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骨质疏松发病趋年轻化 睡觉抽筋或暗示骨脆脆--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
据统计,In China, about 90 million people are affected by osteoporosis,Is osteoporosis patients most populous country in the world.According to,China's population about 210 million people over the age of 50 low bone mass;Associated with osteoporosis in elderly patients with fracture of more than 30%,Especially in women over age 50,About a third will fractures due to osteoporosis.then,What are the symptoms of osteoporosis?How can you achieve early discovery?Can pure calcium treatment of osteoporosis?Experts point out that,Osteoporosis early and no obvious symptoms,Early bone density screening is to find osteoporosis relatively easy method as soon as possible.At the same time,Pure calcium supplements do not treat osteoporosis,Especially for the elderly if excessive calcium supplements,Not only hard to absorb,May also cause the body appear a few adverse reactions.
"Our country is osteoporosis patients most populous country in the world,There are about 90 million patients(7% of the population).Bone and joint disease, as a kind of degenerative diseases,Has become the disease of heart head blood-vessel/diabetes/Malignant tumor after three major chronic diseases, the most widely threat to human disease."This is air force general hospital orthopaedic professor 伍骥 director in recently"Degeneration of bone and joint prevention and control of BBS"Point out the.
According to,China's population about 210 million people over the age of 50 low bone mass;Associated with osteoporosis in elderly patients with fracture of more than 30%,Especially in women over age 50,About a third will fractures due to osteoporosis.There are statistics show,MenZhenLiang joint disease is second only to catch a cold,Mortality rate is second only to cancer.
then,What are the symptoms of osteoporosis early?How can you achieve early discovery?Can pure calcium treatment of osteoporosis?Experts say,Osteoporosis early and no obvious symptoms,relatively,Early bone density screening is able to detect osteoporosis relatively simple methods.In addition,Pure calcium supplements do not treat osteoporosis,Especially for people of poor ability to absorb calcium,如老年人, etc..
绝经后女性最易发骨质疏松,骨质疏松发病有年轻化趋势 The most prone to osteoporosis in postmenopausal women,Osteoporosis has a trend of getting younger over the disease
"More common in the elderly osteoporosis itself,Most belong to the primary.As the growth of the age,The elderly to calcium absorption ability is insufficient,And with a decrease in the level of hormone,Likely to develop osteoporosis",Affiliated to the capital university of medical sciences, xuanwu hospital of doctor of vice director of endocrinology Pan Yongyuan said.
上海交通大学附属第一人民医院内分泌科骨质疏松亚专科副主任医师游利表示,The body generally at about 35 ~ 45 years old will reach the peak bone,Then there will be reduced.But not to say that everyone, no matter how lifestyle,To be able to reach the peak bone,Some people at the age of 35 ~ 45 peak bone is much lower than their peers.
从目前的情况来看,Osteoporosis is indeed has the trend of more and more young.Some young people appear osteoporosis reason mainly has the following several aspects:First of all,Many young people now relatively few physical activity,Easy to fall in bone density;In addition,Many women in the block is basked in the sunshine when the weather is hot,Actually the illuminate of ultraviolet (uv) itself is beneficial to the absorption of calcium,So for a long time can affect human body to absorb calcium;And some of the young man appeared relatively severe osteoporosis,It is possible that the secondary.
曾有报道称女性绝经后容易成为骨质疏松高发人群,Pan Yongyuan explanation,In postmenopausal women,In vivo female hormone secretion decreases,It also makes the become a higher risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.It is because of menopause,Relative to men,Women are more prone to osteoporosis,And from the age,Under normal circumstances,Women than men appear osteoporosis age usually 10 years or so in advance.
骨质疏松早期并无明显症状,以髋骨、椎骨筛查为标准 Osteoporosis early, there is no obvious symptoms,In a hip/Vertebrae screening for the standard
Bone mineral density能够反映骨质疏松的程度,In general,Changes in bone mineral density is relatively stable for men,While women in postmenopausal bone mineral density of sudden decline trend.Osteoporosis in the early days and there is no obvious symptoms,To discover the osteoporosis,Are generally through early bone density screening.
