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河北无偿献血公益活动进乡村 农民成为献血主力--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
中新网石家庄4月26日电(李洋)26日,“善行河北·无偿献血” 百日公益活动在辛集市六郎营村举行。活动开始前,全体人员为四川芦山地震遇难者和为灾区救援而英勇牺牲的官兵、志愿者默哀。
中新网石家庄4月On the 26th电(Li Yang)On the 26th,"Good in hebei, unpaid blood donation" One hundred - day public welfare activities held in six LangYing xinji city village.Prior to the start of the activity,Personnel forth for sichuan earthquake victims and the officers and soldiers died bravely for disaster relief/Volunteers in silence.
"I volunteer to join the team of blood donation without compensation.I promise:Love the life,Acting on the unpaid blood donation,With blood pooling hope in life!I promise:Do our best to,Propaganda and service of blood donation without compensation,With pass love life force!"Vows will"Good in hebei, unpaid blood donation"One hundred - day public welfare activities to a climax.
在现场,Donate blood the pei to farmers there cause for concern.He blood twice a year,Each 400 ml,Has 5000 ml of blood donation,Locals call it"Senior people blood donation".He told the reporters,After offering the blood at a time,Thought of his own blood can let the noise of others' life,Think it's value.
据主办方介绍,Since the"Good in hebei, unpaid blood donation"Since its launch in March 5th,Have successively held into the enterprise/Into the series of activities,In gaoyi/The east coast of 53 a public welfare activity recreation hall, etc,Total 1.49 million ml of blood donation.
据统计,Blood center in hebei province in shijiazhuang region by HP increases progressively with the annual speed of 10% - 12%,Collect blood of 54 tons in 2012,And in 1998 in hebei province[donation]Years of growth in the highest level since enacted.Judging from shijiazhuang blood donation amount last year,58% from the regions at the county level and below,In terms of the structure of blood donors,Farmers have become the main blood donation.
河北省血液中心副主任何路军说,As the clinical doctor and he has risen sharply,Clinical use requirements on the rise,structural/Seasonal blood supply tense is often happened.What route army said,Hebei province blood center will continue to be leaning to the villages and towns,Give a full play to the superiority of the flowing blood donation is not affected by regional,As more farmers friend of voluntary blood donation service.(After the)
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