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6月 兰州新房价同环比双持平--亲稳网络舆情监控室


The country's 70 city there are 25 house prices rising annulus,In may increase than 19

6月 兰州新房价同环比双持平  商报讯 (记者 欧阳海杰) 昨日, 国家统计局公布6月全国70个大中城市住宅销售价格变动情况,数据显示,6月,兰州房价基本平稳,新建住宅、新建商品住宅价格环比、同比双双持平。也是西北五省市中唯一保持价格平稳的城市 dispatch (Reporter OuYangHaiJie) yesterday, National bureau of statistics released on June the national 70 large and medium-sized cities housing sales price changes,Data shows,June,Lanzhou house prices basic stable,New residence、The commodity residential house prices for new projects、Flat year-on-year both。Is also the only five northwestern provinces and cities keep prices steady city


In the first half of 2008, the volume of lanzhou and year low


enjoysmart(China)· g and red information group lanzhou analysts LiuYe think,Lanzhou city in the first half, the volume of commodity residential house only for 253400,This is the lowest since 2008 volume。This shows,Under the environment of the policy adjustment,Lanzhou market itself development had the bottleneck has not been broken。

  从价格看,今年上半年兰州商品住宅市场成交价格浮动于6000元/~7100元/,自2月起稳定中略有下降。受市场中在售主力项目稀少影响,当前的兰州商品住宅成交均价所表现出的水平略低于市场实际已达到的价格水平。目前,具备品质、品牌、地段支撑的项目销售报价多在8000~11000 元/之间。

Look from the price,In the first half of this year lanzhou commodity residential market clinch a deal the price floats on 6000 yuan / ~ 7100 yuan /,Since 2 month in stable declined slightly。By the market sold in the first few project in influence,The current lanzhou commodity residential house showed what the price level slightly below the market has actually achieve price levels。At present,Have the quality、brand、The project area sales support was quoted in the 8000-11000 yuan/between。


But he thought,The second half,External environment by increasing uncertainty and this city transformation and upgrading of pressure on the market,The enterprise push dish strength promoted step by step。To peace plate for example,11"Unsold project under construction"+ 11"Sold in the project"Of the market structure in recent years scarce。Can foresee,The future of lanzhou market competition intensity will substantially higher than ever。


Lanzhou secondhand the room up in the fall in northwest China's first


The changes in the property market,The response of the secondhand the room often lead newly-built commodity house。Once upon a time six months data to see,January,Annulus comparing fell 0.6%,9.5% year-on-year drop;February,Annulus comparing rose 0.3%,9.2% year-on-year drop;march,Annulus comparing fell 0.3%,3.8% year-on-year drop;April,Annulus comparing fell 0.1%,3.1% year-on-year drop;may,Flat month-on-month,3% year-on-year drop,Until June,Annulus comparing to continue as,Year-on-year fall gradually narrowed,2.2% year-on-year drop,In the first half of the decline is a minimum,And in the five northwestern provinces and cities fall in first place still。


The new house price rising annulus city up to 25


June,In 70 major cities new commodity residential house prices the year-on-year drop the number of cities continued to increase,But the rise in the number of cities month-on-month also increased considerably,Reached 25,Annulus comparing to the rise of the city than the number in May increase the 19;Second-hand house prices to the rise of the annulus comparing 31 city,Annulus comparing to the rise of the city than may increase the number 13。


The national bureau of statistics city department senior statistician MaXiaoMing said,This one has three main reasons:One is the interest rate cuts,Purchase cost down,The person that buy a house to ease the financial burden,Part of people's purchase intend to increase;2 it is the accumulation of rigid with demand and improve sexual needs to release,Especially the market prices of the trend is expected to appear some changes,Worry about house prices rebound;3 it is part of the building to change in price is obtained good sales performance,Cancel the discount,Even raise prices。This shows,June some cities rising house prices annulus comparing many reasons,And has some particularity。




Steady growth must be the property market prices looking

  据新华社电 最近北京“地王”再现,深圳等地零星重现“排队购房”现象,上海、杭州、海南等多地楼市成交量有所放大借助楼市新“变数”,房价即将“反转”之声渐起。如今房价会不会“触底反转”?有关楼市的预期牵动人心。

According to xinhua Beijing recently“royal”reproduce,Shenzhen sporadic again“Queuing buy”phenomenon,Shanghai、hangzhou、Hainan etc more property market turnover has amplified with the new property market“variables”,House prices will“reversal”Gradually up the sound of。Now house prices will not“A touch on the reverse”?The property market expectations affect the heart。


Fast-changing market,If house prices“Up the”?


Into June,Shanghai、Guangxi and guangdong arise high premium plot clinch a deal the phenomenon。July 10,,Beijing wanliu new areas“royal”In a noise was born in。these“change”And after the condition of the land deal cold and cheerless form contrast。Some local land deal warms up in the back,House prices and trading volume is to enlarge。


Property market“warmed”Cause many game。But the national federations of industry and commerce of real estate chamber of commerce NieMeiSheng recently response said,Although volume have rebounded,But the home of the present or build momentum。On the one hand,Inventory and most real estate index downturn continues;On the other hand,限购、Credit limit and not change control policy fundamentals,To determine the short-term house prices“reversal”unlikely。


Reporter in haikou、Sanya property market that interview,Developers still choose discounts and promotions、To change the price of,Accelerate reduce inventory。The director of the department of land and resources said recently,The recent individual cities representation to higher prices,Main is structural and regional market fluctuations,Did not change the pattern of the overall market slants cold。


Property market taking“easing”,Who is behind push?


recent,some“限购”City of high-grade room and a person of extraordinary powers curtilage sales have active,“Most should belong to the"限购"object。Some local regulators turned a blind eye to it、Close one eye。”Shanghai enjoysmart real estate, vice President of the institute YangGongXu said。Some cases of exposure display,Parts of the city to defraud the irregular purchase qualified developers、Intermediary and personal,In fact take tacitly attitude。


Prices are expected to try to change another push is developers。Reporters found,Some developers to borrow some local governments“Dark help”,Start up the idea of building prices,Positive release“House prices already see bottom、Regulation will relax”signal,Induction homebuyers make moves。


House prices rebound again,Citizens can withstand?


“If house prices surged to another round,The consequences will be very serious。”Haikou people LiXiaoYan said,“Real estate regulation can be interrupted。That house prices will rebound reprisal,Since the citizens live that buy a house can not take it。”


In the light of consumer concerns,Live JianBu four ministries has been release property market regulation unwavering signal,Leaders of relevant departments also stressed that continue to implement strict control policy of real estate。


“in"Steady growth"policy,The change of market regulation just pay more attention of the rigid demand,Restrain the speculative demand policy has not changed。”GuYunChang experts said。


Experts said,In the tone of the growth under control results to defend,We must establish the long-term mechanism of real estate market regulation。Such as housing property tax reform should speed up,City housing information networking work should also speed up。


Another problem is,City room to continue to maintain security construction incremental?And distribution plan needs to be further open and transparent。


The national bureau of statistics spokesman filled to transport think,To low-cost housing、Male rent as a representative of security room construction can never relax,And should be clear with the two main population urbanization and migrant workers university graduates hooks,Prevent unfair distribution。


“The current housing market regulation of the key is still developers and consumers,To the land、Banks and other interests of the main body of the control power is not enough。”NieMeiSheng think,House prices involving multiple subject,In future, we must complementarily promote land、financial、Finance and tax、Industrial structure、A series of income distribution system reform,To promote the overall economy and real estate industry development。
