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量价齐升 兰州楼市暖洋洋--亲稳网络舆情监控室


To cut interest rates to boost market expectations,Just need to have market;Experts think the second half with the great stock market pressure

量价齐升 兰州楼市暖洋洋

  商报讯 (记者 欧阳海杰) 1月、2月,兰州商品房分别交易362套、304套,到了3月以后则开始显现逐渐增加趋势,3、4、5三个月达到677套、771套和677套,到了6月,增至807套。而据兰州市住房保障和房地产管理局的网签数据显示,仅7月10日当日,成交量就达44套。

dispatch (Reporter OuYangHaiJie) January、February,Lanzhou commodity house trade of 362 respectively、Of 304,In march after the start of the show gradually increasing trend,3、4、5 three months to 677 sets、Of 771 and 677 sets,On June,Increased to 807 sets。And according to the lanzhou city housing safeguard and real estate administration nets sign data shows,On July 10, only on that day,Volume has reached 44 sets。


But there is the personage inside course of study says,The second half with the increase in the number XinPan lanzhou market entry,The stock market facing greater pressure,Property market warms up momentum difficult to keep。


A survey

  新房价格坚挺 刚需纷纷入市

New home prices are just need strong market


Less than a month's time,Central Banks cut interest rates for two times,And to the person that buy a house to cut interest rates,Mean monthly mortgage a reduction,This has stimulated the rigid demanders have part of the market。


Mr. Pay is one of them。yesterday,Particularly in kyushu cooperation property sales department,Mr. Pay valued a 93 square metre after the small high-rise,Signed a contract at the advance payment。Pay yourself from last year said Mr. Wait and falling house prices,“But house prices have been feeling doesn't go down,Today see set down behind,Don't want to even not to live”。Mr. Pay speaks for a most basic need the person that buy a house point of view,Most citizens have no hope of house prices fall。And in a large building peace bca division,ShaoLin but in to choose a loan fixed number of year and entanglements,“Early going to buy the house,But house prices never fall,How many can save changes in a sum of money,Take this opportunity to put room buy it”。


Cooperation house property company of saemaul undong bca butyl while the woman told reporters,From June this year began,Housing sales soar obvious,She sold most a day 5、6 set,And every book to see many people。The same story of a wild goose buildings are confirmed。Reporter by the person that buy a house in building the identity of an interview,While researchers LiangXiaoWei to reporters again and again,“Now don't buy,Later it's harder to buy,No good house,The price also won't fall”。


Reporters in the building of the wall posted sales list to see,A period of more than 300 houses with only 10 to set,“This some have a reservation,Good house everyone in the rebound,Plus interest rates fall,To buy a house before the people mind。”LiangXiaoWei say,“Price stability is great,For reduction,That's not possible”。


Estate preferential measures disappeared


In march this year,In order to stimulate sales,To change the price of,Lanzhou developers introduced a discount measures,Some buildings and even launch team 8.5 fold discount。June,New home sales rising again more than more than 800 sets,Gen years high。In July and into the,Developers building dish the sales promotion activity gradually reduced,Only a few buildings launched 9.8 fold or fully paid $10000 off。


Peace a large building dish manager hah said,Countries policy environment is not loose control of house prices,So prices have not may like you did last year has a larger rise,Overall should be WenZhongQuSheng。Manager hah said,Direct drive interest rates is just need the person that buy a house,Part of the person that buy a house just need money in hand may be tight,When house prices have been not do,Each month less of a loan is controlled yuan for them or attractive,So this time to cut interest rates,Both to improve the person that buy a house is a good sign,But also sparked just need to release the stable。but,Some of the open business promotion methods and discount also gradually disappear,Because the developers will no longer worry house don't sell,Are unlikely to change is at a low price,House prices instead can have increased slowly。


Secondhand the room:Choose more buyers pay the entire section


Bridal chamber did not appear the person that buy a house expected reduction,Secondhand the room price fluctuations also let homebuyers uneasy。


“Drop don't cut interest rates,I want to buy a house,Now the fed is better,”WeiTong at the end of the marriage,But from the beginning has been looking at the house,And has been watching the wait,“Before the new apartment a few good price is too high,Waiting to drop,The result did not drop are sold,Now can only choose downtown secondhand the room。”In the house WeiTong ever read a set of intermediary company 60 square metre frame room,Asked for 480000 or so,“The price is a little high,Every square metre is in 8000 yuan,But waiting to drop doesn't seem likely”。


The mayan housing estate agent xiao wu told reporters,Recent secondhand the room bargaining space narrow and the price is a very common phenomenon frequency is the phenomenon。He told reporters,Into 5 after the month,Secondhand the room bargaining space from the 20000 before basically ~ 50000 yuan has been reduced to 10000 ~ 30000 yuan。After the first cut,Some homeowners began the price,But not obvious,And in the second after cut interest rates,The price is very common phenomena,Less up 20000 ~ 30000 yuan,More up 50000 ~ 60000 yuan,“JingNing road have set the house of 80 square metre,Before the registration of homeowners offer is 580000 yuan,Now wanted 620000 yuan”。


