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  本报讯 记者昨天获悉,南京将于9月1日起施行容积率新规,新规首次对别墅的层高设限,即不能超过3.6米;同时对其他建筑层高也有严格限制。一旦新规施行,利用层高做成错层、夹层等“假复式”房源营销的现象,将可能销声匿迹。

Report from our correspondent reporters learned yesterday,Nanjing on September 1, volume rate new rules,New rules for the first time to villa stories set limits,That is not more than 3.6 meters;At the same time for other construction layer also restrictions。Once the new rule to implementation,Use stories make wrong layer、Sandwich, etc“False double entry”Availability of marketing phenomenon,Will may be extinguished。


The so-called“Volume rate”,That is a total construction area of the earth ÷ construction project ownership land area。The building volume rate is high,House density,Live in the lower comfort。The government in the land transfer are centered exactly when the plot volume rate,But some developers to gain more profit,But playing“Steal area”pattern。“Two room change three room”、“Buy a layer send a layer”......Such marketing is not rare,The so-called“send”,The image was called“steal”,Because developers are actually try to use stories tall,Make it wrong layer or sandwich, etc“False double entry”houses,Again with“send”The name of the person that buy a house to attract eyeball。In nanjing,More than 4.8 m even more than 5.5 m of choose high floor is not rare,Choose high after,Volume rate has not changed,But use area a lot。Many developers technique to avoid the volume rate regulation,Diluted the land cost,Gain more profit。It's said,Nanjing some developers through the supernormal design skills“steal”Out of the“Gray area”Can reach 30%,Profit does not poor。


Recently on the introduction of the《Nanjing construction project volume rate to the provisional regulations》requirements:Residential building shall not be longer than 3.6 meters tall,apartment(Including serviced apartment)And office building shall not be longer than 4.8 meters tall,Ordinary business(Appearance room)Building shall not be more than 4.8 meters tall,supermarket、The large market、cinema、stores、catering、Entertainment function centralism layout of a single space more than 2000 square meters of commercial building according to the planning of examination tall determining the specific stories tall。The new rules also first clear villa shall not exceed 3.6 meters tall。

  南京市规划局相关负责人表示,计算容积率指标时,以往楼层每超过规定2.2米,该层建筑面积都按实际建筑面积的1.5倍来计算;新规却规定,同类情况按2倍来计算,更为严格。 (苑 明 汪晓霞)

Nanjing planning bureau officials say,Computing capacity rate index,Before each floor more than the required 2.2 meters,The floor area according to the actual construction area of 1.5 times to calculate;The new rules are rules,Similar in 2 times to calculate,More strict。 (Yuan Ming WangXiaoXia)
