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春季防甲肝需管住嘴 食用海鲜肉类需充分加热--亲稳网络舆情监控室
Spring is active bacteria and viruses,Is hepatitis season.The city Gu Qing remind, director of the center for disease control and prevention,High prevalence of hepatitis a in spring,Diet is not health/Eat raw seafood,Can cause hepatitis a.
Gu Qing introduction,Hepatitis a is an acute infectious disease caused by hepatitis a virus,Infected object is given priority to with adolescents and children.Incidence of hepatitis a in,Patients with anorexia/nausea/vomiting/The symptoms of tiredness,Some patients with jaundice and fever/Hepatomegaly and liver function damage symptoms.Some symptoms similar to flu or stomach trouble,Easily misdiagnosed as respiratory diseases and the digestive tract diseases.Hepatitis a while do not translate into slow hepatitis,But the course of the disease is generally in a month or so,Later still need one to two months of rest to fully recover.Some people own strong immunity,Infected with the hepatitis a virus have no symptoms at all,But this kind of person is also a source of infection,Need to pay attention,Early found early treatment.
Gu Qing remind,Hepatitis a can be prevented,Hepatitis a vaccine was effective preventive measures.People are eating food contaminated with hepatitis a virus/Water or use the tableware of hepatitis a virus contamination,Is likely to be infected with hepatitis a.Eat raw vegetables/Fish or seafood,Drink to living water,Can let the virus invades the body.To personal hygiene,Before the rice then empress to wash your hands,tableware/Tea set/Toilet articles regularly disinfected.Edible clam/clam/Arca subcrenata/Before the oysters and other seafood,Should be repeated in the clear water to soak/Fully wash,Boiling water for 15 to 30 minutes before eating.When eating hot pot,meat/An animal's gut/seafood/Vegetables and other food,Must be very hot cooked before eating.Don't stall in no health protection/Snack to eat.
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