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This is RON, cher's photo.In their point of view,Virus genetic diversity we see today,May has nothing to do with rapid mutation,Is probably the virus evolved over a long period of time.
■ 人物 S character
荣·弗切尔 RON, cher
virologists/Bird flu expert,Service in Rotterdam, the Netherlands ilus research center, medical center
Can a flu outbreak among humans,"b."The virus needs to meet three conditions:It is a kind of unprecedented new virus,Humans do not have antibody;The virus has a lethal effect on the human body;Virus can spread quickly.
After the rise of the H5N1 virus,Scientists know that the virus meets the first two conditions,But do not know how is it spread.Scientists hope that the H5N1 virus can die like other viruses before.
In 2011,,Dutch virologist at RON, cher at a science meeting shows own research conclusion:The H5N1 virus as long as five mutation,Can be spread through the air,Can lead to dangerous large outbreaks of flu.Almost at the same time,A laboratory in the United States reached a similar conclusion of research.
Since then,Eph cher embroiled in a controversy lasted more than a year.Because he was in the lab"manufacturing"A new variation of the H5N1 virus.a"If the virus to flow out from the lab,As chemical and biological weapons"The big debate.Eph cher's research evolved into one of the most controversial science 2012 events.
Can make the H5N1 strain of the Netherlands virologist, cher,In the domestic research work did not encounter any resistance.but,In the United States,His research led to questions.In view of the research funding from the U.S. government,The U.S. government is most worried mutated virus created a chemical and biological weapons.
Eph cher originally published papers in academic journals plans were shelved.Biological safety of the United States national science advisory board to cher's research to carry out the assessment,And recommended two of the world's top academic journal - the United States[science]And the UK[natural]- don't put cher papers published viruses mentioned in manufacturing mode,Because they fear that terrorists may use these details,Development of chemical and biological weapons.The committee was set up after the 2001 anthrax attacks,It is also the first time after it was founded that this kind of request.
In the debate,The opinion of the scientific community is not monolithic.Some people think that,Virus outflow risk greater than the value of the study itself;There are many scientists dislike to academic freedom is restricted,Think one of the most important part of the scientific research,Research process is open and can be copied,So that other scientists can verify this.In addition,Scientists believe that the bird flu virus may not also be practical weapon,Because these viruses do not redirect,And anyone who wants to use it yourself will also be infected.
Even with the biosafety opposition national science advisory committee,[natural]and[science]Eventually agreed to published the results of the study, including virus manufacturing details.but,Before the paper was published,Must carry on the safety assessment of two months.Which later turned out to be a year for two months.
Eph cher shelved feel for this year"Very frustrating".He said in an interview with Beijing news reporter:"The biggest threat comes from nature,And lab safety measures can be controlled."
For the present H7N9 avian flu virus in China,Eph cher think,Chinese scientists also encountered the same problem at present,Need to be addressed:If the virus or have the ability to spread through the air.
■ 对话 S dialogue
“我们制造的病毒没那么危险” "We make the less dangerous virus"
The Beijing news:You are in lab for H5N1 research and thesis controversy ever since,Has attracted much attention.Papers published this year,How did you spend?
Eph cher:This is very frustrating for a year,Full of/Discuss the ethics of,Also has a lot of life science research in the field of safety and security of the controversy.The last,Most people persuaded,To do this research is very important,But must be highly secure, conducted in the laboratory.Of course,,Today there are a few people have opinions,That such research should not do,Research conclusions should not be published.but,On the whole,We recognize the value of this research.In the current H7N9 bird flu,Is also encountered problems we had:If the virus can be transmitted through the air in mammals;If not yet,Whether the virus in the future have this ability.
The Beijing news:For the lab for avian influenza can cause security risk,What is your concept?
Eph cher:I think the security risk is controllable.In addition,We manufacture the virus is not so dangerous.Even if I have"The bad guys",I don't think they will be interested.
The Beijing news:What is the difference between the H5N1 and H7N9 virus?Who is a bigger threat?
Eph cher:The H5N1 virus might be more toxic,Pathogenic ability also is stronger.Compared to the H5N1,H7N9 virus showed low toxicity to animals and pathogenicity,This makes it more difficult to find the source of the virus,So need more time to prevent human infections.
The Beijing news:Chinese scientists now is not yet know whether H7N9 how the virus spread from birds to humans,Also not sure if it will happen human-to-human transmission.What do you think of possibilities?
Eph cher:We need more monitoring.I think the Chinese experts are doing everything we can to find the origin of the virus,We should give them a little time.The virus,Because is not pathogenic for birds and other animals,This means that it is much more difficult than the H5N1 virus traceability,A lot of animals died because H5N1,It's easy to be found.Chinese experts will have to find a source more carefully,But it will take time.The spread of virus descendants to owners,This possibility is very small.For centuries,Human exposure to the millions of species(The birds)The influenza virus,The real the pandemic influenza is very rare.If a new infections in humans,We don't have to overreact.Should be ready,Understanding of the virus,Guard against the virus spreading among humans,But there is no need to panic.
The Beijing news:Scientists now know H7N9 virus mutation is very fast,How can we clear the virus to which direction?Whether to need to simulate in the laboratory?
Eph cher:We don't know H7N9 speed of the virus,Don't know how did it evolve.Virus may be a long time,First of all in animals spread widely,But we didn't see.Virus genetic diversity we see today,May has nothing to do with rapid mutation,Is probably the virus evolved over a long period of time.now,Chinese scientists first is to observe whether the virus can spread through the air,Next the virus has the ability of the air.Chinese scientists is absolutely have the ability to do this research.
The Beijing news:In the past ten years,From the H1 to H7,We constantly see a new human bird flu virus threats.What do you think this means?
Eph cher:One reason may be that,We can now better monitor to the flu outbreak.SARS in Asia/H5N1,In Australia and Malaysia nipah and hendra viruses and new coronavirus in the Middle East,Laboratories around the world began to look for more quickly/More acute/Higher flux of diagnostic methods.Another reason is that,In order to meet the needs of the rising population,There are changes in our agriculture.Some new way of agriculture can make animal virus enters the body more easily.
Nature is the greatest threat to mankind.We must study the threat from nature,Prevent future possible serious flu.We must understand all kinds of viruses in our environment.A virus is dangerous,The more you should go to study.so,We need more safety and security measures,But that doesn't mean you stop research,But you should reduce the risk of safety and security as much as possible,Let the risks become minimal.- the Netherlands virologist, cher
This edition is writing
新京报记者 金煜
The Beijing news reporter Jin Yu
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