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北京医疗队赴地震灾区 两天完成十余台手术--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
4名来自北医三院and北京积水潭医院的顶尖专家,In the adjacent three operating room,At the same time a difficult surgery,In Beijing, is also rare.And this scene,Was truly happened in the southwest corner of ya 'an people's hospital.
今天上午8时40分,Ya 'an people's hospital of 8 layers,Three operating room,Shadowless lamp lights up at the same time,From the founding of the research and Li Wei stone/张志山and来自北京积水潭医院的田文/Yong just stand by before operating.
高全英,TianQuanXian TaiPingXiang ordinary woman.Earthquake on April 20,Led to her lumbar vertebral compression fractures.Thin she was lying on the operating table,Corners of the mouth twitching from time to time,Wrinkles seem to write full of pain.Listen to the anesthesiologist,Beijing great experts to do surgery,She had to trust.
锋利的手术刀,Rapid incision wounds."Is not good!"Although seen medical records,Know that elderly osteoporosis,But soft tissue abnormal bleeding or let Li Wei stone was tricky.
"The electrotome hemostatic."Li Wei stone assistant fast execution.But in a few minutes,Blood seeps again,Affect the operation.
"Gauze packing."After the bleeding,Li Wei stone found,The patient's bones are in ooze blood,Can only use a last resort - bone wax.
"Original 50 minutes of operation,Took an hour and a half,We have to speed up!"Complained that he hasn't saved time cure more patients Li Wei stone no told reporters,In order to save time,He completely regardless of the radiation risk,In the absence of protection,Had surgery for patients with C arm machine in filmmaking.
与李危石同时,"Across the hall"的田文andLine yong just两名不同领域的外科专家,Also in the"Chew to crack",Patients from the palm of your hand and forearm,Open fracture of 20 cm,bone/肌肉and皮肤都已分离.
"Blood supply is difficult."Two hours,Tian Wen never had it so carefully."I have to deal with the arm of the blood vessels,Firmly reset,Will aggravate the damage affected by any carelessness."Tian Wen told reporters,Even in the national famous ji shui tan hospital,This kind of surgery is difficult complex surgery.
难的还不只是伤情的严重.Due to the lack of hospital equipment,Only rationing Tian Wen/Line yong just"Major surgery"Use of surgical instruments,Eye of scissors/Ophthalmic forceps etc. Commonly used instruments could not find any trace.
"Large coarse needle thread embroidery!"Looked at the patients' pain,Tian Wen didn't flinch,Just by 15 blade finished just can find this very complicated surgery.
"There are more difficult."Launch of the patient,田文andLine yong just还顾不上擦把汗,Under a patient on the operating table.This time,,Patients are hands feet radius comminuted fracture with scaphoid fracture.
粉碎性骨折,Like a broken porcelain,It is difficult to complete recovery,是最考验骨科医生技术and经验的手术.
端详CT片子半天,Tian Wen made an important decision:Do the noninvasive operation."With a small incision plus special action,To crush the bones of the butt reset on its own."Tian said,If, in accordance with the general operation,Will organize cut completely exposed,Crush the bones of the spill would be messy,Completely do not know to which any of the pieces,Is really a"Bones puzzle"The puzzle.
"3 months is almost good."Patients' eyes,这名瘦瘦的医生很and蔼,Just have two nearly five hours of surgery,He let a little tired.
田文所在手术室的隔壁,Zhang Zhishan in nervous, too busy.For he,Today, more important is to appease well in the surgical patients.The day before the surgery,The magnitude 5 aftershocks,All focus on the scalpel Zhang Zhishan didn't feel it,Can patients but cry.This is injured in the earthquake of secondary stress reaction in patients with very strong,The anesthesiologist for a long time to appease her mood.
手术台上的患者,As if nothing was easily finished surgery.But Zhang Zhishan said,He do surgery,Never said so many words.
又讯 记者了解到,本市多家医院在灾后组织专业医疗队伍赶赴灾区。其中,北医三院抗震救灾应急医疗队在赶到灾区后的两天中,已经为12名地震伤员完成手术。积水潭医院专家和北京中医医疗队也完成了多台手术。记者 王东亮 王维维
又讯 记者了解到,The city's hospitals in post-disaster group is professional medical teams rushed to the disaster area.Among them,After founding of disaster relief emergency medical team arrived at the disaster area in the research of two days,For 12 earthquake victims to complete operation.积水潭医院专家and北京中医医疗队也完成了多台手术.The reporter Wang Dongliang Wang Weiwei
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