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祛除青春痘 提高皮肤抵抗力是关键--亲稳舆论引导监测室
On March 8,,This newspaper published[Changchun crisis,Pox-eliminated good books]article,In numerous readers caused a strong reaction.Some parents to our calling,Ask blain on fro whelk,Whether there really is so amazing?To do this,The author has arrived at the xiaoshan jinhui road again blain shop.
痘痘长在孩子脸上,急在家长心里 Long blain blain face in children,Urgent in parents heart
Secco acne so many people in the shop,Many parents take their children to come.The children's face,Some painted brown"Facial mask",Some painted white"Facial mask",Are all around"The face".Physical therapy is for these young face massage gently.
I asked a little boy is treatment:"How old are you ah?Treatment of pain??""I'm 14 years old.Don't hurt her."The child's mother said,She took the child to the last Saturday for the first time,Go home with a week"Facial mask",Is much better.
There is a girl,Is mother to accompany.The girl's mother said,Daughter is 21 years old this year,Acne is the 78 years,'s been everywhere,Is no effect.Mom is very worried:"Daughter is the blain blain is too ugly.Girls love beautiful.I worry that will affect her future job and in love..."She said with a sigh:"Just a few questions,How so difficult?"
科学治疗,良好习惯不可少 Science treatment,Good habit cannot little
Blain Yang Dian long said,Now, whether boys or girls,Long blain blain of a lot.There are a variety of reasons,Is eat too good with children,Overnutrition about,With their children to study pressure big, too,Spirit is too nervous.Whatever the reason,If you want to let blain blain disappear,The key is to find the method.If treatment is not right,May spend a lot of money and energy,Also can only be the wasted effort.
Yang Dian said,Some parents worry that look not good,Instead, see the bad.Such worries are unnecessary.As long as you put the skin/treatment/Consolidate all done as required,Remove acne is sure no problem.
First of all,Skin cleaning in place,In order to better absorb formula,All the treatments and skin care starts in the clean,More filling water/Pay attention to prevent bask in,It is important to prevent bask in all the year round,Can the water oil balance of skin to healthy,Will have a greater resistance.Light person don't need to store,As long as the coating formula can good home,In two kinds of formula,Depends on acne and seal pit.
In the second,How long does it take to can good?That should see symptoms.acne,A week can see the obvious effect.Mild one or two months can be good,With photos to prove it.If two weeks have no effect,We are a full refund.If have the effect,Your child has insisted on a few times,Must be good;Super heavy,That is a small grain of rice as base layer pox and large areas of acne,Recover more slower,About 3 ~ 6 months can be good,But the result is the same.Of course,,Restore slower,With a large quantity of formula,Cost may be a little more.
祖传秘方,让你轻松袪痘 Ancestral secret recipe,Allows you to easily remove acne
Yang Dian said,Blain after 25 years of clinical experience,Success has helped countless"Blain friends"Successful acne,And most do not leave a mark.here,You don't have to drink the medicine to swallow,Also need not crowded and dig painfully,Don't even have too taboos,Want to eat what eat what,Coating formula can also be normal wear makeup,Does not affect the normal life,No side effects,Not red and swollen skin/Not peeling.After so many years of research,"Blain friends"You can think of the bad,We have to overcome,And will not contain hormones.
then,Division of acne acne removing principle is what?Yang Dian said,Division of acne acne removing method is ancestral secret recipe.The secret recipe overturns the traditional idea,From the self-healing force and resistance of the skin,Make the skin balance state.After blain blain disappear,Later won't be long,Because the skin has a memory.She said,Our research and treat blain blain for 25 years,No rebound.Our approach to acute or chronic allergic blush is very effective,A week can see effect.To tell the truth,Do you have any effect,A week can see out.
Yang Dian said,Be honest/Work is our creed.Now what are prices,We still insist on the national uniform price a few years ago.Customer requirements to join some cure,I honestly tell,Although our business is so hot,In fact, there is very little profit.Come to us,How is the word of mouth is introduced.If we do well,Can't come there are so many people every day.
"A lot of students at ordinary times to classes,Do you work weekends?"The author asked.Yang Dian said,We consider the problem,so,We all don't rest at noon on Saturday and Sunday,9 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day,Can come at any time.
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