关于Bone mineral density的筛查比较多样,Including carpal bone/足跟筛查, etc.多个部位,But when judging bone mineral density in clinical,General with hip and vertebrae screening for the standard.Pan Yongyuan explain,This is because hip and vertebral body weight-bearing bone,For the carpal bone/足跟, etc.处的检查不能作为最终标准是因为其为非承重骨,Some itself is easy to happen,But these screening as part of the osteoporosis screening can be used as a reference.
游利提醒,Bone mineral density screening is not actually the only way to early detection of osteoporosis,There are many other ways can achieve the same effect,Such as quantitative CT detection/超声波测定, etc..If found in a bone mineral density screening human bone mineral density is low,Will keep an eye on the occurrence of osteoporosis,To take timely treatment.
睡觉反复抽筋或为早期骨质疏松表现 Sleep over and over again cramp or for early bone loss
不少女性半夜睡觉时出现的抽筋, etc.,Whether or not caused by calcium deficiency,Whether this is the early symptoms of osteoporosis?Pan Yongyuan remind,如果人们睡觉时反复出现抽筋, etc.现象,May is a sign of early bone loss.Although the body in a calcium deficiency,As the amount of calcium reduced,It's easy to have a cramp,But a cramp does not mean that the human body must be short of calcium.
而一些孕妇及哺乳期女性经常出现的腰酸/腰痛, etc.现象是否也与骨质疏松有关?Pan Yongyuan think,For prenatal postpartum women,Amount of calcium you need itself more than usual,Generally will not be a cause of osteoporosis.
游利也指出,General nursing or pregnant women,Calcium requirements will be higher than usual,But at this time appear the waist sour backache may not necessarily be a calcium deficiency.If you have such symptoms,Suggest to go to the hospital do related bone assessment.
女性出现月经紊乱要进行Bone mineral density筛查,Adults don't have to tested bone age
事实上,Osteoporosis belong to the diseases of aging,As the growth of the age, etc.,Human bone is usually decline.Pan Yongyuan advice,In general,About 40 ~ 50 years old men can start screening for bone density,If women appeared unstable menstruation or menopause symptoms,Bone density is screening.In general,Less than 40 years old is not much necessary.Recommended screening once in six months to one year,Because bone changes slowly,A short time won't appear obvious change.
而所谓的骨龄测试主要是针对儿童的,Through the bone age test can accurately reflect the physical development of children,And is consistent with its age.Some children even achieve adult height,But through the bone age test can show its real development.In addition,Bone age tests can be found in advance some endocrine disease in children,Do early detection,Early treatment.Under normal circumstances,When 16 years old or so children,Bone age is closed,The body height in general also won't grow significantly,So adults and there is no need for bone age test.
单纯补钙并不能治疗骨质疏松,晒太阳常运动都有益骨骼 Pure calcium supplements do not treat osteoporosis,Sunshine sports often have good bone
预防骨质疏松,For people without fracture,Purpose is to prevent the happening of the fracture;Another purpose is to delay the process of bone function decline.The treatment of osteoporosis best known method is to supplement calcium,Followed by sunshine and change eating habits,如多喝牛奶, etc..however,In the expert opinion,People in old age,Bone mineral density of landslide has to do with human endocrine system change,Is not simple"Calcium deficiency"So simple.
广东省人民医院内分泌和骨质疏松科主任吴文教授介绍,First of all,The occurrence of osteoporosis does not depend on how much you intake of calcium,Calcium supplements on a regular basis can only play a preventive role.The second,Only when the occurrence of osteoporosis related to excessive loss of calcium,Calcium has certain therapeutic effect,And often with other medicines.so,Patients diagnosed with osteoporosis,Should be on the basis of calcium and complementary active vitamin D,Choose a kind of anti osteoporosis drug again.
In addition需要注意的一点是,Do you need calcium osteoporosis patients,Need according to the physical condition to decide,Had better do some checking first,Including the calcium in the blood/p/The level of magnesium,Bone mineral density/肾功能, etc.,And to see whether there is a history of kidney stones and cause problems for the elevated blood calcium.If you have kidney stones, and hyperparathyroidism,Need to be under the guidance of calcium supplements.
