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京华时报制图杨佳宁 Beijing times graphics Yang Jianing
Since 2008,"sanlu"Since the milk powder incident,On domestic milk powder product or lose trust consumers have turned to imports from abroad want to buy milk powder.Domestic infant milk quality security problem how?yesterday,In the国乳制品work业协会发布调查报告称:Domestic milk powder quality is superior to the imported milk powder,At the same time on the price,Import brand is higher than the domestic national brands nearly doubled.
国产奶粉质量优于进口奶粉 Domestic milk powder quality is superior to the imported milk powder
In order to compare domestic and imported milk powder on the quality of what is the difference,In the国乳制品协会近日委托第三方检测机构,In the capital city of Beijing and the surrounding market of random sampling,Total sampling 25 brands 1 period of infant formula powder samples.其In the,Domestic production of 13 domestic brands,3 in the domestic production of foreign brands,Nine imported products,Test indexes including major nutritional indexes/Microbiology indicators/Mineral indicators,Pollutants set limit to exceed bid/Mycotoxin limited overweight, etc. A total of 20.
Test results show that the,16 domestic brands(Including domestic production of domestic and foreign brands)All meet the national standard requirements,And actual test values are very good.9个原装进口产品In the,There are three unqualified,其In the一个产品甚至有两项指标不合格,Lactose is respectively accounts for calcium and phosphorus than carbohydrates;The other two products are calcium to phosphorus ratio is not qualified.
In the国乳制品work业Association said,The quality according to the survey,Quality of domestic products both domestic brands and foreign brands are better than imported products.And from the point of view of the price,Imported brand price is higher than the domestic national brands nearly doubled.
For unqualified product brand name,In the国乳制品work业协会理事长宋昆冈表示,Must be famous brand,But the association is not law enforcement,So there is no suitable foreign companies list.Song Kun okada said,Three samples is unqualified project is nutrition indicators,Rather than safety indicators."But to determine whether a product is eligible,As long as there is a project does not meet is not qualified".
中国乳业四年清整成效显著 In the国乳业四年清整成效显著
In the乳协表示,For more than four years,In the国乳业经过清理整顿,Perfect laws and regulations standard,Improve the management level,Speed up the construction of milk base,Increase the intensity of product supervision and spot checks,Greater changes have taken place in.
The government and enterprises to strengthen the rectify and reform of raw material base.To overhaul the milk station,Implement license management system,Close does not conform to the requirements of milk station;Carrying milk car transportation permits system;Raw milk swarms into the factory inspection,Some large dairy companies own 40% milk or even exceed 40%.All imported whey powder not only have to through the customs inspection,Companies also swarms inspection.
国产婴儿奶粉合格率99.23% Domestic baby milk powder qualified rate 99.23%
Association stressed yesterday,Of execution in our country at present is a fourth-generation standard baby young powder,"Is technically advanced,Is one of the most stringent standards in the world".The relevant person in charge of association said,Many indicators within the standard"Equivalent to adopt international codex alimentarius commission codex standard,Some indicators are no codex,Such as whey protein accounted for 60% of total protein,Amino acid pattern is proposed,Lactose to account for 90% of carbohydrate and so on."
"In the domestic production of infant formula,Both brands at home and abroad to carry out this standard,进入In the国市场的外国产品同样要符合这个标准".Association said,2011/In 2012,,General administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine, sampling inspection 128240 domestic dairy products sample,Product qualified rate 99.74%,其In the婴幼儿乳粉样品12082个,Product qualified rate 99.23%.Seen from the measured data,Product quality is stable and positive.
work信部消费品work业司司长王黎明yesterday表示,work信部将配合有关部门建立乳制品行业"The blacklist"system.
Beijing times reporter hu red smile
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