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600余名看房团网友雨中出击两江 “恐涨”促购房者出动--亲稳网络舆情监测室

600余名看房团网友雨中出击两江 “恐涨”促购房者出动虽然今天暴雨倾盆,但还是有不少网友跟随365看房团前去看房 HOUSE365摄 Though today it's raining cats and dogs,But there's a net friend with 365 things to HOUSE365 checking group photograph本站消息 This news


The morning on July 14,,Nanjing encountered this year's largest since the storm,Many areas emersion“seaview”。but,The rains and not douse the enthusiasm of the person that buy a house,At 12:30 p.m.,365 things again with 15 car lead group of more than 600 users start,The two big just need to strategic areas。

  从本次看房团收回的调查问卷统计来看,最近政策的回调以及整体楼市的“回温”让不少购房者产生“恐涨”的心理,不少网友表示,看了近期楼市相关的新闻后,觉得房价应该见底了,准备在1个月内出手买房,而开发商也急着想在8月来临之前再“抢”一波客源。>>开盘又现“半夜鸡叫”:降息带来恐涨之虞 双休认购直逼千套

From this group of checking back questionnaire statistical and see,Recent policy callback and overall property market“Back to temperature”Let many homebuyers produce“Fears rise”psychological,Not a few net friend said,See the recent housing related news,Think prices should see bottom,In a month to make moves to buy a house,But developers are anxious before coming in August“rob”A wave of tourists。>>Opened again now“Midnight chicken that”:Cut interest rates could bring up the specter of double cease subscribe thousands set straight


The group perform three lines after the building is oriented to just need,So each car to young people are in the majority,And some older homeowners,Also many for your child is a horse。


“Children work busy,So can we run,Want to give them to buy a bigger house,So that we can live together with them。”Mr. Chen said,His main concern is the location,Even if a bit further, it doesn't matter,But must be convenient transportation。“Green purple peak mansion project details owner community model family photo album video map house I feel good,Is a far,And here is the old dongshan,Traffic light too much,Drive come off for a walk,It is not convenient。”


And Mr. Chen care as the location and chien-ming wang and his girlfriend,Two people ready to get married at the end of the year,Capital is abundant,So they want to buy a house near the subway。“Actually before which line didn't want to look good,The results found that dongshan line of the golden palace project details owner community model family photo album map away from the central recently,On the route of the car。”

  当看房团来到金王府项目详情业主社区相册样板户型地图售楼处时,小王得知该楼盘目前正在认筹,预计下周开盘时,便立刻去银行提钱交了认筹金。但在认筹后,小王还是继续上了车,想跟随365看房团再看几家楼盘。“买房毕竟是件大事,现在的房价也不便宜,我还是想多看看,做做比较再做最终的决定。”>>江宁一老盘蛰伏两年后突击开盘卖8成 开发商也说很意外

When checking team came to gold palace project details owner community model family photo album map sales offices,Wang learned that the project is currently recognition chips,Expected opening next week,He go to bank to withdraw money made recognize raise gold。But after that raise in,Wang continue on the car,Want to follow 365 things to look at several buildings group。“To buy a house, after all, is a great thing,Now the house prices are not cheap,I still want to see more,Do more to make the final decision。”>>An old dish jiangning dormant two years later opened into developers sell assault 8 also said it was an accident


In addition to the location,And many buyers pay more attention to the family。26 years old Mr. Huang has been working for three years,And college girlfriend six year long courtship is expected to be in today“flowering”,Before them is Chinese irresistible to buy a house,Total prices lower, expand the jiangning from choose room just started to become the focus of their concern。


In ZhongYe southest China project details owner community model family photo album video map sales offices,Mr. Huang and his girlfriend valued the 88 square meters of the family,But because the 01、The family has no 02 building good floor,They decided to and so on the upcoming release of building no. 3。With Mr. Huang,26-28 young just need to about 90 square meters of the family“Dear to add”。In today's perform in line,China vanke auric field blue bay project details owner community model family photo album video map and day ze yuan project details owner community model family photo album video map are coming to the next weekend out around 90 square meters around the door model,Not a few net friend expressed a strong statement。


“We admire the old nanjing,Generally don't have to worry about buy the thing of the house,As a foreigner we still have to rely on your own on one generation to provide us down,And then to still the monthly payments”,Today's things in the group,Average height in 180 cm above the family of four attracted the attention of the small make up。


The family of male leading role Chen is from wuxi,In nanjing and girlfriend stream meet bosom friend,At the beginning of next year getting them from June began to have been checking choose room,This weekend the parents of young Chen from wuxi came specially,Challenges of the house with them。The recent market warms up sound descriptio let they step up the pace of buying a house,Today in jiulong lake line see five buildings,Chen and his father has been a record with the pen every building dish door model and sold in the information,Chen said want to buy a set of 100 square meters or so door model,The right thing future will stay with their parents。

  购房者热情不减,开发商也准备积极“应战”,对购房者最关心的房价,也有开发商表达了自己的观点。“最近看房人群一直都挺多的,我们原本打算今天开盘的旭日上城项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图15号楼房源,也是在购房者的急迫要求下在昨天提前推出了,销量达到了9成。”南京红太阳房地产开发有限公司副总经理沈仑表示,“市场在一定程度上有所回暖,客户量大,我们也在户型、配套、学区等各方面去迎合购房者的要求,后期价格可能也会稍有提升,但不会涨得太快,还是会考虑客户的承受力。” >>降息、涨价双重刺激 桥北买房人看涨后市急于出手

The person that buy a house passion flesh,Developers are ready to actively“battle”,To the person that buy a house is the most concerned about house prices,Also have developers expressed his views。“Recent things have been quite a few people,We had originally planned to open today of the sun overtown project details owner community model family photo album video map 15, the source of the building,In the person that buy a house is the urgent request yesterday launched in advance,Sales of the 9 into。”Nanjing red sun to real estate development Co., ltd., deputy general manager ShenLun said,“The market has to a certain extent warmed,Customer quantity,We are in the family、supporting、School districts and so on various aspects to cater to the requirements of the person that buy a house,Later the price may also improve slightly,But won't go up too fast,Or will consider the strength of the customer。” >>Cut interest rates、Double stimulate bridge north price is eager to buy room person to call his shots

  “房价已经基本上到底了,这一点无论是从开发商的价格底限来说,还是购房者的预期来说,大家心理都非常清楚。”泰来苑项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图项目负责人崔燕妮表示,“看房团网友现在到售楼处更多询问的还是房源本身的户型、小区情况以及周边交通配套方面的内容,对于房价,大家都觉得目前的价格是比较合适的。”(365地产家居网 杨瑞 张明钊 李琳滢)

“House prices have already been basically exactly,This either from the developers price for the bottom line,Or the person that buy a house is expected,You are very clear psychology。”Thai to yuan project details owner community model family photo album video map project director CuiYanNi said,“The group now checking to sales offices more homes or ask the family itself、The case and relevant transportation around the content,For house prices,Everybody thought that the current price is more appropriate。”(365 JuWang YangRui ZhangMingZhao LiLinYing house property)
