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How you do not buy a house by advertising“suddenly”?Reality does a few real estate advertisement content false or true thing,Let the uninformed homebuyers fraud。Experts gave the advice is to write into the contents of the advertisements in the contract that buy a house,And the predetermined detailed responsibility of breach。


《Financial weekly》:


Beware of advertising sales change“Blank check”

  文/本刊记者 甄爱军

Wen/this reporter ZhenAiJun


A lot of house property the contents of the advertisements XuXuShiShi,True and false don't cause,If a little slack,Will be“Sway some”。


For real estate ads across the pies,Including this one, the many media are done analysis report,But today,Still have the person that buy a house to this don't know much,And so and fraud。Making people more difficult to accept it,For these disputes,The person that buy a house would actually because of the lack of key evidence,And often no rights。


so,How to reverse this adverse factors?

  轻信广告易“吃瘪” Want credulous AD easy“ChiBie”


Have such a real case。


Live in Shanghai xu lady when buying a house met such a thing,Flyer and example room all have labeling,Neighbor's house also,But is xu buy the lady of the house to 12 floor not installed“Wave window”。With development business consultation on fruit,Ms xu will developers to court,Demand the other party to compensate for the loss of 30000 yuan。It comes just days after,Because contract not agreed,Ms xu of litigation by court rejected。


For such encounters,Should say ms xu is not the first one encounter,Won't be the last met。According to understand,Real estate advertisement since there are excessive packing case,The disputes arising from everywhere,This phenomenon has been ridiculed for legal professionals“Is real estate advertisement to blame”。This is because in the current open to booking system,Real estate advertisement at the beginning of the release,Most housing belongs to have not complete of period room,What is it like,The person that buy a house can only through the floor of books、Sand table model、Example room、Sales personnel introduction or commitment, etc,To understand a rough situation。But once the house consign is used,The actual situation of the house with advertising or more or less in and out of existence,Disputes and the consequent。


But the truth is,Real estate advertisement generally can't count is an offer。So even if developers intentionally play outside、stunt,The person that buy a house if carelessly the recruit,Can only the bad luck。Legal experts explain that,Because real estate advertisement is not specific to a majority,Its purpose is to have intention to buy a house to developers puts forward to conclude the building business contract offer,so,From the legal nature analysis,Real estate advertisement should belong to an invitation,The developers have no legal binding upon both parties。


Unless it is a real estate advertisement content conform to the provisions of the offer,Can be regarded as an。According to the real estate's advertising dispute increased day by day phenomenon,L. judicial《explain》Prescribed in article 3:“The sales of commercial advertising and promotion material is an invitation to offer,But the seller is commodity housing development planning area to the houses and related facilities of the instructions and promised to is specific and affirmatory,And the formation of the contract for the sale of commodity houses and determine the price of a major influence,Should be regarded as an。The instructions and promised to even if not load the contract for the sale of commodity,Also shall be regarded as the contract contents,The parties of the violation of,It shall be liable for breach。”But legal professionals said,For advertising content is and can produce“Great influence”of,Actually to experience for lack of buyers,Still it is difficult to make accurate decision。

  小知识:要约与要约邀请之间的区别 The little knowledge:An offer and an invitation to the difference between


According to our country《Contract law》provisions,An offer and an invitation to main difference between,The offer of a TeDingRen is、Hope to enter into a contract mean said,An acceptance is a commitment to withstand the offeror is legally binding;And an invitation to the specific is not a majority、Hope others to its offer mean said,An invitation to send people to have no legal binding upon both parties。

  写进合同是关键 Written into your contract is the key

  如何才能保证自身权益,防止被忽悠? How to ensure their rights,Prevent was suddenly?


although《Advertisement law》And local regulations have provisions,Real estate advertisement shall ensure that the objectivity of the contents of the advertisements、authenticity、accuracy、legitimacy。But growing market competition situation,And in order to their own interests,A few developers or often use existing laws and regulations of the holes,Cheat consumers。so,Real estate advertising and promotion of a mixed data false information,The most common way is exaggerated,Such as slightly green said a thickly forested,There is a small waterway after he said into perfect water scene, and so on,Similar numerous examples。


But do not ignore it,These households will eventually make the contents of the advertisements for having the effect that cannot ignore,Some even the decisive。The reporter of the old acquaintances in to pick son when marriage room,In order to facilitate the son、Daughter-in-law to and from work,He is one of the most important traffic information,Such as close to subway。For him, the,Rail traffic will be very important in the process of buying a house reference factors。


In order to ensure their own interests shall not be violated,The most effective way is to put the contents of the advertisements as the terms of the contract written to the contract that buy a house。Shanghai united industry law firm king lawyer, director of the exhibition told reporters,Such operation the biggest advantage is,After the delivery and the contents of the advertisements or found once had promised content correctly,In the process of solving disputes can do evidence to be in。


Specific how to operate?The king show gave the advice is,The ads they are interested in,Or is the purchase of a great role in promoting content pick out,In an attachment in the sales contract in writing。Of course,This need to negotiate in advance with developers。And if developers with all sorts of reason to push to take off,So this business contract will not have to sign,Because each other in their lack,This advertising is not by the nine out of ten of the spectrum。


How to write a?It's also has exquisite,Experts warn that,Must be in the content of the advertisement promised to write informative and concrete,Such as to how many specific afforestation rate,50% or 60%?What is luxurious decoration,The kitchen equipment、Decoration materials brand、Type, etc......“In short,: the more detailed about good。”The king said exhibition。


Of course,In the operating process,Still need to pay attention to add content and other supplementary terms not conflict。For example, some development chamber of commerce to make such agreement:For a building area、structure、Decorate equipment standards are on a contract and its annex shall prevail,Example room area and model and sales information is provided for the show、reference。In the face of such terms,Expert advice should negotiate with the developers and revision。

  违约责任提前定 Responsibility of breach set in advance


And another important work have to do it,Is to clear the responsibility for the breach。


Experts say,The AD content or promises to content into the contract that buy a house,In fact just finished one work,If not specified in the responsibility for the breach,His rights and still don't get ensuring。Why is that?The king exhibition explained,Laws and regulations may not careful to end all breach the responsibility of the required,So the only yourself to do a relevant work in advance。


indeed,For the average for the person that buy a house,To do this indeed some runner。First is don't understand how to determine responsibility of breach;Then shall the responsibility of breach of how much more appropriate,To do not have a knowledge of the person that buy a house is common,In fact they are not easy to do,It won't agree to high the developer,Set up to his low and disadvantage。But this is not there is no solution,The king show suggested,Can consult a lawyer,Or in the lawyer's accompanying down to finish the job。


For every a breach of contract,Should also do detailed specific。Such as defined in advertising for 3 meters high,But if not the standards,Should pay for many,First clear agreed;For example if not covered in the book to floor commitment standards,Compensation is what proportion and so on。


In addition,The standard way for compensation and also should have clear agreement。Exactly is check-out,Or according to the proportion of house prices to compensation,It also needs to determine in advance。At the same time what need reminds is,The determination of compensation standard for specific is also has exquisite,Of course not too low,Otherwise the developers not a constraint function。

