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山东发现H7N9疑似病例 截至昨日全国共104例确诊--亲稳网络舆情监控室
根据国家卫生和计划生育委员会22日公布的消息,On April 21, 2013, 16 to 22 April 16,The national report new cases of human infection with H7N9 in 2 cases of the bird flu virus,Are from zhejiang province.
截至At present,China has reported 104 confirmed cases,Which killed 21 people,Rehabilitation of 13 people,The rest of the 70 people receiving treatment in all medical units.Cases are in the state,Has not yet been found that the evidence from.
浙江昨再添2例确诊病例 Zhejiang yesterday add 2 cases of confirmed cases
记者从zhejiang省卫生厅证实,15. As of April 22,Zhejiang add 2 cases of human infection H7N9 avian influenza.At this point,Zhejiang has confirmed cases of infection of 40 people,In addition to the five people were killed,Two people outside the hospital,The rest are in the specified admitted to hospital for treatment.
新增患者叶某,female,54 years old,HangZhouJi company staff,On April 16,ZheYi a hospital now.Another LiuMou new patients,male,32 years old,Jiangxi cadastral peasant,Now living in huzhou,On April 14,Huzhou central hospital treatment now.At present,2 cases were mild,Hospitals are under active treatment.
22日上午,Huzhou patients with Mr Zhang, 41, a rehabilitation hospital discharge.The patient is on the evening of 8, participate in local live poultry culling infected while working.14 days after the onset,The initiative to hospital,In 17, was diagnosed with the H7N9 avian influenza virus,But the illness is lighter.At this point,Zhejiang has 2 patients were cured patients discharged from hospital.
上海4天没有出现新增病例 Shanghai 4 days no new cases
Shanghai市联防联控机制副总指挥/Shanghai health and family planning commission director Xu Jianguang 22 government conference in Shanghai,Nearly ten days since,Shanghai H7N9 bird flu cases has a significantly lower compared with the previous phase,Among them 4 days no new cases;Now confirmed cases are before 13th April.
截至4月21日24时,Shanghai, a total of 33 cases of human infection H7N9 found cases of the bird flu,One of eight patients recovered,11 cases died,14 cases are under active treatment.
山东发现首例人感染疑似病例 Shandong found case of human infection with suspected cases
记者从山东省卫生厅获悉,Shandong center for disease control and prevention 22 laboratory confirmed case of human infection H7N9 suspected cases of bird flu.The cases from zaozhuang,Is a 36-year-old male patient.This is found in shandong province's first infected H7N9 suspected cases of bird flu.
据了解,The patient is currently stands by zaozhuang's hospitals,Hospitals are taking steps to active treatment patients.Shandong province health department has sent panel at the provincial level to the local guide clinical treatment/Epidemiological investigation, prevention and control work, etc.The centers for disease control and prevention of zaozhuang has nine close contacts to implement medical observation,Found no flu-like symptoms.
按照国家卫生和计划生育委员会规定,Shandong center for disease control and prevention has samples will be sent to the Chinese center for disease control and prevention,So that the final diagnosis.
江苏检出1份禽流感阳性样品 Jiangsu 1 check out bird flu positive samples
jiangsu省动物疫病预防控制中心日前检出1份信鸽疑似阳性样品,Review confirmed by national avian influenza reference laboratory for H7N9 tested positive for bird flu.
据农业部新闻办公室22日消息,The samples from jiangsu nantong HaiAnXian a pigeon,On April 4, isolates and isolated from pigeon H7N9 bird flu strain was highly homologous.
农业部已要求jiangsu省按照农业部[Animal H7N9 avian flu emergency disposal guidelines(On a trial basis)]Do a good job related to disposal.At the same time,Request to further strengthen H7N9 surveillance of bird flu virus,Implement various control measures.
截至At present,National avian influenza reference laboratory were detected in 40 samples of H7N9 positive for bird flu.
H7N9联合考察组: Our H7N9 joint study:
没证据证明H7N9病毒 No evidence to prove that H7N9 virus
可实现持续的人际传播 Can achieve sustained human-to-human transmission
在22日召开的Shanghai市政府新闻发布会上,China - the world health organization of human infection with H7N9 bird flu prevention and control of our joint study, experts said,So far,There's no evidence that H7N9 can achieve sustained human-to-human transmission of the virus,Limited human-to-human transmission to the realization of the rights of the virus is not clear conclusions.
联合考察组外方组长/Who's assistant director-general keiji fukuda said,For there families gather cases in Shanghai,Will consider whether there is a common animal, or environmental exposure;Also consider whether the virus can realize communication between people.
卫生机构对此已经展开了行动,Positive epidemiological investigation,But so far have not a clear answer."We already know some of the bird flu virus is possible limited human-to-human transmission.But so far,According to all the information,To the realization of the rights of the H7N9 limited human-to-human transmission is not able to draw a clear conclusion,Also have no way to explain why appear this kind of small cases."
中方组长/Yang Weizhong deputy director of the China center for disease control and prevention said,So far,Understanding of H7N9 still very limited,Need to be more sensitive/A wider range of monitoring,To further know the source of the virus/Distribution of the/features/Variation, etc.;At the same time及时发现病人/Standard treatment/To reduce death.By monitoring may also find some mild patients,It can help better understand medical virus.
台湾或要求陆生赴台前 Taiwan or ask for land to the front
提供H7N9检查合格证明 Provide H7N9 inspection certificate
台湾当局教育主管部门22日表示,Will continue to focus on the outbreak of h5n1 avian influenza in mainland H7N9 developments,Does not exclude the mainland students in the second half of the new semester to front,Provide H7N9 avian influenza health inspection certificate.
台湾流行疫情指挥中心当天举行例行新闻发布会.Taiwan education department officials said,Universities and colleges in Taiwan's new school year begins in September is expected to add about 2000 land,And currently studying in Taiwan more than 8800 land back to school,Estimates that there will be more than ten thousand land to Taiwan."For August to Taiwan is about to land,Will the outbreak requires,Asked them to front for health check,Once diagnosed H7N9 avian influenza infection,Hope they delayed to Taiwan;To have to land,Will the school health management independently according to the relevant requirement."
该负责人表示,At present in the study in land is more used by Beijing in February this year/Shanghai/jiangsu/zhejiang/Fujian and guangdong provinces and cities to Taiwan,Were less likely to infect.Mainland students to Taiwan in 2011,Beijing and other 6 provinces and cities first pilot provinces,This year will add in hubei province/Liaoning province.
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