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  中新网北京4月25日电 (记者 杜燕)北京每年接受预防接种的人数超过1000万人次,目前北京市传染病的死因顺位已由解放初期的第一位,下降至目前的第九到十位。

Beijing, Beijing, April 25 (Reuters) (The reporter Du Yan)Beijing accept vaccination every year more than 10 million people,At present the death sequence of infectious diseases in Beijing is not the liberation of the early first,Down to the current 9 to 10.


On 25 April 27th is national immunization awareness day.Beijing health department said today,Vaccination is the most economic to prevent infectious diseases/The most effective/The most convenient means.In 1978,,Since Beijing actively carry out immunization programmes,The BCG vaccine/polio,Diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus triple/measles/Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis/je/Free for children in a variety of vaccines, such as hepatitis b vaccination.


Since 2008,,Beijing has 13 kinds of vaccine into routine immunization programs,Four vaccines in emergency vaccination procedures.


Beijing health department said,now,Beijing's immunization programmes to prevent infectious disease has reached 17,Most species become national immunization planning vaccine,The most widely coverage of provinces and cities.


According to data,As of 2012,Beijing has been polio-free for 28 years and wild poison cases occurred,17 years in a row without a diphtheria,5 years no je.measles/Whooping cough (pertussis)/Neonatal tetanus/The incidence of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis and other infectious diseases/Mortality rates have fallen to historic lows.Especially in the late 1980 s,Along with the hepatitis b vaccine into the immune programming step by step,Hepatitis b surface antigen prevalence and incidence of hepatitis b of Beijing appeared a downward trend,Since implementation of hepatitis b vaccination policy in 1992 to 2012,At least about 610000 people in Beijing due to hepatitis b vaccination against hepatitis b virus infection,About 150000 people from hepatitis b patients,Thus saving by the direct medical costs about 1.9 billion yuan.


Beijing health department said,Since 2007, in primary and middle school students and the elderly aged over 60 influenza vaccination for free,In 6 years,In the total 9.23 million vaccination free of charge.Reduced the number of influenza-like cases each year is about 640000,Save medical costs 2 billion yuan.


Beijing health authorities said,For 10 years in the Beijing workers to measles/Meningitis vaccine vaccination work,Total vaccinated more than 400,Safeguard the physical health of migrant workers.(After the)
