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乍暖还寒时腰椎易受伤 不规范治疗加重病情--亲稳网络舆情监控室
连日来天气忽冷忽暖,Make a lot of lumbar disease relapse.In recent days,Reporters visited xi 'an hospitals orthopaedics,Lumbar disease patients have increased significantly than some time ago.Experts say,Spring is the season for the lumbar spine disease,Once found symptoms should be symptomatic treatment as soon as possible,In addition to pay more attention to keep warm,Exercise more.
乍暖还寒时腰椎易受伤 When the soil lumbar injury prone
在碑林区从事IT工作的王先生,Is a typical white-collar gens,Because the work is particularly busy at ordinary times,Often at night to work overtime,In recent days, he suddenly felt the waist began to pain,Bed rest also can't ease,He went to the nearby xi 'an ren hospital,Up only to find that,. She had lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion.
据西安光仁医院骨科主任孙进峰介绍,Spring is the peak season for cervical spondylosis.Because of the,Spring morning and evening temperature difference is bigger,General vasoconstriction,Blood run slowly,The human body increased muscle tone,Will cause different level low back muscle spasm/congestion/edema,This time if you don't pay attention to health,Waist pain is easy to occur.
另外,With the improvement of living standards and life rhythm speeding up,People are enjoying their life at the same time also contributed to the neck lumbar strain.Study and work hard,For a long period of time working at his desk and computer/(take)Driving car/rest/The hammock, and many other factors,Make people remain single for a long time,Muscle ligament fatigue,To accelerate the onset of cervical spine disease.At the same time,Changes in the structure of diet and weight gain also exacerbate the happening of the lumbar spine disease.
不规范治疗加重病情 Is not standard treatment aggravating illness
"The waist looks very thick,But actually very fragile,Because in the walk/In the process of the movement,The waist will withstand all kinds of power,Including pressure/shear/The influence of the rotational force,It is easy to cause lumbar disc."Sun Jinfeng director said,Patients will appear the waist pain/Trouble walking/Lower limbs numbness/Fatigue and discomfort feeling,Severe cases can lead to lower limb paralysis/Complications such as incontinence,Do great harm to human body health.In addition,The clinical,Many patients do not pay attention to when but of lumbar cervical vertebra disease examination and treatment,Massage with drug or improper led to disease progression,最after导致出现严重的颈腰椎after期症状,Treatment time is long,The high cost of treatment and pain.He reminded the patients,Be sure to check in a timely manner,Make a diagnosis and give treatment as early as possible,So as not to delay an illness.
孙进峰建议,平时的预防也是很重要的,要注意养成良好习惯,注意保持正确的站姿、坐姿、睡姿;电脑操作者,还要确保坐时整个脚掌着地,不要经常跷二郎腿;尽量坐一会儿每隔一段时间站起来活动几分钟,这样可以使疲劳的背腹肌肉和韧带得到松弛。平时也应注意颈部、腰背肌肉的功能锻炼。记者 王少薇
孙进峰建议,The usual precautions are very important,Attention should be paid to form a good habit,Pay attention to maintain the correct posture/Sitting position/Sleeping position;A computer operator,Also make sure that sit at the feet on the ground,Don't cross your legs often;Stand up sit down every once in a while as far as possible activities for a few minutes,So that we can make fatigue dorsal abdominal muscle meat and ligament relaxation.At ordinary times should pay attention to the neck/The function of the lumbar dorsal muscle exercise.The reporter Wang Shaowei
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