming more fat,Keep weight within a reasonable range,This is the foundation of the through movement to realize good figure.


2 it is to exercise power,By pulling a rubber band,Dumbbell resistance exercises, etc,Back to the bridge/Abdominal bridge/Side of the bridge to practice,Let the muscles more compact,Strengthen the joint stability.Help prevent muscle/Joint degenerative changes,Such as the:To prevent cervical spondylosis/Lumbar shoulder dish outstanding/The traumatic osteoarthritis of lumbar pain, and so on.


3 it is to do more stretching exercises,Stretching can be stretched muscle fibers,Reduce joint activity restrictions,Increase the flexibility of the body.Let's body language more appropriately,More generous/More beautiful.


 增加瘦体重是关键 Increase in lean body mass is the key


Proper fat accumulation,Make women more like women,charming,but,Excess fat accumulation,Will become a burden,Not only ruin the shape,Also ruin the health.Proper fat accumulation and the right amount of exercise,Not only make women more health,Still can make women more attractive.In terms of aesthetic and health,Ordinary women body fat,Body composition should be kept within a certain range of numerical values,In accordance with the international standard should be the proportion of between 18% and 20% is the best.


Wang Anli explain,Body composition is the proportion of lean body mass and fat weight,muscle/organ/The weight of the bones together referred to as lean body mass.Within a certain range,Lean body mass is bigger, the better.


Increase lean body mass mainly by muscle exercise,Muscle growth is the most easy to implement.Aerobic exercise and instruments of targeted training is the main way to increase lean body mass.Among them,running/Riding a bike/Aerobic exercise such as swimming,And the appropriate resistance such as lift weights/Yoga is sports,Will increase the proportion of lean body mass.Lean body mass is big,Basal metabolic rate is high,Regardless of the stand/Sitting or other daily actions,Consumed energy than fat people more.Such people are more likely to control weight,Weight change of the amplitude and space also too won't big.


 运动出汗滋润皮肤 Sweat moist skin


Not only can sweat discharge poison,Also can increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands,Play the role of natural moist skin,So say the most healthy way to maintain skin is movement.In addition,Pat face often,Especially dry wash a face massage type,Not only can make the face of the small muscle contraction,Also can make the diversification of skin fall off,Improve skin blood circulation,Let the skin more moist/luster/compact.In addition,Movement at the same time,Appropriately increased collagen protein in the diet/B vitamins and vitamin C intake,Helps maintain skin luster elastic.

  此外,食物中要讲究荤素搭配,单纯吃素易导致缺铁,使面部显得苍白,胶原蛋白、铁、维生素是维持面部美容不可或缺的三要素。 本报记者 田晶 供图/东方IC

In addition,Should pay attention to hun vegetable collocation in the food,Pure vegetarian diet can lead to iron deficiency,Make the face look pale,collagen/iron/The three elements of vitamins is essential to facial beauty. Our reporter Tian Jing for figure/eastern IC


Now a lot of women in order to be slim in the short run,By adopting the method of hungry to lose weight,Try very hard to go on a diet.Do not eat or eat less,Although can get very good thin body effect in a short time,But in the long run,Very bad for health.


 饥饿减肥害处多 Hungry to lose weight more than harm


Wang Anli explain,If there is no proper subcutaneous fat reserves,In addition to often feel cold,Also easy to appear osteoporosis/Body organ prolapse and other symptoms,Such as the stomach and kidney.In addition,Will also result in joint instability,Increases the risk of injury,Even affect hormone secretion and fertility.Some special difficult thin woman's menstrual cycle disorder and pregnancy,Because is too narrow.


General principle of weight loss is accomplished by more consumption and less consumption of thermal energy negative balance,If hungry reduction,Not only loss of muscle,Can also lead to bone osteoporosis,Organ atrophy.Exercise for weight loss can retain lean body mass,To lose fat,Is the most health without side effects.But need some time,Consumption is big,Not easy to insist for a long time.so,Women want to have a good figure,Perseverance is the most important.


有氧运动20分钟后才减肥 Aerobic exercise for 20 minutes after weight loss


Wang Anli stressed,Movement of the twenty minutes before the main powered by repletion,At this time consume most of the body is repletion,Fat after twenty minutes to participate in power.so,The longer the more fat you burn.Of course,,In order to make our body more perfect,Better health,Fitness exercise should contain different types of projects.Such as both the aerobic exercise,And resistance exercises,Fitness exercise effect will be better.But should pay attention to is not to arrange equipment training and aerobic exercise at the same time,Or order.Resistance training and the role of aerobic exercise will interfere with each other,And reduce the value and effect of exercise.


 全身运动能实现局部减肥 Body movement can realize local weight loss


If you have already appeared"The butterfly sleeves"Body, such as local obesity phenomenon,Local weight loss is difficult to achieve,So we must form the good habit of exercise as a child.


Conclusion according to the mainstream research,The body fat is randomly distributed,Is not what we imagined"Practice which reduction which",Body movement can achieve the goal of local weight loss,Thus, the general thin local thin,But in view of the partial body exercise can also let loose muscles become more compact,Good outline,Look thin.


Wang Anli said,Instrument training can let local lax muscles become compact and organized.If there are no conditions in fitness exercise,As long as to master the correct method,Using the side of the bottle/The article such as books,Can be anywhere at any time to exercise.


用餐和运动时间要隔开 Must separate meals and sports time


Sport is the best time to three in the afternoon/When at four o 'clock,Sports nutrition science,After one and a half hours after the meal, to exercise,Movement after 45 minutes to go to dinner.


Eat to absorb nutrition,If just finish eating,Gastrointestinal blood and transferring them to the body organs,Is not conducive to digestion.


Sports after dinner,Redistribution of blood,Motion organ of the blood transfer to work in the digestive tract,Risk of digestive tract diseases,Can lead to indigestion,And reduces the working efficiency of the digestive tract.

  如果做不到,可以少吃点,不要饥饿状态去运动。本报记者 田晶

If you can't do,You can eat less,Don't hungry to movement.Our reporter Tian Jing
