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预防春季流感四方面入手 科学洗手 文明咳嗽--亲稳网络舆情监控室
春季The flu比较多.What are the symptoms of influenza?How to prevent?Reporters interviewed Gu Qing, director of the center for disease control and prevention in tianjin.
顾清介绍,The flu(Hereinafter referred to as the flu)Is acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza virus,Spread by droplets,General performance for the cause,Have chills/fever/Have a cough/Lack of power/Symptoms such as headaches and sore and ache all over,Lighter and runny nose symptoms.Temperature up to 39 ℃ to 40 ℃,Fever lasts 2-3 days,Systemic symptom is improved gradually,But a stuffy nose/Runny nose/Sore throat/A dry cough and upper respiratory tract symptoms are more obvious.A few patients also possible loss of appetite/nausea/constipation/Mild gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhoea.Middle-aged people/Of patients with chronic respiratory disease or heart disease,Easily complicated with pneumonia.
顾清提醒,Daily life to prevent flu in the spring,Are available from the following four aspects:
一/Science to wash your hands.Pay attention to maintain good personal hygiene,Wash your hands often,Use soap or hand wash under running water to wash their hands,Don't dirty hands with a towel.By six steps washing clean their hands thoroughly:The first step,The palm relative,Fingers together,Rub each other;The second step,Palm opponent back along the fingers rub each other,Switching to;The third step,The palm relative,Arms crossed fingers rub each other;The fourth step,Another palm bending finger joints in rotation rub;Step 5,My right hand left hand thumb rotation rub,Switching to;Step 6,Turn fingertips together on another palm rub.
二/Civilization cough.Flu patients to talk/Have a cough/Sneezing is the virus spread into the air,When sneezing or coughing so had better use a clean handkerchief or paper towel cover mouth and nose,To avoid contamination droplets of others.If at that time too late to take paper towel,Can use the elbow bend the clothes keep out of the mouth,Because the virus is not easy to stay on dry clothes.When sneezing or coughing,Best don't hand cover mouth and nose.If hands contact with respiratory secretions,Immediately wash your hands,As far as possible to touch her face with hands.
三/Get enough sleep.Children guarantee 9-10 hours of sleep every day;Adults ensure 7-8 hours of sleep every day;The elderly guarantee 5-6 hours of sleep every day.
四/Enhanced physique.On the one hand must strengthen the sports,On the other hand to ensure the health/Nutritious diet.diet/To the health of drinking water;Eat less Fried/Fried/baked/Baked food;Eat more fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C/Dairy products and protein food.
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