潘永源也指出,Pure calcium supplementation in the treatment of osteoporosis and has no obvious effect.Especially for the elderly,Too much calcium,Body cannot absorb instead,And calcium supplements may cause the body appear a few adverse reactions.He suggested that,About the treatment of osteoporosis,Should be as far as possible to the hospital for treatment,In the process of treatment according to the patient's own condition,In order to determine appropriate treatment method.Calcium is not desirable on its own.
In addition,Drinking milk is also optional.Pan Yongyuan advice,In general,Adults should drink 250 ml to 500 ml of milk every day,To ensure the basic amount of calcium supplementation.In addition to this,At ordinary times dietary can be appropriate to add some high calcium in food,如豆腐, etc..
要预防骨质疏松的出现,At ordinary times should also pay attention to the increasing movement,To accept the sun,Can promote human body to absorb calcium.Pan Yongyuan advice,Should be a day on average"In the sun"About 2 hours.Over the summer/颜面部, etc.部位裸露为宜,To avoid direct sunlight and strongest sunshine time,In the interior,Through the open window to make the practice of sunlight on the skin is also desirable.
从6方面入手,骨质疏松需要综合长期的治疗 From six aspects,Osteoporosis a comprehensive long-term treatment is needed
解放军总参总医院(309 hospital)Army orthopedic center director professor Ma Yuanzheng think,Need comprehensive treatment of osteoporosis,From six aspects:
1. 健康教育:加强患者对骨质疏松的认知,增强患者的依从性,才能更好地坚持治疗。
1. 健康教育:Strengthen the cognition of osteoporosis patients,Enhance the patient's compliance,In order to better treatment adherence.
2. 生活方式干预:均衡膳食,多吃富含钙、维生素D的低盐食物。适当户外活动和日照。避免嗜烟、酗酒,慎用影响骨代谢的药物。采取保护措施,预防跌倒。
2. 生活方式干预:Balanced diet,Eat more rich in calcium/Vitamin D low salt food.Appropriate outdoor activities and sunshine.To avoid being a heavy smoker/Alcohol abuse,Careful with drugs affect bone metabolism.Protection measures,Prevent falls.
3. 骨健康基本补充剂:钙剂和维生素D。
3. 骨健康基本补充剂:Calcium and vitamin D.
4. 药物干预:治疗骨质疏松,可分为抗骨吸收类药物和促进骨形成类药物。
4. 药物干预:Treatment of osteoporosis,Can be divided into the bone absorption of drugs and promote bone formation.
5. 运动康复治疗:许多基础研究和临床研究表明,运动对骨骼健康发挥着重要作用。
5. 运动康复治疗:Many of the basic research and clinical study,Sport plays an important role in bone health.
6. 定期监测:骨质疏松治疗过程中要定期监测骨密度等相关血液指标,及时调整药物治疗方案。
6. 定期监测:骨质疏松治疗过程中要定期监测Bone mineral density, etc.相关血液指标,Adjust drug treatments.
吴文说,由于骨质疏松的治疗是一个长期的过程,患者治疗依从性差一直是严重影响治疗效果的问题之一。临床随访时发现,确诊患有骨质疏松后,很多患者不能遵医嘱按时口服治疗药物,致使骨折风险增加。“患者依从性差往往是受一些客观因素影响,比如用药方法复杂、药物具有消化道刺激症状等。”吴文说,近年来,临床上增加了一些可以通过静脉注射给药的骨质疏松药物,一年只需给药一次,患者可以考虑使用。(记者 项丹平)
Wu said,Due to the treatment of osteoporosis is a long-term process,Poor treatment adherence in patients has been one of the problems seriously affect the treatment effect.Found at the time of clinical follow-up,After diagnosed with osteoporosis,Many patients cannot oral drugs on time in accordance with the doctor's advice,Resulted in increased fracture risk."Patients with poor compliance is often affected by some objective factors,Such as complex preparation method/药物具有消化道刺激症状, etc.."Wu said,In recent years,Added some clinically by intravenous dosing of osteoporosis drug,Just for once a year,Patients can consider to use.(Reporter item Dan ping)
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