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  商报讯 (记者 余文 实习记者 周坚洪) 如同近几日的天气一样,楼市也是持续高温。6月份明显是淡季不淡,主城区6747套的成交量已创下自调控以来的新高。7月以来,每天依旧维持着较高的成交量。这种形势之下,存量房源持续回落。透明售房网数据显示,截至昨晚19点整,杭州主城区存量房源已回落至约24000套。

dispatch (Reporter YuWen ZhouJianHong practice reporter) As the weather of recent days,Property market is also continues the high temperature。June is obviously not light off-season,City of 6747 sets of volume has been a record high since the regulation。Since July,Still maintain a high every day in the volume of sales。Under the situation,Stock availability last fall back。Transparent data show houses nets,By 19 o 'clock last night,Hangzhou city, expand the stock has dropped to about 24000 sets。


Yesterday a dull book,Total reserve volume insufficient 10 sets,In addition to the outside,Seven other urban area,overtown、queens、JiangGan、GongShu、binjiang、zhijiang、Xiasha all appear“zero”scheduled。Xiaoshan OuDeHua secco apartment reservation three sets of houses,The book easily yesterday champion。Kaiyuan city with 2 sets of YuDingLiang also become second book yesterday。In addition,Only youngor(600177,Shares it)· xixi fine snow、The west lake · er、HuaCuiJia estates、HuaFeng were booked 1 set of courtyard homes。


And still very hot clinch a deal,Hangzhou yesterday(Including yuhang and xiaoshan)Commodity house to clinch a deal amount is still as high as 346 sets,The day before yesterday is increased 20 sets。Money center yesterday 20 of the deal,The day before the tumbled after 30 sets clinch a deal,This offer was yesterday, the volume of main urban areas to continue;May huacheng clinch a deal 18 sets,Followed by;· city gold at 13 sets clinch a deal,Ranked third。Thereafter and China railway TianYi star and funding · · golf living art,Two sets to clinch a deal in the 12 set respectively and 10 sets of houses。In addition to clinch a deal more buildings and,Day Yang · peninsula international、SongDou · east county international clinch a deal in the 8 sets of houses, respectively,Green living maple garden、The sounds of the kunlun respectively seven sets of houses clinch a deal。


The recent market for hangzhou“High temperature”Already makes for a long time in the inventory of homes for high back。Transparent data show houses nets,The stock has continued in main homes fell back,June,Hangzhou city in the inventory of homes have been wandering in a 2.5-26000 between sets,June 30, 25000 sets has gone back to the following,Of 24627。By 19 o 'clock last night,Hangzhou city residential houses can source for 24060 sets。


Yesterday the first five buildings clinch a deal


Building a cycle of regional ranking clinch a deal

  1 绿城·财通中心下沙开发区20套

1 green city on the center of sanded development zone · wealth 20 sets

  2 五月花城 余杭区 18套

2 May huacheng yuhang district 18 sets

  3金地·自在城 西湖区 13套

3 gold at 13 sets the · city

  4 中铁·田逸之星 下城区12套

4 China · TianYi star XiaChengOu 12 sets

  5 金都·高尔夫艺墅西湖区 10套

5 gold capital · golf living 10 sets of the arts


One book yesterday

  排行 楼盘区域 预定套数

Building regional reserve a cycle of ranking

  1 华克公寓萧山区 3套

1 prior of xiaoshan district, apartment 3 sets

  2 开元名城 萧山区 2套

2 kaiyuan city xiaoshan district 2 sets
