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哮喘高发 多是过敏惹的祸--亲稳网络舆情监控室


Spring temperature difference,The dry air,Very easy to infection of the upper respiratory tract,Citizens how to effective prevention and treatment of the disease?recently,Xi 'an jiaotong university the second affiliated hospital respiratory medicine physician Levi through hotline unriddling for readers,Will now be content excerpts:


q:Close to a period of time,I feel itchy throat special,A dry cough,Brushing hair nausea in the morning,How to treat?


experts:According to your symptoms should be chronic pharyngitis,Chronic pharyngitis sees more at adults,The disease occur pharyngeal discomfort/Foreign body sensation/Pharyngeal secretion is not easy to cough up/Pharyngeal itching/A burning sensation/Symptoms such as dry feeling,Suggest you can mouth licorice piece,If symptoms obviously can use some antibiotics and the brown mixture,With weak brine gargle after the meal,Usually do not eat acrimony excitant food,As far as possible don't catch cold catch cold cause a cold,In order to avoid aggravation of.


q:recently,My throat is always itch,Always want to cough, cough not to come out,Drinking water throat is very painful,Could you tell me if this is a cold?


experts:You see is not a cold,Is likely to be caused pharyngitis,Suggest you can go to the hospital respiratory do a laryngoscope,After diagnosis and symptomatic treatment for your specific situation,Stay away from spicy stimulate food at ordinary times,Quitting alcohol,Pay attention to rest,Drink more water,Available with honeysuckle every day/Make tea drinking boat-fruited sterculia, etc,Keep moist air inside the bedroom clean,Indoor do not smoke,Do not put any items pungent odor indoor,Can be used weak brine gargle gargle after the meal.


q:I am 78 years old,Asthma has been for more than twenty years,What should be paid attention to in recent?

  专家:春季由于花粉、飞絮等飞满天,这些不良因素刺激作用于呼吸系统,使支气管周围出现纤维化,变得僵硬了,这样就出现不可逆的气流阻塞,会使哮喘治疗效果差很多。因此,平时尽量避免接触花粉、飞絮等过敏源,外出可以戴上口罩;其次,患者应选择适合自己的药物进行有效治疗和控制,千万不要“三天打鱼 两天晒网”,即随意减量或停药,以免导致哮喘反复发作,或引起肺部感染等并发症的发生;另外,最近应注意及时添加衣物,避免感冒,可多进食萝卜、丝瓜、薏米、柑橘、银杏等化痰利湿的食物,少吃辛辣刺激性食物等。

experts:Because of the pollen in spring/-- such as fly the sky,These adverse factors stimulation effect on the respiratory system,To appear around the bronchi fibrosis,Become stiff,So it appears irreversible airflow obstruction,Can make asthma treatment effect.so,Try to avoid contact with pollen/-- such as allergens,Go out to wear masks;The second,Patients should choose suitable drug treatment and control effectively,Don't be"Three days fishing and two days drying net",The random decrement or withdrawal,So as not to cause asthma attack repeatedly,Or cause of lung infection and other complications occurred;In addition,Should pay attention to add clothing in time recently,Avoid getting a cold,Can eat more turnips/Towel gourd/YiMi/citrus/Ginkgo such as phlegm wet food,Eat less acrimony excitant food, etc.


q:My child is 8 years old,Resistance is not very good at ordinary times,Very easy to catch a cold,How to prevent it recently, please?


experts:Children with low resistance,Parents should give children good flu in a timely manner/Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis/Measles vaccination.Recently the weather is hot and cold,Parents must pay attention to timely to add clothing,With fewer children to more intensive public places;If you have a cold/Patients with cough,It is important to note that away,Go out pay attention to give their children wear masks,In order to avoid infection;At ordinary times the weather is good,Can take children go out for a walk/Dozen play a ball game,Contact get in touch with nature,In the sun,Can improve baby's resistance.


q:I am 49 years old,At ordinary times not to smoke/Don't drink,Nearly more than two weeks is always dry cough,Ate some lozenges, still not better,Excuse me whether this is what happened?

  专家:建议你可以到医院做一个系统性的检查,首先,需要做一个胸部正位片检查,看看肺部有没有问题;还应再做一项支气管激发试验,看看是不是变异性哮喘,另外,可以到呼吸科门诊做抑酸药试验,检查是不是由于胃病引起的干咳,若这些因素都排除了,很有可能就是咽炎,针对具体检查的情况,进行针对性治疗。文/图 记者 王少薇

experts:Suggest you can do a systematic examination to the hospital,First of all,Need to do a check is a piece of chest,See if there is something wrong with the lungs;Should also do a bronchial provocation tests,And see if it is variant asthma,In addition,Acid-blocking drugs testing can be carried out to the respiratory outpatient service,Check whether caused by dry cough due to tummy bug,If these factors are ruled out,Could be pharyngitis,In the presence of specific inspection,Targeted therapy.Wen/figure Wang Shaowei journalist
