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Yesterday in the hair to inform asked for further strictly carry out the real estate market control policy
Provide false evidence purchase attracted diddle qualification, etc,Room or be illegal enterprises shall revoke the business license
July 28, DongFangWang news:According to《News the morning paper》report,yesterday,Issued by the general office of the Shanghai municipal people's government《On further strictly carry out the real estate market control policy notice》,The executive level to emphasise again all the property market regulation policy strictly。The second half of the city will develop differentiation housing credit、Tax and housing limited sales policy implementation of the examination,Key check purchase qualifications、“Confess that room loan”Policy implementation, etc。
严格执行限售等政策 Strict execution limited sales and other policies
The latest, published yesterday《notice》Divided into strict execution differentiation housing credit、Tax and housing limited sales policy、More affordable housing and common commodity housing land supply strength、In strict accordance with the house USES strengthen trade management six content。
According to《notice》requirements,For loans to purchase second homes,According to the existing policy,Strictly carry out“Confess that room loan”Standard of identifying、Head to standard、Loan interest rate standard。Strict implementation of differentiation of accumulation fund loan policy,The first set of self living sex support that buy a house and meet the conditions of the residents of the city to buy property right safeguard housing(Economy is applicable housing)。
Difference between housing and the ordinary common commodities commodity housing、The only family housing and not the only family housing, etc,Continue to strictly carry out the differentiation of the real estate trade link tax policy。
Strict implementation of the state and this municipality housing limited sales policy to determine the size of the operation。In signing contract link,To strengthen the supervision of the real estate enterprises;In the contract registration、Property transfer such links,Strengthen the audit。The house management of human resources department in conjunction with social security、The tax departments use of information technology,The city residents to the family of the social security tax documents or submit the authenticity of the check,Whoever does not conform to the rules,Do not grant to deal with relevant real estate registration procedures,And carry out the credit status records。
混淆房屋用途将被查 Confusion house USES will be checked
a,City room canal and GuiTuJu just clear mandate“Apartment hotel”and“Serviced apartment”The definition of property, etc,Released yesterday《notice》Request relevant departments shall in accordance with the approved of the land、House USES strict transaction management。Serviced apartment house USES for the living,Belong to housing limited sales scope;Apartment house office building houses USES for the office,Apartment hotel building USES for the tour(Penn)hall,It is strictly prohibited to points set of sales。To confuse house USES、The person that buy a house and misleading violations of laws and to,Protect homebuyers legitimate rights and interests。
下半年开展全市大检查 Launched in the second half of the examination
The second half of the city will be the organization carries out the housing limited sales policy、Differentiation housing credit、Tax policy implementation of the examination,Key check purchase qualifications、“Confess that room loan”Policy implementation、Land value added tax tax collection administration, etc,Strictly investigate and prosecute provide false evidence purchase qualifications as well as illegal diddle issued two sets、Three sets of mortgage, etc。《notice》Points out that,To provide false evidence、Purchase of diddle acted in collusion with qualification,Are not allowed to deal with estate registration。Related: real estate enterprise of illegal,But shall be suspended for online sales,Included in the credit file,To reduce until cancelled qualification,And be ordered to deal with relevant alteration registration or cancellation of the registration。Refused to deal with the,According to law, may revoke its business license。Involved in other enterprise illegal,Shall be investigated for its responsibilities,According to law until may revoke its business license。The state personnel involved in illegal,Administrative sanctions in accordance with law。Constitute a crime,Hand over judicial organs according to law shall be investigated for his criminal responsibility。
研究公租房廉租房“并轨” Research and rent low-cost housing“And axle”
《notice》Also ordered relevant departments according to the annual target task,Actively promote affordable housing project construction and supply,Strengthen the construction quality control and management,To improve the level of form a complete set。Expand the low-rent housing with real rent benefited range,Research and improve the property right safeguard of housing(Economy is applicable housing)Application conditions and relevant operation mechanism,Increase the application for supply of strength;The public rental housing and explore the construction of low-rent housing as a whole、And axle operation mechanism;To further improve the affordable housing allocation and management mechanism for。
At the same time ensure affordable housing and common commodity housing land supply scale,Optimization housing land supply structure。To speed up the affordable housing and common commodity housing land for examination and approval,Urge real estate development enterprise in accordance with the contract, to speed up the development。To strengthen the supervision of land after,Ensure that the land transfer formed after effective supply。
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