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海南首例婴儿先天眼睑缺失粘连 手术失败欲再寻医--亲稳网络舆情监测室
中新网海口5月2日电 (琼芬)刚刚做妈妈8个多月的姜女士每天内心都备受痛苦煎熬。她的宝宝果果出生即不幸患上先天眼睑缺失及粘连病。此病较为罕见,是海南首例。更不幸的是,今年1月份在北京手术后,经3个多月的恢复,发现手术失败。姜女士一家心急如焚希望为孩子寻找更好的治疗。
中新网海口5月2日电 (Joan Finn)Just mom more than 8 months of jiang, heart is suffering every day.Her baby born blended unfortunately suffering from congenital eyelid defects and adhesion.The disease is relatively rare,Hainan is the first.More unfortunately,今年1月份在北京手术after,After more than three months of recovery,Surgery to lose.Jiang, a desperate hope to find better treatments for children.
男婴先天性上眼睑缺失 Baby boy with congenital missing upper eyelid
2012年8月28日,Working in BaoTing li and miao autonomous county, hainan province jiang, and her husband have a male baby.But unfortunately also subsequently.Jiang, find baby left eye congenital absence of upper eyelid.To make matters worse,3天after婴儿体检时双耳听力筛查也未通过.The arrival of the baby to a ms jiang from joy to sorrow.
宝宝未满10天,Ms jiang is in lili,Let the husband brought the children came to the people's hospital of hainan province.After the doctor examination diagnose diseases of the baby is missing of upper eyelid adhesions,And hainan's first congenital missing of upper eyelid adhesions patients.
医生建议家长带婴儿到更大医院做手术.But look at the small boy in infancy,Ms jiang and her husband chose to wait for the time being.
孩子满45天after姜女士再次为孩子做了双耳听力检测,Or not by.Whether children congenital deafness?Both family heart worried about children,And heartache for the children.
去年10月,Mr Jiang, and took the kids to the people's liberation army 301 hospital of hainan branch for check again.301 hospital doctor advised ms jiang in Beijing tongren hospital for surgery on children.
赴北京手术不幸失败 赴北京手术不幸失败
同年10月,Ms ginger blended with children and husband came to Beijing.经北京同仁眼科的医生诊察after,The child's eye surgery to January 2013.In 3 months time,Ms jiang has been to stay in Beijing and her husband with the baby,Because their hearts have a falling stone:The child's hearing problems.
姜女士说到此,With tears in eyes,"Hospital to do check constantly,I don't know how much children drink sedatives,做了一系列检查after,The child's ear diagnosis of middle ear effusion,Is not congenital deafness!"This let ginger lady and her husband finally break the heart of a stone.
今年1月8日,Beijing tongren hospital gave blended eyelid defect repair and eyelid adhesions eye dissection surgery.The doctor prior to surgery tell ms jiang,This kind of surgery is the most difficult operation of ophthalmology,There is the possibility of failure.
手术结束after,Beijing the doctor let the children of parents with children back to hainan,And charge recovery for half a year.
手术after至今的4个月里,Ms jiang and her husband didn't sleep a day,Night after night watching children.因为怕孩子在睡着after会揉搓眼睛,Led to the stitching is damaged.
担惊受怕了数月,Jiang, was sad to see,Blended eye restore is not good,Adhesion is still obvious,That is to say, surgery has failed.
家长寻医冀治好孩子 家长寻医冀治好孩子
北京求医之行,Jiang, a cost sixty thousand yuan.This charge in the hainan mountainous farm worker children the family is a big spending.Surgery once again pulled tight mother heart failure.Because ms jiang and her husband/Family on their own ability to get health information is very limited.Ms jiang to the media for help,Hope to find more medical information through the media,Let children get better medical treatment.
8个多月的果果特别爱笑.Because the blended listening is almost zero five months ago,Cause he is a step slow response to sound.At present,The blended ears listening is in recovery.but,Blended in imitation is very talented,6 months to hear mom and dad for finger command,Thin fingers will count.Blended also very fun with music show.
"My father now and blended to work harder than before,Want to give children the best of health,Let children grow up healthy and happy!"Looking at her son chubby cute smiling face,Ms jiang and calling for her husband:"Help our children!"
读者如有"Missing of upper eyelid adhesions"For information,Please reach out to you.Jiang, contact phone number:13086094163.Your email:liqiuhai2007@126.com.(After the)
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