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专家析精神卫生法 非伤害性精神病须自愿才能住院--亲稳网络舆情监测室
5月1日,[The mental health law of the People's Republic of China]The formal implementation of.Law of diagnosis and treatment of mental patients/Admitted in the hospital, and so on a series of problems for the rules.Yangzi evening news reporter asked the nanjing experts to interpret the law.
A、解读新法: A/Interpretation of the law:
心理咨询师禁治疗精神障碍 Psychological consultant禁treatment精神障碍
新法规定,Psychological counseling personnel shall not be engaged in psychological treatment or diagnosis of mental disorder/treatment;Found in counseling may suffer from mental disorders,Should suggest it to the legal medical institutions.otherwise,Will be warned,And be fined 5000 yuan to 10000 yuan,Confiscate the illegal income.If serious consequences are caused,Shall be ordered to suspend under six months to a year of practice activities,Practice certificate or business license until revoked.
袁勇贵(Southeast university affiliated zhongda hospital psychological, director of the psychiatry/Secretary-general of the Chinese medical association branch of psychosomatic medicine):Now all kinds of psychological consulting institutions emerge in endlessly,The staff's quality is good and bad are intermingled,Some of the so-called psychological consultant even schizophrenia,Easy to keep the patient.According to the[Mental health law],Psychological consultant can only provide some healthy people with psychological problems consulting services,Otherwise it may be involved"Illegal medical practice".Even specialized personnel engaged in psychological treatment shall not be engaged in the diagnosis of mental disorder,Have the authority only by psychiatrists.
非伤害性精神障碍住院需自愿 Non damaging disorder in hospital should be voluntary
新法规定,People with mental disorders in the hospital treatment carried out on voluntary basis.自愿住院treatmentthe精神障碍患者可以随when要求出院,A medical institution shall agree.
袁勇贵:According to the law,People with mental disorders mental disorders identification can refuse to do inspection/Can refuse to hospital/入院the可以随when要求出院.Even if other department need psychiatric patients in the hospital the doctor consultation,Psychiatrists must inform status before consultation,And obtain the consent of the patients themselves and their families.
只有诊断结论/Evaluations show that,Issued for severe mental disorders and any of the following circumstances,Shall be imposed in the hospital treatment:(a)Behavior has hurt itself,Or are in danger of harm themselves,Such as self-harm/Suicide, etc.;((2))Already ACTS endangering the safety of others,Or endanger the safety of others,Such as pulled up/robbery/Chop down a person, and so on.Patients can be forced to hospitalize,Now called the formulation"Involuntary hospitalization".
B、辨析: B/discrimination:
心理咨询师的工作范畴是哪些? Psychological consultantthe工作范畴是哪些?
"Psychological consultant""A therapist"and"Psychological psychiatrists"Where is the difference between what?The most common"Psychological consultant"What is the job category?Yuan Yonggui director told reporters,Distinguish between the three standard need to discern."Psychological consultant"the"Working certificate"Issued by the department of labor,Belongs to the category of social work,Face the group is a psychological problem of healthy people."A therapist"Scope of practice is slightly enlarged,Can treatment of psychological disorders,But there is no drug ChuFangQuan."permissions"The most widely or regular 3 armour hospital psychiatric mental doctor,Scope includes psychological counselors and therapists all job categories,同when可以针对病人the具体情况开出相应the精神treatment药物.
心理疏导和心理治疗有啥区别? Psychological counseling and psychotherapy have what distinction?
"‘Have the heart to find a doctor’before,Still have to confirm their psychological problems or mental disorder."Yuan Yonggui director, told reporters the two examples,"Is a great thing for two days,Find yourself in‘recovered’In the case,It belongs to psychological problems,You can find a psychological consultant‘Words to chat’To channel.But from the snack fish was stuck,When I grow up never eat fish,It belongs to the psychological barriers."For many young people will be twitter"Obsessive-compulsive disorder (ocd",Psychological disorders,这个when候就是"channel",Can only use pathological mental disorders"treatment"
通讯员 吴叶青 程守勤
通讯员 吴叶青 程守勤
扬子晚报记者 杨甜子
扬子晚报记者 杨甜子
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