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张钰在福建医科大学附属协和医院接受治疗 ZhangYu in fujian medical university affiliate union medical college hospital for treatment起张钰病情时,张钰妈妈悲从心中来,忍不住掉泪 The ZhangYu their condition,ZhangYu mother grief from your heart,Couldn't help shed
  4岁的童年,本应该这样度过:与同龄的孩子嬉笑打闹,在父母的怀里肆意撒娇,与最亲密的哥哥分享天真与无邪……但霞浦县北壁乡河山桥头村的张钰,每天却要面对打针、输液的恐惧,因为她得了“急性淋巴细胞白血病”。而她13岁的哥哥扁桃体肿大,膀胱结石,需动手术,因为妹妹的白血病也只能先放弃治疗。 4 years old childhood,This should be spent like this:And their peers hitting children laughing,In the arms of their parents wanton ACTS like a child,And the most intimate brother share naive and have no evil......But XiaPuXian north wall in the village of ZhangYu bridge in use,But every day to face an injection、Infusion of fear,Because she had“Acute lymphocytic leukemia”。And she 13 year old brother tonsil enlargement,Bladder calculi,Need surgery,Because sister of leukemia can only first giving up treatment。


“疼,我不要打针” “pain,I don't want an injection”


22 morning,Reporter in fujian medical university hospital affiliated xiehe hospital saw ZhangYu,Her mother's arms are crying“mother,pain,I don't want an injection......”It is the tears of the bean big a then a rolling down,Her father and mother watching stem worried,Only 1 vigorously encourage daughter。ZhangYu father zhang add cloud said,ZhangYu was afraid of an injection,From now to the diagnosis of chemotherapy,His daughter has taken size countless needle tube,Bear pain。


Zhang add cloud says,They are XiaPuXian north wall beautiful village in the bridge,Both the husband and wife are in fuqing a dozen jobs to sin,Monthly income only 23000 yuan。ZhangYu at ordinary times is grandma in the belt,June 21,,The child suddenly has been a fever,Just started thinking is a cold,In fuqing local hospitals inspection,Was not sure of the illness,Will the child to a hospital changle county,The doctor was doubtful whether children blood has a problem,Advice to fuzhou hospital to see。

  在协和医院,医生初步检查后,怀疑得了白血病。先后做了三次“骨穿”,最终确认是 “急性淋巴细胞白血病”。“一听孩子得了这种病,顿时感觉天都塌下来了,怎么都不敢相信,这么小的孩子会得这种病。”22日上午,在病房里,张钰妈妈黄玉娥回忆起当时的情形时,仍然止不住地掉下眼泪来。

In Peking union medical college hospital,The doctor after preliminary examination,Suspect had leukemia。It took three times“Bone wear”,Final confirmation is “Acute lymphocytic leukemia”。“A listen to children in this disease,Suddenly feel days fall down,How all dare not to believe,Such small children would get the disease。”22 morning,In the ward,ZhangYu HuangYuE mother recalled the situation,Still can't help to drop down to tears。


In order to alleviate the pain ZhangYu,HuangYuE has to the doctor for suspended the infusion,But small ZhangYu still crying hurts,She had to constantly clap small ZhangYu back before she falls asleep。In order to take care of the little ZhangYu,Zhang add clouds and HuangYuE every day in the hospital kept,Continuous care and nursing care,Let HuangYuE face gaunt,His eyes were bloodshot。


治愈机率有70—80% There are 70-80% chance to cure

  张钰的主治医生李健告诉记者,张钰得的是“急性淋巴细胞白血病”, 从目前的化验结果来看,小孩的危险系数不是很高,治愈的成功机率有70—80%,但具体还要视情况而定,整个疗程下来预计需要几十万元。

ZhangYu chief doctor li told reporters,ZhangYu's“Acute lymphocytic leukemia”, From the current test result,Child's risk factors is not very high,Heal the chances of success are 70-80%,But the specific also depends,The whole process is expected to take down hundreds of thousands of dollars。


“At present the child of the treatment is not well,So the cost、The effect may be the observed again。”Li said,The most afraid of chemotherapy appears fungal infections and platelet reduce other symptoms of cause,They may endanger the life children。


砸锅卖铁也要给孩子治病 ZaGuoMaiTie also want to treat children


From July 15 chemotherapy today,Only a few days,ZhangYu disease has spent more than 60000 yuan,Among them, 30000 yuan are dad high borrowed。“Relatives can borrow all excuse me......,Now in the medical treatment every day thousands of yuan of above。”Speaking of ZhangYu when medical expenses,The strong father sad face。


Zhang add more sorrow is cloud,His 13-year-old son recently by the hospital told,Tonsil enlargement,inflammation,Bladder calculi,Needed surgery。“Son need surgery,Daughter and need chemotherapy,Can only be give up treatment son's illness,I really don't know the way to the way...”

  “不管怎么样,就是砸锅卖铁我都会给张钰治病的。”张添云说他打算继续去借高利贷,“可是,我现在这种情况,又有谁敢把钱借给我呢?”(本网记者 游雯星)

“No matter how,I'll give ZaGuoMaiTie is ZhangYu cure。”Zhang add cloud says he plans to continue to borrow usury,“but,I now the situation,And who dare to lend money to me?”(Our reporter YouWen star)