Sales increase,The housing market in is obvious。Lanzhou giant letter ZhangJing house agent said,“Suddenly, expand the feel very nervous,The person that buy a house to buy the house。And a significant change is,Secondhand the room lump-sum payment increased,As long as is the house are,A day is enough,Full payment”。


In an interview with several reporters know when to secondhand intermediary,Lanzhou city center of secondhand the room the price is in commonly 8000 yuan,More remote jiuzhou development zone,The price also is in 5000 yuan or so,Sales rise is a fact of life。


Experts point


Lanzhou market rebound won't last


Lanzhou sinian company general manager DuYaFeng think real estate,After two cuts buyers purchase cost reduction,Just need to promote and improve market together,Cause property market clinch a deal the active,But the developers in the 限购 limit credit policy under the influence,Still face great financial pressure,Look from current,House prices have fluctuations of lanzhou city center mainly because no houses,The price of scarce resources in next appeared to rebound,But from the whole see,There won't be much to rise。


Sohu focus is responsible for new also think volunteer team,Property market regulation in experience“marathon”After the long process of type,Lanzhou home buyers looking emotional decline,Find the possibility of house prices is almost invisible,Beginning active entry。There is another factor is,In the national market volatility,Many developers looking hype,Create some tense atmosphere,Let the person that buy a house feel house prices will rise。But MaZhiXin says,This rebound as a small fluctuations,Won't last long,As the second half of the new real estate supply increase,The developers of the competition also increases,House prices will be stable。


The second half of lanzhou market will remain stable


Lanzhou university economics professor JiaMingQi is considered,Cut mortgage policy does not mean that the housing market regulation and policy will loose,So the second half of the market will remain in the adjustment of depth。The recent housing rebound,Do not neglect speculative and investment demand of quietly market,Plays a role。The purpose of the fed is mainly for small small-sized enterprises,The overall effect of real estate is not big,Real estate only accident was stimulated,A little“tether”。He said,The central bank cut interest rates and the amplitude of the release,added“Personal housing loan interest rate floating interval is not made adjust,Financial institutions should continue to strictly carry out the policy of differentiation housing credit,Continue to restrain speculative investment the house”instructions。Show that the property market credit limit and 限购 policy is appear loose,Speculative investment demand is difficult to enter。


From lanzhou view at present,Less to homes less,Short supply,The price will naturally go slightly high,But from the perspective of the consideration,The second half,Speculative investment demand continue to be restrained,Since living demand in the rigid cut interest rates under the good will be stable release,House prices keep stability have fall trend。




300000 commercial loan time limit 20 years period


Less a month still 89 yuan


The central bank on July 6 asymmetric after cut interest rates,The benchmark one-year lending rate down the rate of 0.31%,And more than 5-year declines is still remain at 0.25%,More than 5-year loan interest rate reduced from 6.55% to。The loans for homeowners,The direct effect is to reduce cut interest rates for the month,In a certain extent, reduce the......“Mortgage slave”Each month loan payments burden。


The industrial and commercial bank of China(601398,Shares it)Lanzhou branch personal credit customer manager jincheng SunXueFei give reporters accounts,If the loan term 500000 20 years calculation,More than 5-year every cut interest rates by 0.25%,After two cuts of the person that buy a house monthly payments from $3891.52 to $3742.6 lower,Reduced 148.92 yuan,20 years reimbursement amount to reduce 35700 yuan。


According to the loan of 300000 RMB 20 years time calculation,Two cuts monthly mortgage should also before 2335 yuan,After the cut interest rates to 2246 yuan a month still,Reduce the 89 yuan。


300000 accumulation fund loan 20 years period


Less a month is $


And the benchmark lending rate is to adjust the synchronization,a,Accumulation fund loan interest rates also changed accordingly。5 years of the following(Including 5 years)Accumulation fund loan interest rate from 4.20% to 4.00% adjustment,Above 5 years of accumulation fund loan interest rate from 4.70% to 4.50% adjustment。


Lanzhou city housing accumulation fund management center, director of research for reporters with horse,Accumulation fund loan in 300000,Points 20 years period for example calculation to pay off:Delivered before,More than 5-year accumulation fund loan interest rate is 4.70%,The month for $1930,20 years down the total interest for $163000。After cut interest rates,More than 5-year accumulation fund loan interest rate is 4.50%,The month for $1898,20 years down the total interest for $156000。compared,After the cut 300000 accumulation fund loan 20 years period can be less monthly loan is $,20 years down to less interest on $07000。
