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40岁产妇顺产后死亡 曾要求剖腹产被拒绝--亲稳舆论引导监测室
经过两次医疗鉴定后 一审法院判决医院承担次要责任 经过两次医疗鉴定后 一审法院判决医院承担次要责任
在东莞凤岗镇打工的阿红(Not his real name)Finally got pregnant with the child at the age of 40.Since the red belong to women,In the red full-term birth,Family members require hospital cesarean section,But the hospital think hong meets natural labor conditions,Refused to hong a caesarean section,O the last red bleeding after such smoothly,Rescue invalid death.Hong's family ignored the patient the right to choose way of delivery in hospital,Killed red o grounds,Demand compensation from the hospital death compensation/Damages, etc. A total of more than 100 ten thousand yuan.Dongguan city hospital of the 3rd after the people's court ruling hong family members more than 40, ten thousand yuan for compensation.
高龄产妇顺产后死亡 高龄产妇顺产后死亡
家属索赔100多万元 家属索赔100多万元
2005年,Hong and her husband come to qingxi town, dongguan city,Two people opened a hardware store to start a small business.At the end of 2009,Forty years old red found herself pregnant,The couple,Looking forward to the coming of a new life.On September 16, 2010,O red abdominal pain,To dongguan city phoenix post to a hospital for the delivery.
阿红及其家人认为,Red is a high-risk pregnancy,Then to the hospital to a caesarean section,But the hospital think hong can natural childbirth.The next day in the morning,Through the tire midwifery,Hong gave birth to a baby boy.but,O red then postpartum hemorrhage,After the rescue invalid death.
阿红的家属认为医院医护人员严重违反诊疗conventional,Ignore the patient the right to choose way of delivery,Extreme disregard for life and health of patients,Result in death/The consequences of neonatal encephalopathy,Sued to dongguan, the third of the people's court,Asked the court sentenced to hospital pay the funeral expenses/Compensation for death/Emotional distress, such as a total of more than 100 ten thousand yuan.
医院则表示,Hospital in the treatment process,Medical staff strictly abide by the relevant state health laws and regulations/Clinical nursing standard and routine,In accordance with the practice,Processed in a timely manner,Death is the result of the development condition of patients,No causal relationship with hospital medical behavior.Hospital is not at fault,Do not need to assume liability to pay compensation.
省医学会司法鉴定 Judicial authentication province medical association
认为医院存在过失 认为医院存在过失
案件审理过程中,The third of the people's court has commissioned medical association in dongguan in dongguan/Guangdong medical association medical accident technical appraisal.Conclusion for the dongguan city medical association,O red does not have cesarean section surgery indications,Hospitals choose natural labor trial-produce,Specification conforms to the diagnosis and treatment/conventional.Puerpera childbirth concurrency in the process of amniotic fluid embolism leading to death,In clinic was set up.Maternal illness worsens,The prescriptions conducted positive rescue.so,The death of hong and there is no causal relationship between hospital diagnosis and treatment behavior.
阿红家属对此鉴定结论不服,Apply to the court for delegate guangdong medical association carries on the appraisal again.
省医学会鉴定结论为,Hospital in the process of diagnosis and treatment of hong,There is violation of administrative rules and medical care standards/Conventional medical negligence.Rescue measures are not perfect/Failed to blood transfusion,Hospital of the medical negligence and there is a certain causal relationship between patients died.But because the red is a high-risk pregnancy,Sudden death in labor,Cannot be ruled out in patients with uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock caused by amniotic fluid embolism is the main cause of death,Hospital of the fault is the secondary reason,So hospital secondary responsibility.
判决 判决
院方担责四成 院方担责四成
赔付40余万 赔付40余万
东莞市第三人民法院审理认为,综合医学会的鉴定意见以及案件查明的事实,虽然阿红家属对省医学会认为医院应承担次要责任的鉴定意见存有异议,但由于省医学会作出的鉴定意见是根据产科专家的意见作出的,而家属并没有提供充分的证据反驳,诊疗行为是相当专业的行为,应尊重专家作出的意见。据此,医院应对阿红在该诊疗活动中遭受的损害承担40%的责任。经核算,法院认定院方向阿红家属赔付各项费用等共计40余万元。(记者周伟良 通讯员钟紫薇)
东莞市第三人民法院审理认为,Comprehensive medical expert opinion and find out the fact that case,Although red family members to the provincial medical association o think hospital secondary responsibility appraisal opinion is disputed,But because of provincial medical association to make appraisal Suggestions are made according to the opinion of the obstetric experts,And relatives did not provide sufficient evidence to refute,Diagnosis and treatment behavior is quite professional behavior,Should be respecting the opinions of experts.On the basis of,Hospital o cope with red in the diagnosis and treatment activities damage 40% responsibility.The accounting,Court court direction hong's family to pay expenses, etc. A total of more than 40, ten thousand yuan.(The reporter Zhou Weiliang correspondent Zhong Ziwei)
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