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气温多变 谨防尿道炎恼人--亲稳网络舆情监控室
For a week now,High and low temperatures,Chop and change,Makes a lot of disease incidence.Urethritis spring as a frequently-occurring disease,To adverse impact on men's life and work.Usually there will be a urgency/Frequent urination/Urine is endless/Micturition pain symptoms,Must be more careful.
天气多变 谨防尿道炎来袭 The weather of urethritis
"Changeable weather,The most easy to breed bacteria,Plus the urethra secret special areas,It is easy to cause some bacteria invading urethra cause urethritis".Xi 'an, 323 hospital urology experts said,Urinary infection is a common disease,A high incidence in recent years,Also brought great suffering to patients."Male urethritis is a common disease,Frequently-occurring disease,Often show the following symptoms:Urinary irritation:Frequent urination/urgency/The urine pain/dysuria/Urethra glowing red and swollen/Urethral has purulent sex secretion/The symptom such as urethral opening tickling,Different patients show the severity is different,The symptoms are often more apparent in patients with acute phase of inflammation;Systemic symptom,Like a fever/chills/Headache, lack of power/Vomiting, etc.,Mainly in the urinary tract infection patients,Especially acute urinary tract infection and patients with urinary tract obstruction is particularly rare".
Many people learn their infection on urethritis,Will be wondering how is infected?Doubts of patients,Experts explained,Cause men suffering from urethritis often have these factors:Bad living habits will make urethral pressure for men/damaged,Lead to ischemia/Blood clot/hypoxia,Bring down the urethra mucous membrane resistance,Susceptible to cause urethritis;Male urethra neighbor organs inflammation,Can also cause urethritis;Treatment is not completely can also cause urinary infection recurrence.Because the treatment is not standard is not scientific,Many pathogenic bacteria/Pathogens are not completely kill,But lurking hidden in the deep structure,In warm weather season encounter pathogenic factor outbreak of infection.
尿道炎危害大 切勿掉以轻心 Urethritis hazards do not treat STH lightly
"Many people once contracted urethritis can buy medicine to eat on its own,Urethritis drug treatment effect is not very good actually,And buy medicine are more likely to cause urethritis not suit the one".Experts warned,Urethritis JiuZhi painless is easy to cause other complications,Common is cystitis and prostatitis,To male reproductive health damage is very big.
"Urethritis harm is great,About 40% of male infertility patients is due to suffering from urethritis no more thorough treatment of infertility caused in a timely manner!"Experts point out that,Urethritis cured or allow development,Will be a serious threat to male reproductive health,And even life threatening.Urethritis's biggest feature is easily transformed into chronic,Severe cases may even lead to chronic renal failure.In addition,Urethritis long-term stimulation can cause urethral stricture and ejaculatory dysfunction,Directly affect the epithelium of the urethra,A local scarring in infection,Serious when can cause difficult urination and ejaculation obstacles,Eventually lead to male infertility.
专家提醒,预防男性尿道炎,首先要养成良好的个人卫生习惯。如果发现有相应的症状,应立即到正规医院进行专业检查,根据检查结果进行对症治疗。尿道炎的致病菌多、病因复杂,且容易迁移演变合并精囊炎、前列腺炎等泌尿生殖系统感染,因此只有对尿道炎的病因进行精确的诊断,才能做到辨证施治,对症治疗。记者 程静整理
The expert reminds,Prevention of male urethritis,First of all, to develop good personal hygiene habits.If found to have the corresponding symptoms,Shall be immediately to normal hospital for professional inspection,According to the inspection results to symptomatic treatment.Urethritis of pathogenic bacteria/Cause complex,Evolution and easy migration merge seminal vesicle is phlogistic/Prostatitis, urinary reproductive system infection,So only the accurate diagnosis to the pathogeny of urethritis,Evidence-based medicine to do,Symptomatic treatment.Reporter Cheng Jing finishing
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