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[天润国际花园]4#阔景高层 开盘一小时售罄 即将推景观楼王--亲稳网络舆情监测室
![[天润国际花园]4#阔景高层 开盘一小时售罄 即将推景观楼王](/uploads/allimg/c120804/13440610232Z-1B24.jpg)
三六五地产家居网 常州讯 The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry
August 4,,Following international garden project details owner community model family photo album map rich scene top 4 # floor officially opened at eight o 'clock,Just after nine homes and be completed all sales,Lead to nearly 200 set of customers to purchase intention no opportunity to house。In early June,Following international garden opened for the first time,125 set of houses less than 1 hour all sold out,The buyers should be strong purchase requirements,In the middle of June launch new houses # 3,Open quotation 1 hour will be snapped up,Sell like hot cakes legend starts again!
At the same time in the sell like hot cakes,We found the following international garden in south of wujin gold development potential,The future of transportation,The function of high quality family,The strength of the developers and reputation,Is the leading cause of win the market。

Following international garden is located in the national key scientific research base of science and education the city,Like place oneself quiet city park,Ecological environment is superior,Humanistic full-bodied breath,To enjoy the city big potential development prospect of science and education。City planning large-scale science service waterfront district is about 400 meters business street,Snare catering、leisure、entertainment、dress、The hotel and so on many kinds of format,One community hospital、Culture and sports venues、Community services and CaiChang major supermarkets,Size of nearly square meters,Combined with external business college,Will provide a powerful convenience for daily life。
紧邻规划地铁站,多维交通便出行 Close to planning subway station,Multi-dimensional traffic and travel
天润国际花园是科教城内罕见的高品质住宅小区,这里交通四通八达,路况良好,除了目前已有的外环高架、B1/ B11、306、302、2路等外,规划中的地铁也将为这里创造更加便捷的出行。在规划中,未来地铁5号线途经科教城,站台与天润国际花园一路之隔,据悉,常州首条地铁线将于2016年正式开通(大学城站点与天润国际花园近在咫尺),其他线路也将逐步开通,这将给生活带来巨大变革,地铁房也将为物业的增值提供有力支撑。
Following international garden city science and education is of high quality rare residential district,Here the traffic extend in all directions,By a good,In addition to the existing outer ring elevated、B1 / B11、306、302、2 "substandard,In the planning of the subway will be here to create more convenient transportation。In planning,The future subway line 5, the city through science and education,Platform and following international garden across all the way,It is reported,Changzhou first subways line in 2016 will be opened to the public(University city sites and following international garden near at hand),Other lines will gradually open,This will give life huge transformation,The subway room also will for the property of the value of the great support。
Following international garden(住宅)[武进区]开发商:常信房产地址:科教城滆湖路销售热线:0519-89196688历史价格|销售动态|热卖户型|楼盘相册|业主社区
(residential)[wujin district of] the developers:Often believe property address:Science and education Ge lake city road sales hotline:0519-89196688 historical prices|Sales dynamic|Sellers family|Estate photo album|Owner community

Following international garden by two state-owned enterprise common development,In the professional、experience、Funds and other aspects have extraordinary strength。The Yangtze river high science and technology development the science and education of national key scientific research base of the city;Often believe property to all development is famous for its high-end property,The construction of bosom DE court、Laura ingalls Wilder gardens、Following the property, etc,With high quality、High quality to win the favor and praise。Following international garden,Two companies is the strength and the integrity of the integrated embodiment,Will continue its consistent high quality property development concept,Will more superior life space grant the person's collection。

With modern high-rise legal type garden around the house,Form the following international garden full of levels of irregular change space。Landscape senior,The company has the advantage of being,In the south garden district semi-detached house,North Ge bonsai lake road,Basic vision without sunscreen, north and south,To provide an overview of village beauty inside and outside,Project planning in the red line 40 meters concessions,Obligate more space to afforest plant,At the same time,Capacious space played the noise reduction mote role,For this is halcyon atmosphere even better。Garden villa is located at the center of the position,By tall, closed,Ornament in the community of green,Wide connect fully,The beautiful living environment reveals natural is superior,Rival villa。
Because of the limited number of launch availability,Many customers fail to snap up to the house,The Yangtze river high science and technology Co., LTD. And often believe real estate will launch a new houses in the near future:89、134、142 three room/four rooms,And north-south all-transparent landscape、Vision without sunscreen, basic landscape floor of the king and is located at the center of the location of the 143 four buildings two halls two health garden semi-detached house,As following international garden's most valuable homes,In the high quality、High comfort、High homage sense and so on various enhance your living feelings。
Through the previous selling houses,We remind interest friends must seize the opportunity,As early as possible sales offices for details,Absolutely not miss again。Over 50000 of the 20000 block is hot process。
Sales address
Ge lake road · city science and education(Wujin stadium east)
International hotline:89196688
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